This is odd.
Even the R* newswire says Bunkers are just supposed to be 25% faster.
Mine's not, but I'm getting double money on it, in addition to all the other bonuses they've got going.
If anyone else can confirm what's going on, let me know. I sort of don't want to lose what my Bunker's got going until it's absolutely necessary.
Edit: Not sure if I'm going crazy, but I'm fairly certain mine is actually faster as well. Not complaining, just.. looking for confirmation? Technically R* never said the 2x on Gunrunning would run out today, only that you'd no longer get that all-important clothing item..
Edit2: I've done the calculations again.
Given a double payout and extra speed on Gunrunning, you're looking at a profit in the area of $3,200/minute if you buy supplies - about $4,000 if you steal. Which, if you remember back to when I first did these calculations, is a heck of a lot more than what Contact Missions are worth. It's officially more profitable to be lazy than it is to do Contact Missions!
With all this in mind, let's play with some more numbers:
It'll take the Bunker about 1:45 to make 20 "crates". If you want to sell the guns as soon as they're all ready, you can squeeze five I/E cars in there. Given that the profit for a Top Range car with High End modifications is a grand total of $160,000, that's.. $800,000 in I/E alone. In addition to that then comes an extra $345,000 from Gunrunning, and you're looking at somewhere north of - hold on to your butts:
$10,000 per minute.
Now I know there is *a* mathematical way of determining exactly the right mix of I/E/Gunrunning, but, at the end of the day, who cares? You'll be wiping your bottom with million dollar bills before you know it regardless.