GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Hey there, My name is derick.
If you are like me you don't really like having to scroll through forums to find Gta 5 Car Meets and what not.
So I took it upon my self to create a website that I will be turning into a App for phones and other mobile devices that allows you to do just that specifically for Gta 5. I made this with a simple wix website, You don't have to sign up for anything, Just input your info for the game and submit. It is up to you to host the game and make it great. I wil be making updates to the website like appearance and such periodically. Enjoy!

Been playing this game for a bit now but never really shared my psn with GTP so anyways, Jeff-Z28 is my psn. Feel free to add me and we can play some GTA!
There's no Donk, Faggio or Trike options for Vehicle class, can't use your site sorry
Vehicle class isn't mean for specific car names, just vehicle types. If you want a custom meet saying you only want that type of vehicle, You put down what kind of vehicle the vehicles class is, then in the description say (Only use this vehicle) or (This is a (Donk, Faggio, Trike, etc.) meet only)
At what point do you guys usually do the sell missions for businesses? I assume selling at full capacity is most profitable, but I imagine you'll see diminishing returns before that.
It's kind of ironic to see the comments about the grinding back in the day since I was talking with a modder on the PS3 who was talking about the old school grinding yesterday. That got brought up since the 3 became a warzone of modded accounts with people using invisible outfits and combat rolling constantly. His point is that too many players on past gen rely on cheating more than they rely on actual skills- a point that's pretty true.
If the Hakuchou Drag's windshield could be painted to match the body color, there's a very high probability I would make one to look like the bikes in this music video:

I remember the days of having to run to ammunition mid mission because you'd spam the restart button meaning no lobby. I also remember cheating on criminal records with 3-5 people taking it in turns to win and everyone putting 10k on the one set to win.
Really enjoying the new bikes, especially the 'Hakuchou Drag' but I do feel Rockstar missed a trick. They should've added a version of the 'Honda Rukus'.



Could've called it the 'Dinka Ruksak' or something.
I'm given to understand Online takes place prior to SP storyline, so does that mean the cargo plane Trevor dunked into the Alamo Sea isn't there?
I'm given to understand Online takes place prior to SP storyline, so does that mean the cargo plane Trevor dunked into the Alamo Sea isn't there?

I've looked for it before but never found it. I'd be happy to learn that I missed it, but I don't think it's there :(
I'm given to understand Online takes place prior to SP storyline, so does that mean the cargo plane Trevor dunked into the Alamo Sea isn't there?
Online starts before Single Player but they overlap the further you get in contact missions.
I suppose I need to locate it in SP with a sub and then go to that location using rebreathers online to find out for sure.