- 16,280
- New York
- Jahgee1124
I'm revving up my rainbow gradient thumbnail maker as we speak thoughYan2295 posted this on GTAF about half an hour ago in regards to SP DLC:
"Hey all (and thanks Kirsty)!
I recently got some new informations that, I gotta admit, are very surprising, but also very interesting. Remember how I kept saying the the SP DLC is no longer a thing, that they basically cancelled it and forgot about it to instead use some of it and their efforts on GTA Online Updates? Well, apparently upper management are starting to seriously consider bringing it back, even thouh it would only come after RDR2 launches (and maybe not right after it, could be a while).
As we kinda guessed with the few things that were found about it in the files a while ago, mostly by Fun, thy already had quite a lot of work done before they "scrapped" it. I was told it is 60-70% complete - mo cap, tech animations and voice over are done. Basically the biggest part of the job is done, completing it would not be that hard.
Supporting GTA V with a DLC after RDR2 could also mean they will keep supporting GTA Online at least until this DLC comes out, in my opinion. That goes against the info I had a while back saying that they were planning to end the GTA Online updates around Spring 2017, but them changing their minds is not a very surprising thing.
As always, that's just what I heard, it doesn't mean it's all spot on or correct, and as I said above, Rockstar love changing their minds, but I thought it would be interesting to share. Now please don't go make videos titled "GTA V SINGLE PLAYER DLC CONFIRMED", or I'll bitch slap you. Thx. "