GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I thought you meant the time where someone received millions after logging in on a second account after a year or two.

The you-paid-for-something-when-it-wasn't-free-but-it's-free-now-so-here's-your-money-back ones are fine because it's literally just getting your money back.

The ones where logging on on a specific day gives you bonus money (as was the case with the 425K earlier this year) is fine because you could've just logged on while that was a thing.

But accumulating $1,500,000 in random drops since November seems a tad bit excessive, I'd say.

Also add me to that Adder Owners Club. Bought that one all of about five minutes before it was part of a Black Friday sale way back when.
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Ok, so...

8 days ago our internet was inexplicably cut and we were given unlimited mobile data until the problem is fixed. We have been using our phones as hotspots for the rest of the devices, however the signal isn't good enough for the PS4 to pick up and we don't have an ETA for when we'll get our internet fixed... so I'm out for the time being. :(
@rallymorten , you seem to have an issue with the random money gifts I've received. Well, I have no control over it and some other players have got a lot more than I have.

Maybe ask R* how it works. Also during the last reported gifting a few weeks ago I got nothing. If I knew how it worked I'd share the info so we can all get the gift of free money. :)
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There's an OG Nero pride, and now there's Adder pride?!

Man, I feel like that guy who was cool before cool was cool and all.

Maybe that's because you're on pc, and therefor have acces to everything way before the rest of us, via mod menus...or whatever kind of "cheat" you use :)
If anything, I don't think having mod menus affects my cool factor.

It's just that I'm on PC... and I remembered that the Ardent is unfortunately upgradeable with a MOC..

Taking down a Savage in a Buzzard

Brilliant Securoserv Spawning

That missile lock warning gave me vietnam flashbacks.

Also, why does the game even force a helicopter spawn in that area? In Minecraft, there are (or there used to be) game mechanics where certain actions cannot be performed if there is a solid block directly above an area. For example, regular mobs that are roughly 2 meters tall (Skeletons and Zombies) will not spawn if there is an obstruction one meter off of empty ground, so people use that mechanic to build Spider spawners, because Spiders are less than one meter tall and will spawn underneath that block. In GTA, I imagine it would be very simple to have the game check the environment for solid objects above and around the area to determine a suitable location before spawning in an object.
For those who are curious how profitable Gunrunning is:

With staff and equipment upgrades, a full bar of supplies ($75,000) will net you $140,000 in stock every 2 hours and 20 minutes. Selling in Los Santos will give you $210,00-$262,500 depending on the amount of players in a lobby. If you are playing solo, you will only have to deliver 1 vehicle during sell missions.

This leaves you with a better $/minute than coke, and you won't have to drive Boxvilles halfway across the map.
R* can make an attack chopper materialize out of thin air a few meters away from you but they're still shy about PV spawns. Why? :indiff:
R* can make an attack chopper materialize out of thin air a few meters away from you but they're still shy about PV spawns. Why? :indiff:
Because Rockstar and sensible logic go together about as well as an adult film star and virginity do. Simply put, there is no logic. :lol:
I have been keeping myself busy researching all the unlocks in the bunker and i'm now down to the last eight, but since my last post here a few things happened (among many) that I managed to capture.

So we'll start with one of my supply runs and on how to kill two buzzards with one stone. ;)

Then while messing around in my MOC truck I end up performing this buttery smooth stunt. :P

But earlier in that same lobby, I pulled off my greatest sniper kill that'll very likely not involve exploding rounds. :D

As you'll probably notice, I was so fixated on hitting the jet and also the game not doing that small screen flash when you kill someone that I didn't notice I had actually domed the pilot until I reloaded at which point my jaw hit the floor. :eek:

And lastly, the movie set theft at Fort Zancudo during I/E as it turns out can be done quietly and without firing a shot.

Crazy right? Even more so when you consider what those guys CAN see and shoot when they try to kill you. :ouch:

On the upside, No car and chopper chasing me back and I know how to easily stealth that theft now. :D
Most of those I/E missions involving the stunt can be done with no complications, as long as you know how. It involves not approaching from the direction the game wants you and bypass the entire enemies-can-see-you and the chase back and all that. Just stick close to the ramp, get on it at first given opportunity and the car should present itself to you on a silver platter.

I know that works at Zancudo and the Vinewood sign ones. Haven't given the one in the hills a proper trial yet, but I see no reason it shouldn't.

..I'm at the point where I consider myself a walking I/E encyclopedia.
I know that works at Zancudo and the Vinewood sign ones. Haven't given the one in the hills a proper trial yet, but I see no reason it shouldn't.

It's the same thing with the one in the hills. Just approach it from the south and avoid the NPC's field of vision and you're good to go.
Well there you go then. A few simple steps to make your life easier when it comes to the stunt I/E sourcing mission.

If only there was such a simple workaround on the bodyguard ones, particularly if the key's at the back of the Richman one..

..also, can I join The Cool Club now?

Grand Theft Auto V_20170717175211.jpg

In case anyone wants one but nobody's helping, here's a hint:

There's a CEO crate mission that takes place at the graveyard near the golf course, involves assassination of someone. From the vantage point, look just right - there's one. That particular one can't be stored, *but* you can use it to spawn one that can - and can subsequently spawn more.

So make that a walking crates+I/E encyclopedia. And a little bit of GR too - the green Insurgent spells trouble, the black one spells easy money.
the green Insurgent spells trouble, the black one spells easy money.
If you're talking sell missions, there's two different green Insurgents. The one with armored windows is easy cash while the one without armor is basically the PostOP truck of gunrunning.
If you're talking sell missions, there's two different green Insurgents. The one with armored windows is easy cash while the one without armor is basically the PostOP truck of gunrunning.

Not going to say you're wrong (because it seems you're not), but I've never seen the easy-money one in a different color than black (or very, very dark green), nor have I ever come across the Merryweather one in any color other than green.

Probably the fastest way of identifying them quickly is to look at the gunner placement - if the entry's open, it's the quick-and-easy one.

Not that any of this agree-but-not-agree-thing really matters as you'll know which one you're doing within ten seconds of starting it anyway, and we all know the best ones involve either the Phantom Wedge or the not-green Insurgent.
Not going to say you're wrong (because it seems you're not), but I've never seen the easy-money one in a different color than black (or very, very dark green), nor have I ever come across the Merryweather one in any color other than green.
Both of the pickups are green/black camo. The only black Insurgents I've ever seen were the regular SUVs.
Both of the pickups are green/black camo.

I know they're both camoed, and I'm fully aware they're in fact not using the same camo, but one's significantly more green than the other (hence why I called it green) and has bars across the windows. That's the Merryweather-coming-at-you one. The other's got a sort of grayish brown/black combo, has the "smaller", armored windows and has some form of shield at the turret to protect the shooters back. No idea why they've apparently given the more protected version to the mission that doesn't need it.. R* Logic strikes again.

Either way, as I said, pointless discussion, really. The game literally tells you which is which within ten seconds of starting the mission.
I haven't paid much attention to the colour, but I've gotten 3 different Insurgent sale missions. One with a turreted Insurgent that requires five drop offs, where you fight off Merryweather at the first four, one with a turreted Insurgent with one single drop off, and one with a non-turreted regular SUV Insurgent with one single drop off.
The only Insurgent sale mission i've done was with a fellow crew member, it involved 2 black Insurgents which had a proximity radar scrambler system installed which forced us to stay in close convoy to avoid popping up on radar.

Also on a side note, if you're on Xbox One and want a hearse, I have one which'll cause them to spawn in so you can grab one for yourself. ;)