GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I totally agree. :)The Kuruma is my best purchase. :bowdown: It can take a TON of abuse before it needs to be repaired. I use it for sightseer, gang wars and "A Titan of a job". I've made my money back and probably made a million dollar profit on it. And the Insurgent is perfect for the "collect a bounty"-daily objective. A sticky bomb in the grille, go off radar and BOOOM. Bounty collected:tup:

The Kuruma is an amazing car to own. My only complaint would be the understeer, but it's never been a problem for me. The Insurgent is just plain fun. It's an extremely fast for a vehicle of it's size, can climb over just about anything or cross rivers, and can be used as a battering ram (My typical role during the Merryweather - Convoy setup :lol:). The only problem I have is the lightbar doesn't illuminate the road as brightly as the Bodhi's or Merryweather Mesa's.

Savage is extremely useful for soloing missions and also hydra is good to practice combat jet flying (extremely important skill to have regardless of gen). Kuruma is extremely beneficial to have anymore since the damage protection makes a lot of engagement easier. One of the first big purchases I make on my new account I'm making solely for PS3 will be a Kuruma after I get the heist done.

The Savage is one of my favorite combat helicopters in the game, but it's not that strong, and you're limited quite a bit in pitch control, which is essential for strafing runs. The Hydra is perfect to teach beginner pilots, but it's not as maneuverable as a Lazer.
I only bought a regular Kuruma (in pink of course) because it was what I could afford.
If anything, 70k subs is pretty low for one of the most essential channels representing a multi million selling game, even if it is just a niche within.
If anything, 70k subs is pretty low for one of the most essential channels representing a multi million selling game, even if it is just a niche within.
If he made videos that start with deafeningly awful dance music about racing on those stupidly huge jump tracks and screamed none stop while being completely wired on energy drinks, says things like "hey what is up guys", " spam that like button" etc etc he would have about 2 million subs.

Also regarding his voice, I don't mind it apart from the initial "hello everyone I'm broughy1322"
The Savage is one of my favorite combat helicopters in the game, but it's not that strong, and you're limited quite a bit in pitch control, which is essential for strafing runs. The Hydra is perfect to teach beginner pilots, but it's not as maneuverable as a Lazer.

I've become extremely good with the Savage. Once you have gotten used to it's relatively slow responding controls you can become very precise with it. My favorite move is to approach a target straight on and then when I get close do a full speed 270* rotation. This bleeds off all of your speed while aligning you with the broadside of the target very quickly, and while spinning, the nose tends to achieve more pitch. You have to be very fluid and the timing has to be right, as the nose of the savage will come right back up after you've finished the spin. I generally don't use the rockets at all, pure cannon, as it's far more effective with it's secondary splash damage. Once you get comfortable with it, precision strikes are great fun. It is annoying how little armor it has though. A few well placed shots will easily bring it down. The thing I like least is how they balanced the cannon with it's unrealistically short range. I would gladly accept a far slower fire rate in exchange for better range. Even something like one round ever 2 seconds.

In any case, it makes head hunter essentially a walk in the park.
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I'm currently sitting at 3.4 million. Hoping not everything is as expensive as I think it is.
tfw when on $150k, and leaving on a 2 week vacation tomorrow from a very busy day today.
Currently on 5.5 million. Depending on how good that LMP looking thing is, I may sell my X80. I know I'll be buying the F1 and the Quattro. And maybe that car that looked a little like a HSV-010.

I'll probably need to sell my Reaper too.

And maybe switch one of my houses for a garage.
I think it will be moderately priced. This stuff has to keep the community going till the next update, if there is one. The modified Tampa will likely cost about the same as the lowriders and Sultan RS/900R. The other supers will no doubt cost over $1.5M - I guess you could argue LMP cars should be more expensive than a T20 though.
I can't remember what I'm sitting at, but I know it won't be enough. I've got some serious VIP grinding ahead of me.
Just sitting by myself in an Invite Only session being a CEO doing work, if anyone wants to join and help out on Headhunter, I'll invite you :lol:
I've got about one million right now. If anyone wants to help grind for cash on the Xbone, I'm available.

Also today is the final day of the X2 Cash and RP for the Power Play and Trading Places playlist (in order it's Power Play 3, Trading Places 3, Power Play 1).
Considering I have about $25k to my name it'd be a while before I manage to buy anything, plus I still want some cars from the previous updates.
My $23 million bank account is going to die in a hellfire when I get a PS4. Hope I have enough to last me for a little bit when I transfer over. :lol: