Shame I'm only on PC now, otherwise It'd definitely be fun to play with y'all. I'f there's anyone playing on pc, I'd love to join aswell.
Thanks for the info though, I'll see if I can do the VIP stuff. You only need 50k in the bank for that as I understand?
Yeah, VIP now only requires $50k, although you may have to be lvl 15 or something as well, I forget. IIRC I got my scratch character to lvl 21 in the first night assisting other organisations(Bunker and business sale missions pay big RP.)
There are a few VIP methods to earn best with. The process I use when doing only VIP work is as follows, ideal to reduce cooldown times as much as possible;
Obtain air transport(helicopter is best for most players, Buzzard is ideal but not required)
Run Sightseer(5-7 mins for average, 3-4mins if you're good)
Once completed, travel to nearby LSIA or Altruist camp near chiliad(whichever is more convenient) while on the cooldown timer.
Once cooldown timer finishes, Run Hostile Takeover at desired location(the above two are easiest)
Once Hostile is complete, Sightseer should be now or soon available(may have short cooldown timer depending on how fast you completed the prior)
From there, once you nail the timing you can get to a point where you only get a cooldown every other cycle. As long as you complete the current activity before the cooldown runs out for the prior, it doesn't reset. So hitting the time just right after one cycle leaves you with cooldowns in the seconds rather than minutes. On the 3rd or 4th cycle you may 'catch' yourself and end up with another 5min cooldown for one of the activities, upon which you can run Headhunter or Executive Search if you want to burn some time off and shake it up. I prefer to bias my time towards Sightseer and Hostile, though; as Sightseer pays ~$20k(depends on how fast you complete it) for 3-4mins of work once you are practiced, and Hostile pays ~$15k for 90 seconds. Exec Search pays $30k but requires 10 minutes of standing around, and I personally find headhunter to be annoying(although some love it, give it a try.)
Notes: Sightseer is easy and can be fun. Easily done in a timely fashion with any helicopter you can steal from any airport, no opposition(other than players if you're in a public room.)
Hostile at LSIA and Altruist camp are fast with a Buzzard, under 90s when you're well practiced. Just keep a bit of distance firing the homing rockets until the NPC are dead, you cannot destroy the briefcase. Without a Buzzard or other armed helicopter, you will want to park your unarmed aircraft near the hangar for LSIA, or on the top of the hill for the altruist camp and attack on foot. Then return to the aircraft for delivering the briefcase.
To get to the 50k and level up, just run some of the contact missions, etc. I think if you do the full tutorial, you are 'released into the world' with a lvl 4. I'm lazy, so once I got to lvl 12 I would probably run Blow-up(Simeone mission) and just let the timer run over 4 minutes(maximum payout per minute) before walking onto the 'complete' corona.
Lastly, I would stress avoiding getting sucked into the massive sink that is GTA V. Not unlike some folks in real life, a simple existence can be far more enjoyable. Eventually, your possessions can own you if you chase money. My most enjoyable activities are still free. Wingsuiting As much as I've earned and spent, my typical go-to cars are ones I stole off the street for free and have a $100k or less invested in them. Aside from the yacht, the residence I spend the most time in is still Sierra Towers(Eclipse.) I've said it before, but if I was to do it over again I would probably keep it simple and have only one or two residences. If that is all you desire, you can skip all the above steps and literally just play the game as it comes to you. The stuff I've posted is what I find to be the fastest way to earn in steps to get you to where you can earn the most down the road. If you don't care to have millions, etc then you can certainly skip the office, warehouse, bunker, etc and just play what you feel like playing. If you have grand plans, however, you'll want the office, warehouse and bunker.
Edit: You posted this as I hadn't refreshed the thread when I posted;
Also you sir are a mad man. I just tried that one and it was the hardest thing I have ever done in this game.
I died atleast 10 times and then someone stole the thing from me. Then I died more. Less than family friendly words were spoken. Children cried and women were screaming. It was hell.
There must be some strategy to this.
As I detailed above, and should have done so earlier; the Buzzard is what makes it quick and easy. Otherwise I land next to the hangar at LSIA, gun the NPCs from round the corner, grab the case and run back out the chopper. The chopper takes some hits from the police when leaving if you do it this way, but should make it back no problem. As an aside, all of the VIP work save Piracy and Exec Search IIRC can be done in a friends only room, etc if you prefer not to bother with the public.