GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Last I looked I had a crazy 50 days of online time so I better be coming on to a 1.35 million loyalty bonus.
Think I got around 1.3M, which greatly helped towards my goal of hitting 10 million before the update drops. Currently sitting at 6.5 Million, which is probably the most I’ve ever had on GTA.
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Thank you for the information!! With R*, it's so hard to tell. I tend to agree with the "it isn't" crowd due to the fact that I didn't spend $6,000,000 during that time. But on the other hand, why would they advertise that they have given it out on the loading screens. So confusing.

Another question, is this game Xbox One X enhanced? I can't find a definitive answer one way or another.
Yeah, it's a bit odd considering the math doesn't actually add up either; $250K plus up to $1M in rebate would be $1,250,000 in return. Why the extra $100K?

Who knows, though. I put it towards the Comet SR regardless and if the rebate comes out later, I'll probably put that towards another car. I haven't even touched opening up a coke/meth business yet just because I usually remain focused on I/E & the Bunker until my buddies come online. Maybe after we run through Doomsday for our last guy, I'll jump into those for something "new".

And regarding the One X, it isn't from what I've read. But, it's already a very pretty game at times with lots of great detail. During my last session, flying through a morning fog, I could see my copter casting its shadow through it.
The game is often quite breathtaking, I find sunrises with fog particularly stunning. I'm on PC, but my settings are not maxed out so that I can get better framerate. I'm excited to see what Rockstar can do with the next title, visually, considering that it will be the first ground-up game on current generation tech.
The game is often quite breathtaking, I find sunrises with fog particularly stunning. I'm on PC, but my settings are not maxed out so that I can get better framerate. I'm excited to see what Rockstar can do with the next title, visually, considering that it will be the first ground-up game on current generation tech.
(Standard PS4) I don't really have any issues with the game providing I'm in single player or a closed style lobby online. The issues I encounter are when I enter a 25+ player lobby full of MC's, CEO's, greifers etc then often if I drive fast the frame rate will fall through the floor.
Kicked from two different public sessions in a row. Both with 4 or 5 people from the same crew, apparently just wanting to keep it private. Have these idiots never heard of invite only sessions?!
The obvious follow-up question would be whether or not they were busy doing business stuff, in which case your question sort of answers itself.
The obvious follow-up question would be whether or not they were busy doing business stuff, in which case your question sort of answers itself.
They weren't CEO's or VIP's or MC's so I don't think so.
Been there before unfortunately. :rolleyes:

I understand why they go straight to the kick vote in some cases, but I still consider it abusing the kick vote if there’s no genuine reason for them to do it, except only greed.

But some people like me are open to a truce, If you don’t come after me or my cargo, I won’t come after you at all.

Heck there were instances where both sides didn’t even need to say anything and just left each other be, it’s a good feeling when that happens. :D

Besides there is upsides to having at least one player in a lobby who isn’t with your group.

For one, if your doing I/E delivery’s, no NPC’s spawn in blue Sultan RS’s. :bowdown:

For two, it’s a little extra cash from a gunrunning shipment as well, same for air delivery’s too iirc. 👍

Side note: A funny, but mostly sad thing I spotted yesterday was someone with a K/D of nearly 60000(58994.3 to be exact.) :eek:

Didn’t even second guess myself when I reported him for having a hacked K/D ratio, Must’ve slipped through the net whilst heading over to XB1 from 360.

Now I know it’s statisticaly impossible to get such a k/d the normal way, but let’s hypothetically speaking break it down.

It would mean you have to kill over 60000+ players without dying ONCE and in such an unpredictable environment as San Andreas with snipers, jets, tanks and sneaky opportunists, Unless you are the unholy grail of tryhards (even then that’s a big IF.:P) it’s statistically certain you will slip up or someone else will be just better than you for one moment and boom, 1 death on your record. :)

Besides, I may or may not of potentially put a dent in said k/d, A Hollow point round from my Revolver saw to that. :lol:

Hopefully the next time our paths cross that k/d ratio is reset and I’ll be sure to remind him that his oh so preciously hacked k/d was taken away from him. :mischievous:
That would be a glorious day if ever applied.

On another note how does one get public lobbies to themselves other than the MTU trick or hopping lobbies? I like to be able to join friends or crew without having to reset my setting every time.
I wonder how the typical try-hard meta would change if R* counted suicides as deaths.
That might work on the current consoles. But it would change nothing at all on past gen because modders can change K/D ratios in an instant on the PS3. Hell, last night I went from a 0.2 K/D I had set by a modder to a 181 K/D set by another and back to a 0.2 set by the first modder- all in the same lobby. Granted, the one who set it at 0.2 is my crew leader and I asked him to set it artificially low on purpose since K/D means nothing to begin with. The account liked to GTP is not modded and legitly holds a 1.75 K/D. Ironically, that account acquired the 1.75 K/D after I was holding my own with it as my modded account got put into Bad Sport by a modder.
That might work on the current consoles. But it would change nothing at all on past gen because modders can change K/D ratios in an instant on the PS3.
That's less try-hard tactics and more straight-up modding the game. I'm pretty sure past-gen is well beyond saving at this point.
That would be a glorious day if ever applied.

On another note how does one get public lobbies to themselves other than the MTU trick or hopping lobbies? I like to be able to join friends or crew without having to reset my setting every time.

The trick I use on XB1 is going into network settings, go to test NAT connection and when it’s done, 99% of the time the whole lobby disappears, it’s what I’ve been doing to maximise profit before the next update comes out.

Big Drawback however is you won’t be able to join other lobbies or jobs unless you exit the game, but friends and crew members can still join your lobby on the plus side.
Last time I was playing with a friend and he joined a lobby with only me and 3 other GTP crew members but as I was doing a supply run I couldn‘t invite him to my MC directly. 30 seconds later a note pops up saying that my friend left the lobby and he got a message saying he was kicked out :lol: As that was the only empty lobby I could hop in directly I was a little pissed off and sent a nice thank you SMS to the leader of the other business 🤬 As if a level 18 player would be able to grief three way higher leveled players...
We went on joining a public session and I was immediately reminded why I haven‘t bothered playing the game in weeks now. The first thing that happens after us spawning into the lobby is some guy in a Deluxo blowing us up 👍

/rant over
I think the reason for being kicked like that is because they have this idea that as soon as 1 random joins, it will open the floodgates for lots of others to join the session.
I think the reason for being kicked like that is because they have this idea that as soon as 1 random joins, it will open the floodgates for lots of others to join the session.

Wonder who came up with that idea.

Yes, there's a big cancerous thread on GTA Forums about the vote kick that is nothing more than a repeating argument full of low-brow insults towards each other.

Personally, my group normally does the NAT trick and we keep to ourselves. We used to vote kick anyone that joined, but as we've ranked higher, I tend to try & have them to wait. Half the time, the other person is halfway across the map, barely moving. Otherwise, I just watch what they're doing, leaveing them alone and avoiding a kick for something necessary like some obviously BS K/D.

It's the Tryhards that basically kill any sort of caution players would have towards each other. Just last night, someone took a shot at us, so we shot back. Was pretty back and forth for a while, mindless fun since that's what the game is all about. I guess at some point, he started constantly rolling around and shooting rockets/throwing explosives over and over, instead of what was originally pistols/sniping/rifle fire towards each other. When the back and forth killing got old for him, he decided to bring out his Khanjali and use that over and over whilst someone else in his Org. grabbed an Oppressor. Even when we adjusted to this, he would still try to send a mugger and go off the radar. At that point, I got tired of waiting to see what he would eventually do next, so I went passive with my buddy. For whatever reason after we gave up, they still followed us around trying to blow up whatever we went near. Went from a fun shootout to just straight up griefing as hard as they could. After a few minutes, they stopped and went up the street to a MC business. I decided to go ahead and return some of their destructive behavior back and set proximity mines around the entrance; as assumed, it killed both of them, a Deluxo, and their shipment. Cost me $20,000 and an impeding **** storm from both, but was worth it to waste their time building product as much as it was wasting ours in passive.

This finished out by them quickly attacking anyone & everyone that came near both our groups which ended up biting them in the ass by killing an associate of a MC that had 7 people in it. That brought out a full on war with said MC that had jets and a Deluxo of their own leading to a firefight that included the 2 greifers, us, and a couple lone wolfs that got caught up; it basically became fun again getting attacked from everywhere. But, Mr. Khanjali apparently didn't like these odds, and once his tank was gone, he resorted to EWO a couple times after a kill, and then left when he would get killed shortly after spawning like everybody else. :rolleyes:
The Savage is savage.

Took a peaceful tour around the map in my bus. Outside the airport an idiot in a chrome supercar (because what else would he drive) decided that it would be fun to crash into the back of the bus and then blow it up with a stickybomb.

Cool. Called Pegasus for a Savage, and shortly after taking off mr Chromepants comes racing into the airport. I send some thank you-missiles his way, but he's rude enough to dodge them, so I switch to the cannon and with a well placed round repaint his car to a charred matte black.

Much better.
^ That's the exact reason why I didn't buy a facility in that location. Any sort of quick driving or trying to avoid a griefer will be a nightmare on those roads.

Great luck tho.
^ That's the exact reason why I didn't buy a facility in that location. Any sort of quick driving or trying to avoid a griefer will be a nightmare on those roads.

Great luck tho.
Oh I don't have any facility, I had a drop off during a 550K bunker sale at the damn and that happened right as I set off for the final drop off location.