GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I have four properties excluding the office, and none of my garages are full. I've sold off a lot of my cars over the last few months.

I currently have $3.4 million and I'm grinding on my second character (Xavier is not an old Chinese man, @STI9 or @Sting or whichever one of you said he was, he's just a young guy of Asian descent with silver dyed hair ;)) to level him up and earn myself some more cash in the process.

I can neither confirm nor deny that I said to @STI9 once: "Katie's an Asian dude!"
Updates out.

Got these from GTAForums. I don't like these prices. At all.
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All new stuff in the update:


Legendary MS
Emperor ETR1 - $1,995,000
Progen Tyrus (F1) - $2,550,000
Annis RE-7B(LMP) - $2,475,000
Obey Omnis (Audi Quattro) - $701,000
Lampadati Tropos Rallye - $816,000
Grotti Brioso R/A (Fiat 500) - $155,000
Vapid Trophy Truck - $550,000
Vapid Desert Raid - $695,000

Burger Shot Stallion/Pisswassser Dominator/Redwood Gauntlet now free on SSASA


Western Gargoyle - $120,000
Nagasaki BF400 - $95,000
Racing suits(various colours) - $93-105k
Biker Suits - $71-86k
Stuntman suits - $71-132k
Muscle Pants - $1-5k
Leather Jackets
Racing Jackets
Bomber Jackets

No new masks
Bunch of new car branded caps and new helmets.


New race themed tats in all categories

They have also re-jigged the interaction menu to make it more organised and easier to use. Passive mode is now the bottom option so you can hit the up arrow to get to it straight away.

EDIT: Can confirm - no 6th property.
No 6th means that the Broughy video will be the one to make it count.

I'll be waiting for PC mods to get updated before I eventually make a decision. I mean.. the LFA is just too good to pass up.
Just had a quick test of the new cars and after a few minutes I can already say the the...

Omnis (Audi Quattro) And the Tropos Rallye (stratos)

Are MUST buy cars. So much fun and they look amazing.

The McLaren F1 is also fast and fun. Something about the look of it I don't quite like.
The desert raid car is hideous.
The trophy truck is awesome
To purchase all cars without customisation is $9,937,000. It would cost around $208k for all performance mods (bit less as they are currently on sale)...

...bringing the total to $11,601,000.
Remember that you can always try the stock car on Creator mode or any race. Don't waste your money yet.


While sounding, looking and being great on the eye, it's a shame on the Omnis and the Tropos being Sports, since they feel like performance levels of the Penumbra.

I feel that the Brioso might be the new king of the Compacts since it's 4WD.

Trophy Trucks are niche. Next!

The new rehashed BF400 from San Andreas is both Off Road and Bike. A new king perhaps, it seems to be performing much better than any Sanchez I ever drove.

I love the Gargoyle. It's like the Innovation, but with more sensitivity to weight transfer. And it goes off road like a dream. Gonna replace soon.

The ETR1 isn't the LFA we deserve. Beefy sound, okay handling..

The Tyrus is top tier material. The RE-7B feels particularly lesser compared in nealy all ways to the Tyrus.
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The Quattro has all the normal customisation options. You can remove the livery. Cannot take it to Bennys however, or change the interior or engine bay.