• Thread starter gtrotary
Anybody saw any news on the PSVR2 implementation of PSSR.
Hoping for another update with some improvements once PSSR VR is implemented.
It might be used to reduce the load from the lower quality rendered area's around the Foveated Rendered sweet spot even further.
If there is any news please share it here. Thanks!
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Anybody saw any news on the PSVR2 implementation of PSSR.
Hoping for another update with some improvements once PSSR VR is implemented.
It might be used to reduce the load from the lower quality rendered area's around the Foveated Rendered sweet spot even further.
If there is any news please share it here. Thanks!
With Sony doing the bare minimum now for VR we will be lucky to ever see PSSR for the headset imo.
PSSR is not implemented for VR yet. This is still to be implemented.
Cerny said that PSSR for PSVR2 will be available for all VR games once it's ready.
Then al VR games should benefit from it. How, what and when is the question!
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Just got vr. The lack of info available is disappointing. Hard to work race strategy without it. Any one else feel the same?
I was and still am the same to a degree.

The only important data missing is the delta as a number (time) but you'll soon start to judge the time based on what you see ahead or in the side mirror.

I still miss the in QT the real time lap delta and in race either the position list or the track map.

But I will cope with not having them as I'm faster and enjoy the game so much more in VR. So yes I miss having some of the data but I would never switch from VR now
Hey guys. It’s been a while. In the last 5 months or so I became a GT7 addict, thanks to the VR2 and making my DD wheel and pedals PS5 compatible. 3 weeks ago I bought a PS5 Pro without any expectations for VR. And to my surprise, it was worth it to me. Even on a screen, the ray tracing (not available in VR) really adds something to the game. When I first saw the ps5 pro gt7 announcement I thought what a cra.p. But it really is cool to see your own cars reflected on the other cars.

I am a PC VR Sim Racer since the first oculus came out as a dev kit. That must be almost 10 years. My current PC headset is a Reverb G2. Using super sampling at 150% for most games like iRacing, assetto Corsa, ams2 etc. I was used to a crystal clear image.

The first time I got my VR2 5 months ago I was so disappointed about how blurry and bad GT7 looks in VR. But the fun won and I got used to it. Now when I switch between PC and GT7, I don’t notice the difference that much. I switched to GT7 because of the lack of single player content in PC Sims.

I’ve purchased a Simagic DS-8x H pattern shifter last week. And it added so much more immersion to the game. Love this game so much in VR. Especially old cars with a H shifter.

Two days ago I discovered the custom races you can create. That adds so many endless possibilities.

What’s the point of this post? Just wanted to share how amazing GT7 in VR is. Often times it feels so realistic. 10 years into VR racing and it still amazes me every time I put on a headset. Can’t do a single proper lap on a flat screen lol
Can I know what wheel base you have and how you were able to connect the simagic ds-8x shifter to ps5 pro? I have logitech g pro wheel, ps5 pro and psvr2. And I'm looking into simagic ds-8x shifter.
I was and still am the same to a degree.

The only important data missing is the delta as a number (time) but you'll soon start to judge the time based on what you see ahead or in the side mirror.

I still miss the in QT the real time lap delta and in race either the position list or the track map.

But I will cope with not having them as I'm faster and enjoy the game so much more in VR. So yes I miss having some of the data but I would never switch from VR now
It's taken me more than a month to get to my pace with the VR. At first I really hated not having a delta. When I first started to play this game a little more seriously than I ever had the previous ones, I was drawn to the TT in sport mode. I hated the dirty driving in the daily races so the individual aspect of time trialing seemed a better fit. At first the delta would cause me to push harder than I was able to maintain. I always thought it hindered me. Fast forward to VR and the fact that I had learned to live with and actually use my delta better, now without it I pay more attention to my actual driving. It's weird. I think I was on to something in the initial dislike of it.

I honestly pay more attention to the sector times now and it really seems to me like I am more consistent without the delta. It doesn't cause me to push more than I should without. I incrementally ramp my pace up and find time more quickly. It's also because VR is absolutely a game changer in the way one sees the track.

I have grown to agree with most of you in here that VR is the ONLY way to play this game.

Cheers all and thank you for all the help!
That’s it. Just the one option would be enough. Even if it popped up and disappeared each lap with your lap time and position.

We’re all like…

Anything sony!

Do anything!!

To be fair. With the exception of vr, which they treat like a red headed step child, sony has made some pretty poor decisions through the ps5 era. Personally, they have a little under a year to show some sign of smartening up or ill build a pc and pick up something like the pimax crystal and never look back. I’d rather keep things as they are but im not really into supporting a company who has literally done nothing since release.

Not for nothing… ac evo looking more gran turismo, than gran turismo has a lot to do with it. Fwiw, i’ve never tried any iteration of ac, but that feature list is everything i think a top end driving game contain and pd seems more into scapes than cars lately.
I read you. I’m just looking at how much time I’ll be sinking into GTA 6 when that comes out. As much as I’d love to get a pc and rig set up, I can’t see me doing that at this moment in my life. I know I could get a wheel at the least, but I want the whole thing thing done right.
Id just like more than anything to have a fixed cockpit position.

Almost every car I have to do the pause rese position to get the perspective properly placed in the car both vertically and laterally.

1st world problem but annoying QOL thing
yeah. I’m often like, you have 4 cameras on the front of this sucker. What’s so hard about using this big honking wheel in front of me and line things up =p

Controller of course is a different animal…
yeah. I’m often like, you have 4 cameras on the front of this sucker. What’s so hard about using this big honking wheel in front of me and line things up =p

Controller of course is a different animal…
This week with the Hurracan is bad (it's also bad in the NSX) is that it mimics the "bonnet/hood" cam and is weirdly really high or in the NSX slightly off center and too far away.

Just small details and you can drive round them etc so defo first world problems but when all I really do is dailies and TTs it's more pronounced. Not game or experience breaking just minor annoyance stuff
does anyone have any tips to stop the lenses fogging for the first 5/10 mins of use. I wipe them every time I put them on so guessing they need to warm up a bit as it goes away after a bit of use
does anyone have any tips to stop the lenses fogging for the first 5/10 mins of use. I wipe them every time I put them on so guessing they need to warm up a bit as it goes away after a bit of use
None and I'm a sweaty human. Sometimes it's maddening! 😂

I actually think keeping the lens as far as is possible from your eyes without messing with the fov or letting light in helps. A little.
does anyone have any tips to stop the lenses fogging for the first 5/10 mins of use. I wipe them every time I put them on so guessing they need to warm up a bit as it goes away after a bit of use
What you need to do is condition and allow the inside of the unit to come up to your face body temperature prior to using it and playing it.....

It can take anywhere from 30 sec to a few minutes depending on how large of a difference between the room and unit temperature and your own face temperature...

The inside fog up situation happens especially if your unit has been inside the room where the ambient temperature is low, and your warm face sealing it as you start playing right away.

What I usually do is put the headset on, but pull the screen all the way forward and allow a large gap to let temperature within the headset to adjust and reach a good medium between the original unit temperature and that of my face.
Usually 30 sec is enough that I can start playing without any fog up issue.

Worse case scenario, just aim space heater at the head set inside from a meter away, so that he can warm up for 15 sec and jump to play After that...

You still have to clean the lenses After every few sessions... Keeping them clean reduce the fog situation
does anyone have any tips to stop the lenses fogging for the first 5/10 mins of use. I wipe them every time I put them on so guessing they need to warm up a bit as it goes away after a bit of use
A fan blowing in your face, it doesn't have to be strong or anything, just any old airflow, it will solve the problem. My wind sim did the trick for me, it fogs up, as soon as I start driving at speed, it clears up and it stays that way.
Has anyone else had an issue with suddenly, quite possible mid race, getting a message to remove the headset and follow the instructions on screen? Then, when I turn on the screen there are no instructions and the game has quit the race it was in with an error?

I think this is to do with the fact I got a new TV towards the end of last year, it first occurred shortly after that. One common factor between all the cases of this occurring is I've had the TV on before or between races, but turned it off before racing and getting the error. So at least I think I know how to avoid it occurring in future, just a bit of pain when I want to do the between game stuff on the TV instead of with the headset on.
Has anyone else had an issue with suddenly, quite possible mid race, getting a message to remove the headset and follow the instructions on screen? Then, when I turn on the screen there are no instructions and the game has quit the race it was in with an error?

I think this is to do with the fact I got a new TV towards the end of last year, it first occurred shortly after that. One common factor between all the cases of this occurring is I've had the TV on before or between races, but turned it off before racing and getting the error. So at least I think I know how to avoid it occurring in future, just a bit of pain when I want to do the between game stuff on the TV instead of with the headset on.
Are you moving out of the play area you set, like reaching for a drink or something? That's the only thing I have happen that was similar
Are any of you able to use the PSVR2 without a connected tvscreen/monitor yet.
I always imagined a compact setup without a screen. It's still needed tot connect somekind of screen to make the PSVR2 work right?
Has anyone else had an issue with suddenly, quite possible mid race, getting a message to remove the headset and follow the instructions on screen? Then, when I turn on the screen there are no instructions and the game has quit the race it was in with an error?

I think this is to do with the fact I got a new TV towards the end of last year, it first occurred shortly after that. One common factor between all the cases of this occurring is I've had the TV on before or between races, but turned it off before racing and getting the error. So at least I think I know how to avoid it occurring in future, just a bit of pain when I want to do the between game stuff on the TV instead of with the headset on.
Never happened to me ever. I run every light I have in the room turned on full brightness. Not sure but maybe room too dark?
Are you moving out of the play area you set, like reaching for a drink or something? That's the only thing I have happen that was similar
Nope, it's happened when sitting pretty fixed when driving. Or the last time thankfully just as the race had finished, I was worried for a moment I was going to be treated as a quitter with DR/SR drop, but thankfully not, I updated Gran Tracker and I had got my DR boost.
Never happened to me ever. I run every light I have in the room turned on full brightness. Not sure but maybe room too dark?
Thanks, but this never happened to me before despite using GT7 with PSVR2 since it was first available almost two years ago. Until I got that my new TV last year that is, and it's also only happened when I've had both the PSVR2 and that TV on at some point before racing. No idea what techy reason could be behind that, but the circumstantial evidence is strong.