GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Some users on here spend a lot of time complaining about shark cards and how evil and money grubbing R* is (despite the fact that they have yet to charge anything for any of the extra content they have released). If you need money that bad, how's about getting a couple of friends together and do the Pacific Standard heist glitch? It is an excellent way of getting money fast.
Even before last week's car glitch that gave a lot of us, a lot of money. Or in @Katiegan 's case, resulted in her buying a nice clubhouse :). The players I play with regularly @STI9 @Sting @Flash_Sweden all had between $15M and $20M in the bank because of the Pacific Standard Glitch.
To be fair, I could have had that kind of money as well, I just keep pissing it away on stupid stuff. Have you seen my new customized Vulcar Ingot by the way?

FWIW, I spent about 467 million in just under 2 hours on a character I just created, and I still haven't spent on a dime on clothing, Biker Businesses/upgrades, masks, weapons, or building vehicles. I expect to spend another couple hundred million tomorrow to ensure both characters on that PSN are loaded up. That really demonstrates how expensive it is to experience all the game has to offer. Half a billion doesn't even cover two fully equipped characters...
It's not about owning everything in the game. We don't need that many millions in the game to be happy. To be filled with options sure, but it's way way way WAY more than enough. I'd wager you'd only need about 30 million to be on the high end bear necessities, with one of every solution for the itches that can't be scratched.

Heck, the scrub package of mindless low level free roam PvP only will set you back 5 million if you choose right, and shop smart.

The endgame is expensive, but mostly unnecessary to be optimal. Especially the yacht. This is part of this sort of game design by default: you want to be working for something, but place a level where the reward for commitment isn't high or important. While R* does it less than amicably, it does it much much better than most similar MMO style games I see around.
I can honestly not see the point in having 2 characters with every possible thing in the game. Hell, I can barely see the point in having 2 characters. Exept maybe for the extra garages. But who actually needs 120 different cars? Plus 20 bikes?:confused: And what, 800 gazillion different ways of combining outfits?
@Marcus Garvey $467M?! May I see a run down of what you bought please?

Off the top of my head the majority portions of what I spent the other day;

~ $90mil in Pegasus Vehicles
~ $86mil in Properties including CEO/BIKER offices/clubhouses and 5 warehouses, 5 businesses, yacht, etc(I did switch offices, yachts, and clubhouses once, and changed a couple of warehouses so there's two office purchases, a yacht refinish, etc in there)
~ $189mil in 60 Tyruses to sell(I probably wasted several million just playing with different wheels/parts to find the highest resale price)
~ $15mil in Haku Drag bikes to sell(again, I'm sure a wasted a couple mil experimenting, but that's rather insignificant when dealing in the hundreds of millions we are discussing)

That's approaching $400mil just off the top of my head on one character without even buying any personal effects, and not counting the 30-40mil I burned just playing with various cars before settling on the Tyrus as the X80 is discounted this week. Also doesn't include the money I burned to check out the vehicles from the recent update before overwriting them with Tyruses, nor does it include the cars that were already in the garages that I overwrote with Tyruses. Over the next couple of days I'm going to do it again on the other character. I'm going to burn nearly a billion dollars on one PSN in just a few days. When I get home I should be able to see in more detail what else I spent as the above is just what I recall while I'm here at work. This character is almost never used, and my goal is to keep it simply to test the newly released content before spending the cash on my main account.

It's not about owning everything in the game. We don't need that many millions in the game to be happy. To be filled with options sure, but it's way way way WAY more than enough. I'd wager you'd only need about 30 million to be on the high end bear necessities, with one of every solution for the itches that can't be scratched.

Heck, the scrub package of mindless low level free roam PvP only will set you back 5 million if you choose right, and shop smart.

The endgame is expensive, but mostly unnecessary to be optimal. Especially the yacht. This is part of this sort of game design by default: you want to be working for something, but place a level where the reward for commitment isn't high or important. While R* does it less than amicably, it does it much much better than most similar MMO style games I see around.

I can honestly not see the point in having 2 characters with every possible thing in the game. Hell, I can barely see the point in having 2 characters. Exept maybe for the extra garages. But who actually needs 120 different cars? Plus 20 bikes?:confused: And what, 800 gazillion different ways of combining outfits?


I spend more of my time in or around my Yacht than probably anywhere else, and I fly my Luxor Deluxe nearly daily. These items may not provide any value to you, but they certainly do to players with varying styles of play. If I go to ammunation once a week in real time, that's a lot. I'm not a run and gun player, and I rarely use any weapons; most of my time is spent hanging out and enjoying the environment and beautiful artwork the game has. I spend a lot of time hiking, mountain biking, and bmxing, drinking beers, and the like. I understand that not everyone shares the same style of play, and that is their prerogative. I may not find the appeal in their style of play but everyone strives toward different goals for their gaming experience. The above is simply mine. For me, the gameplay of missions and such is only a means to an end. That end is to buy the things I want to enjoy in the game. The yacht is my favourite addition to the game.
This may be taking the role playing aspect a bit too far but it would be great to be able to have a temporary "home" in the form of a caravan/RV or even camping with a tent for those off grid moments.

I would love R* one day to be able to include a lot more wilderness in future versions of GTA. Like snow capped mountains, large deserts and Forrest's you can get lost in.
This may be taking the role playing aspect a bit too far but it would be great to be able to have a temporary "home" in the form of a caravan/RV or even camping with a tent for those off grid moments.

I would love R* one day to be able to include a lot more wilderness in future versions of GTA. Like snow capped mountains, large deserts and Forrest's you can get lost in.

One my friends has been on about adding the ability to sit at the various benches and seats around the map like you can in your office/clubhouse. To further that idea is the desire to have a lawn chair or similar in your inventory. If you can carry a full arsenal of weapons and fireworks in your pocket, I'm sure they can fit a folding chair in there that you can just whip out and sit down on a trail or mountain peak to watch the sunset with a few beers.
Snow capped mountains, a desert and a forest. Hmm I don't think this is something R* is a stranger towards in putting these on one of their games *cough*Red Dead Redemption*wheeze*

Speaking of wilderness, I wouldn't mind a volcano of all things. I want to see what clever programming they have to come up to get a believable one.

Oops! My mistake. I guess I re-wrote and edited that post one time to much before posting it. It was supposed to begin with "I know it's just my personal opinion, but....".

As long as we're all having fun :cheers:

Personally, I have everything I need/want, and even if I might dump a million or two or three this weekend (only because of the discounts), I'll still have some spare cash to take me through the upcoming DLC's. Cash that I've gotten through playing the game, not by modding. That last car-glitch was the most tedious thing that I've ever done in GTAO, but do I regret it? OH 🤬 NO! :D
To think that the new Halloween weather with uneasy wind in the day and overly spooky, half mooned night that was going to happen...

.. would end up being exclusive for the new upcoming adversary mode.. don't ask me how I know, but having a thunderstorm in free roam truly is too good to be true.
@Marcus Garvey

First of all. I just wanna say, to some extend I agree with you. The payouts of the various missions, heist etc compared to the prices of some of the items you can buy in the game, it is clear R* wants people to buy Shark Cards, if they want it all (or cheat, though I doubt R* thinks that a good idea).
However none of the really expensive stuff is actually required to play the game, and play all game modes. The cheapest apartment for example. $200.000 and you're ready to do heists.

You like flying the Luxor. Fair enough, that's a pricey item $1.625.000. Thats expensive (not to mention the $10.000.000 Gold Luxor, but then again, who in their right mind would buy that...), but do you really need to buy it? If you wanna fly it, you call Pegasus, and they deliver it to the nearest airport. But two out of three airports in the game (Los Santos International and Sandy shores), spawn it pretty regularly, LSI pretty much always. So why buy it, when you can just go pick one up for free? And that's the case with a lot of Pegasus vehicles. Be they important/usable (Buzzard Attack Chopper, Cargobob, etc.) or completely irrelevant/usless/ vehicles (Dump, City busses, trucks, Rental bus). My point is, that a lot of expensive Pegasus vehicles, you get for free, if you can live with not owning them, can spare 5-10 minutes to go get it, and having to fight the occasional bus driver when you steal his bus (!)

Moving on to another point. $190M buying and upgrading 60... SIXTY! Tyruses, to launder you money. Plus another $15M on drag bikes. And then use that, as an argument to show how everything in the game is insanely over priced!? You are joking right?

Admited, the CEO stuff is overpriced compared to the payout, same for the new Biker businesses. Now to use myself as an example, like I said earlier, I wasted a lot of money buying cars, modding them, and selling them again two weeks later. If I hadn't done that I would easily have had enough money to buy offices, businesses etc. Same with various military vehicles, boats, weapons, clothes. But I don't want to. So I spend my money elsewhere.

So you might say "but what if I want it all?" as it seems you do. Twice! Well then you have two (legal) options.

1) Whip out that wallet and fork over some extra dough

2) Strap in and work for it. Like you have to do IN EVERY GAME, EVER! (if you want everything)

R* makes good games, R* makes great games! That's the reason so many people buy them! That's the reason so many people still play them regularly three years after release! On top of that, they ad tons of free stuff. And yet so many people fell this need to spend so much time complaining and nitpicking.

Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means a R* fanboy. Every R* games have major flaws, and I'd be happy to talk about that some other time.
But compared to many other game companies, I'd say they are doing a pretty darn good job. I mean have you played an EA game ever? You pretty much get nothing for free once the game is released, except for the occasional update/patch.
Same goes for
Eidos Interactive (Releasing the Hitman game in chapters that you have to pay for individually, are you kidding me?!)
Lucas Arts
Etc. Etc. Etc.

I recently bought NBA 2K17. There's a whole game mode (MyTeam) in that game that pretty much require you to spend extra money if you want anything meaningful out of it. For one game of basket ball played you earn between 300 VC (virtual currency) and 1500 VC. One of the card packs used for MyTeam costs 220.000 VC !!!

And you complain because it costs $190M to buy the most expensive car in GTA SIXTY times!

And just to make everything even more
you say you spend most of your time hiking, biking and beer drinking...

I'm just...

To quote every white teenage girl in ugg boots drinking pumpkin spiced latte

"I can't even..."
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These items may not provide any value to you, but they certainly do to players with varying styles of play. If I go to ammunation once a week in real time, that's a lot. I'm not a run and gun player, and I rarely use any weapons; most of my time is spent hanging out and enjoying the environment and beautiful artwork the game has. I spend a lot of time hiking, mountain biking, and bmxing, drinking beers, and the like. I understand that not everyone shares the same style of play, and that is their prerogative. I may not find the appeal in their style of play but everyone strives toward different goals for their gaming experience. The above is simply mine. For me, the gameplay of missions and such is only a means to an end. That end is to buy the things I want to enjoy in the game. The yacht is my favourite addition to the game.

To think that the new Halloween weather with uneasy wind in the day and overly spooky, half mooned night that was going to happen...

.. would end up being exclusive for the new upcoming adversary mode.. don't ask me how I know, but having a thunderstorm in free roam truly is too good to be true.

Which nobody is going to play...

Seriously, Rockstar puts the most effort into the things nobody asks for. :lol:
I will say that for those players who have more ambitious desires in this game, waiting for sales and knowing what to buy will make your money go much further.

Of course, there's still the issue of waiting. :crazy:

Which nobody is going to play...

Seriously, Rockstar puts the most effort into the things nobody asks for. :lol:
I play them...

Well, the fun ones at least.
"Hey what is up you guys! It's ya boy xXx-_-CallmeDan69420-_-xXx here with another GTA 5 Online glitch tutorial that I totally found on my own and didn't steal from GTAforums and Se7ensins! But before we get into the video be sure to smash that like button! Alright here's how you do the glitch:
  • Buy a car
  • Summon Satan himself by using a deeply involved and confusing sacrificial ceremony
  • Have a friend standing on a chair while wearing a tin foil bikini
  • Have him/her simultaneously achieve a state of enlightenment while climaxing
  • Find Bill Gates and ask him to break the internet for precisely 11.007 seconds
  • Place a lasagne meal for one in a 900 watt microwave (must be 900watts)
  • Once everything is set up melt your PS4 controller while your friend from before crashes down from his enlightened state and is now crying while spamming the X button
It's that simple! Enjoy your money and hideously modified cars! Don't forget to smash that like button, subscribe to me on YouTube, subscribe to my Twitch, donate to my Twitch, Patreon, and PayPal, follow me on Twitter and Facebook, and also share this video on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. Alright guys, hope you have a good day (I really don't; I hate you all and use your gullibility for money)!"
No, you gotta say hack. Everything is a hack, no glitches. Right, @GranTurismo916?
GTO, you have glitched money. You know this, and I know this. That speaks to me, very loudly. Your own actions state that you understand there is an economic imbalance in the game. You choose to make statements that contradict your own actions. Actions speak louder than words. This can lead someone to only one conclusion; you are hypocrite and are simply looking to argue on the internet, for a position in which your own actions disagree.

I dont ask you to agree with my position, but I do ask that you discuss with respect to yourself and others.
Im gonna bump this, don't any of you find GTA 5 Boring? Its a 3 year old game, and i feel like Rockstar are milking this game so much.

To be honest: Yes. It's a bit boring now after that dupe-glitch. Before I did it, i would actually play to get cash, buy the stuff that i wanted and feeling somewhat happy about it. Like finally being able to get a yacht for example. Even if it was on sale at the moment.
But now, I can buy pretty much anything I want, without thinking "Will I have enough money left for the next DLC or those weekly discounts?"

2 weeks ago, I had a profitable night. I made about $500k and had a fun time with some crewmembers. Today after work, I logged on, did my daily's (wich took 15 minutes or so), sold 2 or 3 cars and made over $2M. I'd say that I had more fun making that $500k than I had making those $2M.

And yes, I know. I have only myself to blame for that...and other crewmembers that wouldn't stop glitching, and therefore "forcing" me to continue ;)

The good part is that i get time left to do other stuff, like being in my reallife garage, tinkering with my baby and getting her ready for the next summer.
Fricks sake! I dont have enough money to buy a clubhouse and a mod shop!

EDIT:Guess I could just sell something first, call it an invenstment

It started saving again before I left.

Made $13M so far today, will continue when I get home in a couple of hours. Hoping to reach a clean crisp $20M.

A productive day at the office. Went from $113 after having bought the clubhouse, mod shop and faggio. To having $28.1M in the bank plus 8 extra sultans in storage each worth $783.144,00

View attachment 595187

Not to shabby

Still have my 100% legit money.

Wait, what?
Not really. The new content is enough to keep me playing. Crew members always make playing the game fun, even if its just driving around not really doing anything in particular. Top quality banter.

That glitched money that you have has to keep it interesting, too, right? Right.
People actually care about glitched money?

I mean...this game really isn't that fun when you're broke. At all. You can't do anything.

A lot of the time, you may not have the time to grind the everliving hell out of missions and heists. Plus, that stuff gets pretty boring. And it's not like you'll be getting a considerable amount of money for your grinding; look at how much the prices have inflated in GTA. The most expensive car was 1 million. Now, it's 2.8 million. I don't recall how much you get from Pacific Standard, but I'm pretty sure you have to run through it a few times to afford an X80, or an RE-7B.

Glitches allow me to make ridiculous amounts of money in relatively short amounts of time, which allows me to keep up with GTA's inflated economy, while not having to grind for hours. It's fun to have the stuff that you like while not having to grind for it. It's not fun to grind for hours and hours.

That's just me, anyway.
People actually care about glitched money?

I mean...this game really isn't that fun when you're broke. At all. You can't do anything.

A lot of the time, you may not have the time to grind the everliving hell out of missions and heists. Plus, that stuff gets pretty boring. And it's not like you'll be getting a considerable amount of money for your grinding; look at how much the prices have inflated in GTA. The most expensive car was 1 million. Now, it's 2.8 million. I don't recall how much you get from Pacific Standard, but I'm pretty sure you have to run through it a few times to afford an X80, or an RE-7B.

Glitches allow me to make ridiculous amounts of money in relatively short amounts of time, which allows me to keep up with GTA's inflated economy, while not having to grind for hours. It's fun to have the stuff that you like while not having to grind for it. It's not fun to grind for hours and hours.

That's just me, anyway.
I fully agree. I like customizing and driving cars. Its hard to do that when my budget is on a shoestring and selling cars only gives back 10%
I did the glitch yesterday and after I sell my last 8 Sultans I think I will be sitting on 30M (provided R* don't correct my bank balance).
Be aware though folks that there is a sell limit. Some are saying its 30 cars every 24 hours (real time) and if you go over then R* will cap it. One person on the forum was restricted to selling 3 cars per day (yes three) so be careful. I would sell maybe 25 then fill all your spare garage slots and sell the rest off periodically.

I cant believe $2M for the Sanctus and almost 600k for the Tornado once modified. Definitely overpriced.
Sorry to change the subject here but about what I said before about being able to use RVs or a camping tent as a "home" while we are having a moment of bonding with mother earth,

Well I thought all that would be ruined by a Hydra or other Griefers. There you are in your tent gazing at the stars while waiting for the kettle to boil and then it's all ruined by a forward rolling idiot with an RPG. So it would be great if you were off radar while in your RV/Tent but of course, once you leave it you are visible again or some other variation other than just making the tent indestructible.

Itll never happen. I'll just have to settle with awkwardly standing in the wilderness next to a tent waiting for that RPG moment.
Sorry to change the subject here but about what I said before about being able to use RVs or a camping tent as a "home" while we are having a moment of bonding with mother earth,

Well I thought all that would be ruined by a Hydra or other Griefers. There you are in your tent gazing at the stars while waiting for the kettle to boil and then it's all ruined by a forward rolling idiot with an RPG. So it would be great if you were off radar while in your RV/Tent but of course, once you leave it you are visible again or some other variation other than just making the tent indestructible.

Itll never happen. I'll just have to settle with awkwardly standing in the wilderness next to a tent waiting for that RPG moment.
Well, if that got implemented, one would think that R* would add in special spots and also make them passive mode only areas that players cannot kill in. Then again, this is R* that we are talking about, so who knows what would happen.