GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I prefer the Nero Custom over the Tempesta honestly.

Well, I wouldn't know since I don't own either of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Still trying to preserve a portion of my cash when I get a chance to buy the Ruiner 2000 and upgrade it. I just need to do some missions for the discount price. :/
If there is anything im thinking of buying I always try to have a test drive of a fully upgraded one first. It's amazing how many times I've been put off something once I've tried it first. Saying that though, I've actually purchased a few vehicles I've had no interest in after a test drive!
You wil need to hurry up, what happens if the SVs are discounted on tuesday as part of an event week?

I really hope this won't be the case, but I have a feeling they'll never get an event discount because you can already get one for doing the mission.

Khamelion 102.3mph
Blista Compact 103 mph
Raptor 103.3mph
Penumbra 105.3 mph
Schavfter LWB 109.5 mph
Kuruma (Armoured) 109.8
Kuruma 112 mph
Buffalo 112.3 mph
Buffalo S 112.3 mph
Omnis 112.5 mph
Drift Tampa 114.3 mph
Elegy Retro Custom 115.3 mph
Sultan 115.8 mph
Sprunk Buffalo 116 mph
Schwartzer 117 mph
Fusilade 117.8 mph
Banshee 117.8 mph
Alpha 117.8 mph
Elegy RH8 118.5 mph
Bestia 118.8 mph
Jester 118.8 mph
Futo 119.3 mph
Coquette 119.3 mph
Jester Racecar 119.3 mph
Rapid GT/convertible 119.5 mph
Tropos Rally 119.5 mph
Carbonizzare 119.5 mph
Comet 119.5 mph
Feltzer 119.5 mph
9f Cabrio 119.8 mph
9f 119.8 mph
Furore Gt 120.3
Surano 121 mph
Comet Retro Custom 121.3 mph
Specter Custom 121.3 mph
Specter 121.3 mph
Lynx 121.5 mph
Verlier 121.8 mph
Massacro 121.8 Mph
Massacro Racecar 121.8 mph
Seven-70 123.5 mph
Schafter V12 124.3 mph
Bit of a strange turn of events on GTA today. I had a phone call from Moors. Letting me know that you can get insurance on vehicles in all garages. Only been playing since launch and making it to level 253.
You usually only get that call if you have an uninsured vehicle.
Never gotten that call, level 170. I've had an uninsured Faggio that spawned from a VIP job for quite a while.

On another note, me and my friends managed to get 14 boats onto my yacht tried for submarines too but they're too fragile D:, by jumping on it or by Cargobob.

Then, a Dinghy spontaneously combusted.

It caused a massive chain reaction which blew up all 14 of them.

And my Panto, which was parked in front of the cabin door (and is pretty much always on the yacht with us, along with some other PVs and cop cars) miraculously survived. :lol:
Can I just say how interesting these Special Vehicle Work missions are when done with randoms?

First it takes them three attempts (and me taking away the helicopter) for them to not blow up the Wastelander, then it takes them half an hour to read a single line of text (although it is at the bottom of their screens, and given that the average GTA player is seemingly only able to focus on a 256x256 part of the screen, which is probably in the middle, that can be excused), then they fail to realise you're not supposed to get close to walls and other solid objects with people on the back of a Phantom Wedge, then they question whether you're Dutch or not (which is somehow linked to whether or not you can do a money drop)..

Thanks to @titleguy1 for being more useful than all the randoms put together. I'm just glad it's done now.
Can I just say how interesting these Special Vehicle Work missions are when done with randoms?

First it takes them three attempts (and me taking away the helicopter) for them to not blow up the Wastelander, then it takes them half an hour to read a single line of text (although it is at the bottom of their screens, and given that the average GTA player is seemingly only able to focus on a 256x256 part of the screen, which is probably in the middle, that can be excused), then they fail to realise you're not supposed to get close to walls and other solid objects with people on the back of a Phantom Wedge, then they question whether you're Dutch or not (which is somehow linked to whether or not you can do a money drop)..

Thanks to @titleguy1 for being more useful than all the randoms put together. I'm just glad it's done now.

Sorry for arriving late :lol: I dropped my controller and saw my character fall out of the helicopter and immediately though "oh 🤬" to myself. :scared:
Sorry for arriving late :lol: I dropped my controller and saw my character fall out of the helicopter and immediately though "oh 🤬" to myself. :scared:

True, but you had (and more than accounted for) one whoops-moment, which is more than can be said about the four people who decided their ego made them more qualified as a driver than the highest ranked person who also happens to have their driving stats maxed and generally is.. about average(?)

Sometimes I truly wonder if it's possible to fail kindergarten.
True, but you had (and more than accounted for) one whoops-moment, which is more than can be said about the four people who decided their ego made them more qualified as a driver than the highest ranked person who also happens to have their driving stats maxed and generally is.. about average(?)

Sometimes I truly wonder if it's possible to fail kindergarten.
It definitely is possible to fail kindergarten at least here in the US.
It never ceases to amaze me how randoms find ways of failing missions. It also amazes me how almost all of them leave after they themselves are responsible for all the failures. Like they're sick of the failures.

"Right, I've jumped out of this helicopter 7 times and died. I'm sick of this group failing the mission. I'm off"
My brother once saw a random fail Mixed up with Coke because the random was the last alive and died because he was under the truck when it blew up while he was under it and shooting it with a SMG. Nobody in his group was mad because they thought it was funny that he actually took out the truck. :lol:
My brother once saw a random fail Mixed up with Coke because the random was the last alive and died because he was under the truck when it blew up while he was under it and shooting it with a SMG. Nobody in his group was mad because they thought it was funny that he actually took out the truck. :lol:

Mixed Up With Coke is by far one of the easiest missions to play. Just get a Buzzard and you're done in less than five minutes. With the amount of people who own one, it should be impossible to fail, unless you and your team are level fives.
When you pay 25 grand to move your yacht, change lobbies only to find its moved miles away and stays there every time you change lobby!

Why can't it move back to where you wanted it if the current space is empty?! Grrrr
I'm in love with the Compact Grenade Launcher at the moment. Been doing a lot of Biker Missions with a friend as it pays the same for us both and firing that thing from a bike leaves a trail of destruction behind.
Just entered a lobby full of GTAF crew members and immediately got killed three times in about 1 minute, about 4 players are voting for you to be kicked, a we are tracking you as a possible cheater warning and two, yes TWO bounties on my head.

I didn't even know two bounties at once was possible.
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