GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
I was driving around earlier, testing out my new Issi when an Akula uncloaked behind me and fired a volley of missiles. Somehow they all missed. He cloaked and flew off.

Within a few minutes his crew started a piracy prevention. I was near by and saw him in his Akula. I hit him with 5 explosive rounds before he flew off.

Then i got a vote to kick and a text saying "reported you kid".

Not sure what it is but I don't get how delicate some of these very high rank players can be. Happy to shoot at you for no reason but turn into a precious little flower if someone dares shoot them back.

Anyway, I had a good laugh texting him over and over if he was ok? Did the bad man shoot at him? Did his vote to kick thumb need a hug etc etc.
For anyone hoping to spend a lovely time out in the ocean with your seasparrow be advised, you can't just land on the water and have some scuba fun.

As soon as you get out the sparrow just accelerates away from you faster than you can swim. Great helicopter but it's a bit broken.

Oh, and it can't be docked at the yacht (I know you can use the helipad tho, just saying).

“Introducing the new Sea Sparrow Anchor Upgrade. For only $550,000, you will never have to worry about your amphibious helicopter drifting away during offshore excursions again!”
I was driving around earlier, testing out my new Issi when an Akula uncloaked behind me and fired a volley of missiles. Somehow they all missed. He cloaked and flew off.

Within a few minutes his crew started a piracy prevention. I was near by and saw him in his Akula. I hit him with 5 explosive rounds before he flew off.

Then i got a vote to kick and a text saying "reported you kid".

Not sure what it is but I don't get how delicate some of these very high rank players can be. Happy to shoot at you for no reason but turn into a precious little flower if someone dares shoot them back.

Anyway, I had a good laugh texting him over and over if he was ok? Did the bad man shoot at him? Did his vote to kick thumb need a hug etc etc.

That right there, is a solid case study on society in general.
Not sure what it is
  1. Uses helicopter with cloaking abilities because that saves the money and doesn't show the notifications of OTR
  2. Perfectly fine with going for the kill on others
  3. Becomes a whiny 🤬 once tables are turned
I can come up with an educated guess as to what it is. All I need to know is whether or not he was wearing bulletproof clothing and the cliché checklist would be complete.
“Introducing the new Sea Sparrow Anchor Upgrade. For only $550,000, you will never have to worry about your amphibious helicopter drifting away during offshore excursions again!”
I wouldn't put it past R* to do that.

That right there, is a solid case study on society in general.
San Andreas life is a confusing mix of unbelievable behaviour.

  1. Uses helicopter with cloaking abilities because that saves the money and doesn't show the notifications of OTR
  2. Perfectly fine with going for the kill on others
  3. Becomes a whiny 🤬 once tables are turned
I can come up with an educated guess as to what it is. All I need to know is whether or not he was wearing bulletproof clothing and the cliché checklist would be complete.
There must be millions of those Cliché players on GTA now.
I was driving around earlier, testing out my new Issi when an Akula uncloaked behind me and fired a volley of missiles. Somehow they all missed. He cloaked and flew off.

Within a few minutes his crew started a piracy prevention. I was near by and saw him in his Akula. I hit him with 5 explosive rounds before he flew off.

Then i got a vote to kick and a text saying "reported you kid".

Not sure what it is but I don't get how delicate some of these very high rank players can be. Happy to shoot at you for no reason but turn into a precious little flower if someone dares shoot them back.

Anyway, I had a good laugh texting him over and over if he was ok? Did the bad man shoot at him? Did his vote to kick thumb need a hug etc etc.
Gotta love those idiots. They only do it because they want kills but suck too much to get them when they are the hunted.

I had a similar one today playing with my crew leader (modder) and my brother on the PS3 griefing the living hell out of one of his low level crew mates. But when my brother went to that guy and killed him, he got all pissy and started sending messages to him. Ironically, his meat shield crew member went to aid him and actually gave my brother more of a hassle than the high level guy did. The high level guy eventually gave up when my brother told him "I'm going to keep killing you until one of us leaves" and stayed in passive until we all got off.

Side note- I'm amazed I wasn't vote kicked out of that lobby because all but the three I listed were in the same crew. Just my brother and I alone had that crew's number and my crew leader for his most part spent the lobby watching the fights from afar with his mod menu.
For anyone hoping to spend a lovely time out in the ocean with your seasparrow be advised, you can't just land on the water and have some scuba fun.

As soon as you get out the sparrow just accelerates away from you faster than you can swim. Great helicopter but it's a bit broken.

Oh, and it can't be docked at the yacht (I know you can use the helipad tho, just saying).
Appreciate the warning. That was going to be my first purchase today. I'll have to wait and see if they fix it.
San Andreas life is a confusing mix of unbelievable behaviour.

Generally, I view the interpersonal dynamics of GTA to be very accurate to real life. Absent the real life consequences, (as in GTA) I would expect that most people would behave as such in real life. Of course, one's views on these matters, like many; could be traced back to Hobbes and Locke and one's personal philosophical bent. As in, whether one believes people at their root are good or bad. I firmly believe that absent the societal controls that exist in the world, yes people would do horrible things to each other wholesale. Just as they do in GTA, absent those societal controls.

A discussion for another day and another context perhaps, but food for thought exists in the following; why are people so quick to cut others off/obstruct others, etc behind the wheel of a vehicle such that they would not behave standing face to face in line at the sandwich shop, for example. The answer, of course, lies within the above and lack of certain controls that exist in person, aka the fear of getting your teeth punched down your throat. :lol:
I got on GTAO and looked at all of the new vehicles for sale. I saw that the Weeni Issi Classic was $360,000 and I thought to myself, "Hey, that's not bad!" and then I slapped myself in the face and snapped out of the reality that Rockstar has put us in. It's the $80,000 Smart Car all over again! :lol:

I bought it immediately.
Generally, I view the interpersonal dynamics of GTA to be very accurate to real life. Absent the real life consequences, (as in GTA) I would expect that most people would behave as such in real life. Of course, one's views on these matters, like many; could be traced back to Hobbes and Locke and one's personal philosophical bent. As in, whether one believes people at their root are good or bad. I firmly believe that absent the societal controls that exist in the world, yes people would do horrible things to each other wholesale. Just as they do in GTA, absent those societal controls.

A discussion for another day and another context perhaps, but food for thought exists in the following; why are people so quick to cut others off/obstruct others, etc behind the wheel of a vehicle such that they would not behave standing face to face in line at the sandwich shop, for example. The answer, of course, lies within the above and lack of certain controls that exist in person, aka the fear of getting your teeth punched down your throat. :lol:
"I'm in the car so I can flip you off and call you a few effing f-bombs and you can't do anything because I'm in my inpenimpenet fortress of solitude"
I got on GTAO and looked at all of the new vehicles for sale. I saw that the Weeni Issi Classic was $360,000 and I thought to myself, "Hey, that's not bad!" and then I slapped myself in the face and snapped out of the reality that Rockstar has put us in. It's the $80,000 Smart Car all over again! :lol:

I bought it immediately.

You lost me. I think I spent too much time away. Are you saying I should wait?
You lost me. I think I spent too much time away. Are you saying I should wait?
No it's a good fun car with a good amount of modifications available. It was just a joke about how there were a lot of people (myself included) who were complaining about the Panto (which is based on the Smart Car) being $80,000 when it came out 15 years ago.
No it's a good fun car with a good amount of modifications available. It was just a joke about how there were a lot of people (myself included) who were complaining about the Panto (which is based on the Smart Car) being $80,000 when it came out 15 years ago.

That's what I thought.

It is over-priced, but what isn't in this game?
Getting texts is one of the highlights of GTA...
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Grand Theft Auto V_20180409022823_1.png
Moving on from the he-she fathermother; I will have a room open tomorrow evening as always. Unlike always, I plan to not be AFK the entire evening. :lol:

In celebration of the greatest holiday of the year, I expect a small gathering to occur later tomorrow evening. Probably sometime between 10P-midnight EDT. Nothing sorted, probably cruise around to a few appropriate locations to hang out, do some bar hopping, stop by the farm for a little reup, maybe do some yachting, off roading, cycling, hiking, and certainly lots of standing around while taking in views and copious amounts of particulate-filled air that makes everything look prettier and music sound better and movies funnier. So, probably boring stuff that I do anyway. Probably a lot of nothingness. Not going crazy to publicise it, because if it ends up as just a couple of us hanging round doing nothing I don't want to disappoint anyone.

So, if you feel like doing nothing and staring at sunsets and inane environmental details in a completely unorganised setting, come find me. :lol:
Good ways to annoy a try hard Rager who is determined to kill you by any means (these are common knowledge but it may help someone):

•Stromberg - Fast, can take 3 missiles and has great rockets. Use against opressors, Deluxos, buzzards etc.

•MOC cab - can take more missile hits than the opressor and Deluxo can carry. Super tanky against almost anything. Great protection.

•Night shark/Insurgent - offers similar protection to the MOC cab but not as much. Good for short term baiting.

•Yacht AA defenses - obviously

•Orbital Cannon money sink - Sit on MOC or Avanger Cannons. Costs them money but doesn't kill you. Just destroys the vehicle.

•Orbital Cannon Protection - GROUND floor of the multi storey car park and underneath the high rise construction site. You can't be killed here...

•Fully Loaded Ruiner - Very OP. Can take a massive amount of hits, has the best rockets in the game. No escape from the rockets really. 20 minutes of power and no insurance to pay out. Just be careful driving it not to roll over or get trapped somewhere and become a sitting duck. Just be aware you can't retire from the CEO menu during fully loaded.

•Teleport escapes - Sounds like a griefer tactic but it is a handy way out of your property if someone is camping outside and you can't go passive....

Lester and Facility heist invites obviously.

Drink yourself to death while indoors and you teleport to the nearest hospital. (Not tested this myself, just what I've heard)

My favourite is to open my phone, start a random race from the quick jobs menu > Alone then back out of it when the quit option is there. need to practice this in various properties as it varies where is spawns you.

For example,
Inside your MOC/Bunker you spawn at the docks.

Inside the avenger/facility you spawn on mount chiliad.

Inside your car garage you spawn at Legion Square

Inside your hangar you spawn at LSIA

Inside Biker clubhouse you spawn at the docks

There are places it doesn't work and I don't own all types of property, it's best to test it yourself. When you get the hang of it it's handy.

•Solo Crew Teleport - If you're in your own crew with no other members you can select your spawn location from the interaction menu then select Join Crew Members from the online menu.

You then spawn to that location and remain in the same Lobby. Risky though as I often get stuck in the clouds after doing it a few times.

•Go passive, stay passive, leave lobby. Sometimes killing them then leaving can annoy these Ragers just as much as all the above.

•Caveat, I'm not a PVP expert. This is just stuff I do. It may or may not work for you but it's worth a try
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The Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition - available for PS4, Xbox One and PC - includes the complete Grand Theft Auto V story experience, the ever evolving world of Grand Theft Auto Online, and all existing gameplay upgrades and content including The Doomsday Heist, Gunrunning, Smuggler’s Run, Bikersand much more.

You’ll also get the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack, the fastest way for new GTA Online players to jumpstart their criminal empires with the most exciting and popular content plus $1,000,000 bonus cash to spend in GTA Online - over GTA$10,000,000 in value.
Yesterday was very interesting.

I was playing with my friend, as I do every weekend. He hadn't realized he was a dodgy player. I landed my Pyro next to him to pick him up but it was heavily damaged, so he threw C4 at it. Then suddenly he had a dunce hat on...

Because I'm an awesome friend (:sly:) I said "to hell with it" and told him to register as an MC President. He called all of his bikes one by one while I RPG'd them. After about 25 explosions I had my own dunce hat and we plunged into the land of sinners together...

We landed in a 29-player session. Only about half of them were on the radar; I checked everyone's K/D and my 1.44 paled in comparison to absolutely everything. 5-6 Deluxos were on the map at all times, usually under the map as well. We had to do that disgraceful glitch as well in order to hold our own, because we knew we'd get steamrolled in ground combat. We ended up besting the tryhards through a combination of teamwork and lots of chicken maneuvers :lol: Unfortunately we only had an hour and a half of playtime in Bad Sport and the penalty will be over until Friday, so I won't be experiencing this again anytime soon (unless he drags me into it again :P).

To those of you who have been in Bad Sport (@Crumpet?), how easy is it to get back in once you're clean?
Are you on PS4? I didn't know bad sport lobbies were still a thing. I haven't been a bad sport in probably 3 years.
Some nice, clever marketing by Rockstar with the Premium Edition. For $80, it sounds like you get not only the game, but a bunch of DLC and spending cash/properties, when really, you're just saving $10 on the Criminal Enterprise Pack. :lol: