GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
People are believing the $1.35m offers are more proof Rockstar is getting ready to drop another big round of DLC so you can spend it all right before it releases.
There is certainly speculation that something expensive is coming. I'm not sure that speculation is the right term for something so certain, however. :lol:

The question is not whether what is coming will be expensive, but rather will it be desirable. :lol:

I'm hoping for more leisure activities. I'm going to defecate in my other hand, though, and see which one fills first. :lol:
There is certainly a history of the last one or two weeks before an update (particularly ones that come with a hefty price tag) being particularly good for money.

Just looking back over the last year:
  • Before we got Gunrunning, we got two weeks of 2x$ on Special Vehicle Missions, 25% boost on Biker Businesses and a whole slew of discounts, from ammo and Insurgents to Offices and Yacht.
  • Building up to Smuggler's Run was a week of double cash on Import/Export (many monies were made that week), 25% boost to the Bunker, discounts on both Offices, Bunkers and Vehicle Warehouses.
  • Doomsday Heist was preceded by two weeks of double cash on basically every single Adversary mode ever, the usual Bunker boost, double money for Associates of any kind and a few discounts, including everything Offices.
Now, bear with me, but I'm sensing a trend that every time there's a new, big update right on the horizon, the Offices go on discount. That's even true for the first "round" of it happening before Import/Export, and them then apparently being discounted again after the update was first teased. Point being it's usually been a sign whenever Offices go on discount.

And guess what was discounted just two weeks ago? And guess how good the last few weeks have been for making/saving money? And guess what came to an end with the release of the Comet SR, which is kind-of the most obvious clue?

Call me a lunatic, but, while I believe it's too late for it to happen this week, given that the trailers have recently been released 5 days before release, I find it hard to believe an update is a long while away.
People are believing the $1.35m offers are more proof Rockstar is getting ready to drop another big round of DLC so you can spend it all right before it releases.

May as well spend it unless you are patient enough to wait for discounts on the items you want the most.
I second the hope for more leisure activities however, R*'s idea of leisure is some sort of armoured, weaponized PvP of radar pass time.

Also, after the comet sr I can see them revisiting other pre existing cars. The Zentorno superleggera? The possibility is endless.
May as well spend it unless you are patient enough to wait for discounts on the items you want the most.
I’ve bought most of the expensive stuff I could want and have enough of a “reserve” to last me a while. I’m more or less hoping for more actual home properties to splurge on, but as Lee said above, Rockstar typically have other ideas.

By this point, I wouldn’t mind a new business like the I/E, Gunrunning, etc updates.
I second the hope for more leisure activities however, R*'s idea of leisure is some sort of armoured, weaponized PvP of radar pass time.

Also, after the comet sr I can see them revisiting other pre existing cars. The Zentorno superleggera? The possibility is endless.

They have already done this with the Sultan, Baller and the Schafter. The comet was sort of a special case though considering there were no mods for it and everyone was asking for the ability to remove the spoiler since day 1.
Decided to buy the Chumash bunker on PS4 with my tax money. Now I can hopefully start making bigger money.

Good decision. I recommend upgrading it fully as soon as you can. I held off on the equipment upgrade for a long time because of the cost, finally purchasing it this past week. The profit increase was instantly noticeable, and the money spent for equipment upgrade was back in my bank account after two evenings of grinding. Also worth a note: any weapon cargo in your bunker storage waiting to be sold instantly increases in value upon purchase of equipment upgrade.
Ok so my testing on the headhunter theory of more distance covered equals more cash is done.


That run was done after using the super speed glitch to fly back and forth across the map until nearly 7mins had passed and killed the target pretty much on 8 mins left.


And that run was done while minimising distance covered and I waited right next to the final target until there was again 8 mins left and then killed the target.

So the theory that covering more distance equals more cash if you go by just my testing is pretty much busted. :D

And given it’s time based and also there isn’t much difference in doing it in 2 mins or 7 mins, you’re better off trying to complete it as quick as feasibly possible. ;)

Also my tax rebate came through, just under 850k all in. :cheers:
So the theory that covering more distance equals more cash if you go by just my testing is pretty much busted. :D
After playing the mission a lot the last few days I've come to the same conclusion. I reckon there are various base payouts for the different target locations supplemented by a time bonus. I must have misread the payout or the timer before which lead me to make a bad hypothesis.

Thanks for testing though.
I hope Rockstar does an update of the creator at some point. There's more than a couple of issues that don't seem like they'd be particularly difficult to fix/change:

- Stunt props can't be used in Air or Sea races; a lot of air props were added recently but they're impossible to use with planes outside of Transform races
- Many special vehicles missing from the 'special vehicles' category; for example you can't make an Oppressor-only race, nor can you use the Stromberg or Deluxo in transform races at all
- 'Precise movement' isn't particularly precise; since you can't manually input coordinates, you have to rely on controller/keyboard inputs that jump the coordinates by a significant amount with each tap
- No angle snap; this ties in to the lack of precise movement, it can be difficult to align props with each other especially if they don't snap properly, which then segues into...
- Unreliable snapping; sometimes a prop will not snap at all, or will snap to the wrong end of a prop, or any number of issues that can potentially stop a creator dead in their tracks
- Teleport checkpoints unavailable; a few R* created transform races use checkpoints that teleport players to another part of the track, but players have no access to this at all

That's a few off the top of my head, there's probably more I'm forgetting but as someone who finds it very fun to make races in the creator it gets frustrating seeing all these issues remain with every update.
I read somewhere that if you do it alone the payout is higher than if you have any „employees“?
This may well be known to most but I've just learned that you can keep the wheels turned when you exit the car....

•Hold X, R1 + R2

•Turn the wheel slightly to the opposite direction you want you wheels turned

•Then press ∆

The wheels should snap to the opposite direction you turned them to. May take a few tries to get the angle you want. The less the initial turn, the more the wheels snap to the other direction.

It was news to me so it may help someone out. It certainly makes photos look a lot better.
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This may well be known to most but I've just learned that you can keep the wheels turned when you exit the car....

•Hold X, R1 + R2

•Turn the wheel slightly to the opposite direction you want you wheels turned

•Then press ∆

The wheels should snap to the opposite direction you turned them to. May take a few tries to get the angle you want. The less the initial turn, the more the wheels snap to the other direction.

It was news to me so it may help someone out. It certainly makes photos look a lot better.
Thank you so much for this info! I agree, it does make photos look a lot better, even with relatively mundane vehicles.

This may well be known to most but I've just learned that you can keep the wheels turned when you exit the car....

•Hold X, R1 + R2

•Turn the wheel slightly to the opposite direction you want you wheels turned

•Then press ∆

The wheels should snap to the opposite direction you turned them to. May take a few tries to get the angle you want. The less the initial turn, the more the wheels snap to the other direction.

It was news to me so it may help someone out. It certainly makes photos look a lot better.
Is that with handbrake on X (A for Xbox)?
Yes, duck while holding the handbrake and throttle and turning the wheel and exit the car. The wheel usually ends up turned the opposite way that you had it. A lot of us were doing that at the show, I didn't realise it wasn't well known.
Great news: QABeta has been updated! Which means an update is due in 2 weeks (March 13th). Get your grinding done while you can!
All I want is new ways to make money.

Since this game is some sort of dystopian, planned consumer-excess economy simulation, I figure the real goal is just to make as much money as possible.

That is exactly the point of the game, as stated in the original marketing releases. The whole cash is king, the previous/trailers, even the GTA V logo and illuminati references, etc.
That is exactly the point of the game, as stated in the original marketing releases. The whole cash is king, the previous/trailers, even the GTA V logo and illuminati references, etc.

The "economy" in GTA most resembles some developing nation with a single lucrative natural resource and a centralized authoritative government, in this case an invisible-hand klepto-techocracy apparently very into war profiteering. Wildly out of control inflation, zero economic diversification, a multitude of seemingly independent car manufacturers all actually made by the same company, rampant crime, tons of conspicuous consumption, exploitation, and ZERO fungible assets. EVERYTHING MUST BE BOUGHT AND SOLD VIA THE STATE. The people don't own the means of production....the means of production aren't even real, but the results of production are wholly owned and sold by the state, increasing inflation but not wage growth....a paradoxical non-zero-sum game.

It's actually just best not to think too hard about it.

edit: Actually, it's quite similar to the "company town / company store" economic model used so effectively by coal mines at the height of their monopolies. Scrips. Debt slavery. What a fun concept.
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When fitting the office with the multilevel garage, do you pay $1.15mil per floor or is it a one-time payment?

One time payment will get all three floors, for what I believe is 20 spaces. You can have two more garages, bought separately, with 20 more spaces on each.
One time payment will get all three floors, for what I believe is 20 spaces. You can have two more garages, bought separately, with 20 more spaces on each.

Okay so the full 60 car garage is going to be $3.45mil, roughly, assuming the extensions are the same price.
Okay so the full 60 car garage is going to be $3.45mil, roughly, assuming the extensions are the same price.

Depending on how you upgrade it, $3.45 million sounds about right if you want all 60 spaces. I really think the office should come with at least 20 included in the original price.
Double post/new topic.

Is the $859,000 loyalty reward I just received possibly the tax refund? I would assume it is, but I'm just not sure.
Double post/new topic.

Is the $859,000 loyalty reward I just received possibly the tax refund? I would assume it is, but I'm just not sure.
Not really known. Some people claim it is and have “proof” from a Rockstar help ticket response, others aren’t so convinced seeing as they didn’t spend anywhere close to $10m and still got $1.35m as a loyalty. The rebates continue til March 6th, so plenty of time to see.
Not really known. Some people claim it is and have “proof” from a Rockstar help ticket response, others aren’t so convinced seeing as they didn’t spend anywhere close to $10m and still got $1.35m as a loyalty. The rebates continue til March 6th, so plenty of time to see.

Thank you for the information!! With R*, it's so hard to tell. I tend to agree with the "it isn't" crowd due to the fact that I didn't spend $6,000,000 during that time. But on the other hand, why would they advertise that they have given it out on the loading screens. So confusing.

Another question, is this game Xbox One X enhanced? I can't find a definitive answer one way or another.
If by "enhanced" you mean "it's the GTA V Enhanced Edition but it runs at a few extra frames per second", I can see that being the case. Aside from that, take a guess. I'll give a hint and say that it's a R* game and the updates it's received since the release of said Enhanced Edition have been solely focused on adding online content.

On that note, I'd be surprised if the next update is anything other than a business with a surprising amount of military/weaponised stuff. Clearly the next piece of large-on-story content shouldn't be expected before 2021 and even then it'll manage to be more annoying than the business ones (seriously though, I get the Criminal Mastermind and stuff, but exactly why - aside from "it doesn't sell as many Shark Cards" - does one have to *host* the Doomsday Heist to get the discounts? That wasn't even a thing in the original Heists! Bonus points to Smugglers Run for doing Trade Prices the way I'd say the businesses should do them - mainly because you can do it on your own) and the businesses are relatively simple to make. Look at them. The last truly unique business was when the Bikers business introduced the ability to skip the busywork of acquiring supplies for the sake of a few $$$ and subsequently spend time doing pretty much anything but worry about that business. Everything since then has been a reskin of either Finance and Felony or Bikers, each adding more killing tools than the previous. Because being able to kill a random person online in new and creative ways every few months sells more Shark Cards than a game where everyone can have fun without killing each other for no good reason.

Speaking of everyone having fun without killing each other for no good reason (I'm really nailing these cues today), I'll have the lobby for another round of Survive The Hunt up in a couple of hours. Consider yourselves invited.