GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Talking about that, in a few public sessions modders have placed wind turbines at the garage entrance of Eclipse Towers, destroying any car that exits it. After that, I stopped playing in public sessions.
Third email now...

Which reminds me: I haven't put a supercar in my office garage yet. The most expensive car in there would be my zebra themed Faction Donk, which I would call the Zonkey (RDR Online references).
I sort all the cars I own by class, by putting them in specific garages. Helps me to keep track of all the cars I own, and more quickly pick out a specific car I want to drive, when I want to drive it.

Does anyone else do this class-sorting thing with the cars in their garages?
Finally did my first source vehicle mission. Used a Cargobob to grab the black and white "M4K3B4NK" X80 Proto. The bastard AI chopper nearly killed me in the Cargobob. Thankfully, I managed to put the X80 down safely and only got a $696 damage fee, due to me pulling a hard maneuver while landing. The engines nearly died on me because of those AIs. I'm definitely going to need a door gunner in future missions. :|
Finally did my first source vehicle mission. Used a Cargobob to grab the black and white "M4K3B4NK" X80 Proto. The bastard AI chopper nearly killed me in the Cargobob. Thankfully, I managed to put the X80 down safely and only got a $696 damage fee, due to me pulling a hard maneuver while landing. The engines nearly died on me because of those AIs. I'm definitely going to need a door gunner in future missions. :|
I've started landing near by and killing the ai before picking up the car.
Was it the mission with the Buzzards?

No, there's a team of guards scattered around a mansion near the Vinewood reservoir/lake. I only encountered one SuperVolito.

I've started landing near by and killing the ai before picking up the car.

That is exactly what I did. Surprisingly, my suppressed weapon alerted all of the guards behind the mansion when I killed the lone guard out front. :odd: Anyway, after I picked up the car, I flew straight up for maybe a minute or two, and then the helicopter spawned below me, but gained altitude quickly. :grumpy:
I really hate the "offshore with some pretty nasty individuals" sourcing mission, especially if they so happen to place themselves out at Zancudo (where you can't snipe the baddies).

An Import Export top tip: the enemies that come in pairs (2 cars, 2 Buzzards or a mix of both car and heli) will always have 4 waves. You can run, or kill them to stop em spawning.
My favorite is the one where you have to drive while the bomb is being disarmed. Really easy, plus you don't get attacked by any AI and no notifications go out to other players until the bomb is disarmed which is like after 2 minutes or something which is usually more than enough time to get back to your warehouse.
An interesting tip regarding the sourcing mission with the bomb.....

Just pick it up with the cargo bob and fly it to your warehouse and land it in the circle. While you're flying the bomb mission isn't triggered but you can still land it in the circle bypassing the whole thing.
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Finally did my first source vehicle mission. Used a Cargobob to grab the black and white "M4K3B4NK" X80 Proto. The bastard AI chopper nearly killed me in the Cargobob. Thankfully, I managed to put the X80 down safely and only got a $696 damage fee, due to me pulling a hard maneuver while landing. The engines nearly died on me because of those AIs. I'm definitely going to need a door gunner in future missions. :|

Door gunner won't help as the AI choppers will continuously spawn. You can even land, grab your rocket launcher, and the choppers just keep on coming. You'll be out of rockets and they'll keep spawning every time you take one out. How you avoid them; as soon as you hear the text come through and see the chopper on the HUD map, immediately begin forward progress. The AI chopper is faster so it will catch you if you don't have that huge cushion of altitude. As well, because it gains altitude faster than the cargobob it will catch you in vertical motion as well. What it struggles to do, however, is gain altitude while making forward progress. It can move faster than the cargobob vertically and making way forward, but it cannot gain altitude as fast WHILE making forward progress. So, if you immediately begin forward movement toward your warehouse when the chopper spawns below(and usually a little behind) you, by the time the chopper gains enough altitude for you to be in range you are already on close approach to the warehouse. Once you are close enough to the warehouse the chopper disengages.

Using this method, the AI chopper rarely even gets a shot off at me. It is also important to note that there is a 'sweet spot' in forward angle relative to progress efficiency. You'll notice that after you push forward on the stick tilting the cargobob, it initially begins forward progress, but then as the nose drops further it just loses altitude without as much forward power. By modulating the forward motion of the stick you can make more efficient progress while not losing as much altitude. You end up with a somewhat phugoid motion as you progress forward. It can take some time to get the proper feel for it, but after a few runs or some practice you'll become more efficient at it.

Edit: I've mentioned this before, but for those running MTU800 or less that can easily snag a solo public session; don't be afraid to select 'find new session' when you get dealt a tedious pickup mission. I'd rather take the extra minute or two to load up a new room and begin a new pickup mission that will take me 3 minutes to complete, than spend 12 minutes battling with people on a barge, potentially losing the cargobob and having to fly halfway round the map for another one. If you have your spawn set at last location or your office, it's most convenient as you'll drop back right there and quickly be able to start a new pickup.

This process also works for annoying supply pickup missions, but be sure you're set on last location so that when you respawn into the new room you are next to your business. If you spawn a block or more away you may face an instant raid, so make sure you won't spawn in your apartment, office, or yacht instead. Interaction menu selects this, for those unaware. Once you spawn back in next to your business, go back inside and start a new resupply mission. Dragging 25 miles round the map for 10 minutes to take out the bikers for 1 bar of supplies? No thanks, I'll take the 'drive to Crenshaw and steal this van after killing 12 baddies' for 2+ bars instead.

It's all about efficiency. Everything you do in this game is engineered by R* with a focus on $/hr potential. That is why as they've refined(read:nerfed) things most people find that no matter what you do for your grind there is a max potential earning per hour, which you can often achieve in various ways but always works out to be about the same. This isn't unintentional, so making sure not to fall into the time sink traps is beneficial to your cash making progress.
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Or you could drive. Pay the mechanic and be done with it.
Rarely have to pay more than 3000 to fix the damage. Compared to the commission you get when exporting, you still make a huge profit

Of course, I don't like flying helicopters, I prefer to drive.
Certainly; anyone can do whatever floats their boat. I am only offering what I've found to be the most time and cost efficient methods for me in the happenstance that others might find use of it, and nothing more.
Completely agree about the NPC's, they are annoyingly OP. And every now and again, I do pull over and kill the four waives before continuing, it very much depends on the mission. I just can't justify spending so much money on the cargobob. I'm gonna tire of these missions long before the cargobob has paid for itself.
The early adopters got in on $185k cargobobs. It is useful for other things, and at times can be just plain fun with a few folks around. I can certainly understand the apprehension in spending 15 hours of grinding for the cargobob this late in the game, though.
And then, there's the one NPC who will most likely one shot you.

AKA the stunt driver that has a freaking Heavy Revolver and makes full use of it in the "stunt jump" source mission. This is also the mission where you have both cops and hitmen after you..
I thought there were only 4 waves of NPC enemies during the I/E missions. There were before, have they changed something?

On the ground, yes. The single AI chopper that attacks during photographer/stunt pickups(and possibly others, I forget) respawns indefinitely when you use a cargobob. There is much documentation of this on other forums, with some folks reporting that if you drive the car on the ground and others kill the chopper it doesn't respawn after the second one is destroyed. I haven't experienced this and it hasn't been a concern of mine, as using the above described method has taken the chopper out of play entirely.
Driving my full upgraded duneloader to LSC to get it insured as I had forgot to do may be surprised to know a low level idiot who drives around holding a sticky bomb out the window came along in his zentorno and blew me up yards from LSC!
Usually, I'll just use the Cargobob if the car isn't in the city. Other-wise it's just easier to drive it (especially since the Davis garage is pretty much a straight shot from the highway).
I did a little "netflix glitch" I/E grind for 25 minutes the other day. Had my 'Bob outside, kept using it just ot deliver. Managed to do 6 of them in the 25 minutes. Nice little earner. I'm also improving with the hooking of cars. I found being low and scraping the hook over the car doesn't work and it has to be dropped onto the roof section essentially.
Pretty self-explanatory...but in case you're wondering....

-Tier 3 Muscle Cars-
39th-Lost Slamvan
38th-Rat loader
37th-Rat truck
35th-Voodoo Custom
33rd-Virgo Classic
31st-Chino Custom
27th-Moonbeam Custom
25th-Faction Custom Donk
24th-Virgo Classic Custom
20th-Faction custom
18th-Buccaneer Custom
15th-Redwood Gauntlet
12th-Slamvan Custom
11th-Burger Shot Stallion

-Tier 2 Muscle cars-
10th-Sabre Turbo
9th-Duke O'Death
8th-Ruiner 2000
7th-Runier <<IMO best Muscle
6th-Coquette Blackfin
5th-Dukes <<and where can you find this car?
4th-Blade << this car exists?

-Tier 1 Muscle Cars-
2nd-Sabre Turbo Custom
1st-Pisswasser Dominator

First of all. Thank you for writing down the list, the less people who have to listen to that insufferable bag of gas, the better!

If memory serves me, you can buy the Dukes, if you played the game on PS3 and at one point "upgraded" to PS4 and transferred your character. Right? Think it's the same for the Stallion.