GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
What's the best way to make money these days if you have less than $500,000 in the bank, play alone, have no import/export business or any other business, don't want to cheat and don't want to buy Shark Cards?
Sell all your cars and buy a Office and then save for a vehicle warehouse, just do the double Money Stunt races and you can get it eventually.
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Might have to take you up on this! :)

Sure thing, add me on PSN its m8h3r too. My time atm is a bit all over the shop but if we're on at the same time just send me a message and we can team up and beat the Shark Cards.
Got $70k for winning a point to point race while second got $17k. :confused::confused::confused: Not that I'm complaining but talk about pay disparity.
Only problem I'm finding is that the stunt races are only worth it if you have 10+ players in it. I've played some races and finished in 3rd/4th and only got around $3-4k, not worth running three laps for that.
Where can I buy one of those guns the NPC chasers use during Import/Export missions? They seem to have a 6 miles range, can travel through walls and other vehicles and basically suck the life right out of you?!
You have no idea how much rage I get from this, whizzing through traffic under bridges and yet combined fire from a helicopter transporting a dude with a machine gun. I have 2 saved videos on my PS4, one of me getting chased by 5 different choppers before I even leave the beach, the other of me getting chased by not 1, or 2, or even 3, but 🤬 4 of the 🤬.
Do these NPCs target you or the car? If you got out of the priority car to send a stinger missile into the face of a chopper pilot, is he going to try and damage the car more than you?
Do these NPCs target you or the car? If you got out of the priority car to send a stinger missile into the face of a chopper pilot, is he going to try and damage the car more than you?
They tend to shoot at the car while you're driving it but when you stop and get out they will shoot at you.

Sometimes they turn up so fast, skidding and drifting all over the place but no matter what they do they can still hit you. Their accuracy is ridiculous.
See I don't tend to get shot as much as the car. I was thinking about that. I'd be mad as hell if it was my car, can you imagine, "Yeah boss we killed the guy here's your car". Proceeds to roll that car out damaged as much as it gets.
Do these NPCs target you or the car? If you got out of the priority car to send a stinger missile into the face of a chopper pilot, is he going to try and damage the car more than you?

They target you, the car just happens to be in the way of your funeral. Helicopters are the worst, the guys in the ground cars aren't too much of a problem if you're importing/exporting a Super-class car, but if it's the Roosevelt or the Z-Type, any muscle car aside from the Sabre Turbo Custom (or even my beloved Stirling GT) you're going to incur lots of repair costs.

That being said, the lower the market value of the car in question (the actual price, not what you get for selling it) also seems to affect how difficult the mission to steal the car is. Experimented with the FMJ/Reaper/Osiris/811 and I think there's a lower difficulty on the 811 compared to the others (because of the market value.)

I know the game says it scales difficulty based on market value, but whether that's based on sale price or actual price it doesn't say. All I know is that I've seen much easier missions when stealing the 811 compared to any other "Top Range" car, so if you're using that exploit mentioned before, see if your results are similar to mine.
That's why I love using the cargo bob. It's so easy and apart from a few NPC chases it's always a range free run.

Even the stealing mission with the car bomb is bypassed using the cargo bob. Just hook it up and deliver it, no bomb to disarm. But on the whole the NPC chasers are way too buffed.
They tend to shoot at the car while you're driving it but when you stop and get out they will shoot at you.

Sometimes they turn up so fast, skidding and drifting all over the place but no matter what they do they can still hit you. Their accuracy is ridiculous.
They target you, the car just happens to be in the way of your funeral. Helicopters are the worst, the guys in the ground cars aren't too much of a problem if you're importing/exporting a Super-class car, but if it's the Roosevelt or the Z-Type, any muscle car aside from the Sabre Turbo Custom (or even my beloved Stirling GT) you're going to incur lots of repair costs.

That being said, the lower the market value of the car in question (the actual price, not what you get for selling it) also seems to affect how difficult the mission to steal the car is. Experimented with the FMJ/Reaper/Osiris/811 and I think there's a lower difficulty on the 811 compared to the others (because of the market value.)

I know the game says it scales difficulty based on market value, but whether that's based on sale price or actual price it doesn't say. All I know is that I've seen much easier missions when stealing the 811 compared to any other "Top Range" car, so if you're using that exploit mentioned before, see if your results are similar to mine.

Why can't anything be easy anymore with this game? Sheesh. It's seems like the only way to become rich is to first be rich already. :banghead:

That's why I love using the cargo bob. It's so easy and apart from a few NPC chases it's always a range free run.

Even the stealing mission with the car bomb is bypassed using the cargo bob. Just hook it up and deliver it, no bomb to disarm. But on the whole the NPC chasers are way too buffed.

Would be kinda nice if the Cargobob was as fast as it is in real life. :lol:
Do these NPCs target you or the car? If you got out of the priority car to send a stinger missile into the face of a chopper pilot, is he going to try and damage the car more than you?

They target the player, get out the car then kill them first.
I thought someone said they can respawn? Maybe they used to when I/E first came out.

There are four waves of enemies that come after you. When the first one spawns, park thr car and get out ASAP. I usually get a few hundered dollars of damage from the first wave. After that, the next few waves should spawn pretty regularly. If not, get in the car and drive a bit further, then they'll spawn.

They're annoying sure, but once yu figure out how to beat them, they aren't all tht bad.

EDIT: By the way, I got Rockstar's free $250k today.
How much does the 'Bob go for nowadays? In regards to the spawn too is that like the buzzard without CEO so a nearby helipad?
How much does the 'Bob go for nowadays? In regards to the spawn too is that like the buzzard without CEO so a nearby helipad?
The military one is just under 1.8 million and the Jetsum one is a few dollars off 2 million. Not cheap but has made the import/export stuff easier and a lot less annoying as you can avoid the ridiculous buffed NPCs, stupid NPC driving and other stuff.

I just wished the Bob could spawn next to you like the buzzard can.
I was going to make a Video on how to do the Car export Missions properly so the NPCs don't damage your car, but then I Blew up my car when i missed a rocket on them lmao:
When will the ItaliGTB come out? I really want to drive a new Benny's car man... I'm almost at 2 million dollars (currently sitting at around 1.7 mill), and I haven't spent a single "real world" dollar on Shark Cards. Not doing to badly for myself aye... Hope the car is worth it, I'm starting to get agitated because it STILL hasn't been added.
When will the ItaliGTB come out? I really want to drive a new Benny's car man... I'm almost at 2 million dollars (currently sitting at around 1.7 mill), and I haven't spent a single "real world" dollar on Shark Cards. Not doing to badly for myself aye... Hope the car is worth it, I'm starting to get agitated because it STILL hasn't been added.
Either today or next week, usually Rockstar brings them on a Tuesday.

If you don't have a Car Warehouse though I would recommend buying it, you can make your money back in like 4-5 hours.

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