GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
The biggest issue is that the most crew members I've seen on at the same time in weeks might be four. I think that was ~4am EDT, too. :lol:

There just isn't the enthusiasm for this game anymore.

Historically, the best turnouts were unfortunately the latenight hours. I used to try and host another event the following Saturday or Sunday afternoon, and those folks always got the short end of the stick with low turnouts and a completely different experience because of that. That said, the last few events I tried to host at an earlier time and I don't think the time mattered much. One event we had a solid turnout, and the other not one single person showed. It's always a gamble. On that front, the game has been in decline since 2014. Aside from just one tour that was hosted on PS4, the turnouts for every event on PS3 were higher. Despite the room max increasing from 16 to 30 with PS4, IIRC we've only used that extra capacity at a tour or show once.

I'm obviously in for whatever; I'm still available and online regularly. I'm not sure the time, or even how well publicised(the last and poorest turnout had probably the most lead-up publicity of all events) even matters at this point. The struggle isn't going to be getting several folks together at the same time, but getting several folks to turn the game on at all. Frankly, I'm not sure there are more than a half dozen folks who the prospect of the type of activities at a tour/show would appeal to. There are clearly plenty of GTA players out there(just not GTPL crew) but shooting and driving fast seems to be the only popular activities, both of which don't happen at my events. :lol:
PS3 is completely gone now. Virtually every lobby I've played in has modders in them now. Unless you know MULTIPLE modders, its not worth playing now because 80% of all the modders I've come across lately are pure douchebags that will ruin a lobby in seconds at some point of a lobby.
I wonder if anyone will make a Porsche 935 clone out of the Comet on the FiveM Project Homecoming server.
Hi squad, recently returned to GTAO and found out everyone and their mother only knows how to use an Oppressor in PVP :lol: (nice one devs)

Anyone recommend me a vehicle that can tank their stingers?

At the moment I'm torn between the Insurgent and Nightshark.
Hi squad, recently returned to GTAO and found out everyone and their mother only knows how to use an Oppressor in PVP :lol: (nice one devs)

Anyone recommend me a vehicle that can tank their stingers?

At the moment I'm torn between the Insurgent and Nightshark.

In terms of defence, those two are solid choices with the MOC truck being the king of defence.

For offence, you need good tracking rockets and some defence, I personally rock a Stromberg against as it can take 5 or 6 rockets (of course lobby connection can vary that number.).

If you’re up against a MK2 with flares, just keeping firing and you’ll overcome the flares, Chaff equipped MK2’s however are harder to beat if the rider knows how to use it.

Be wary of the fact the Stromberg can get thrown around by exploisions and can leave you exposed to continuous rockets, but keep the front of it pointing at your opponent and fire the instant you get even a brief lock on. ;)

There are other rocket equipped machines like the Deluxo that can hit it, but 9/10 times it’s a kill trade situation where you get him and he gets you.

If it were me on your two picks, I’d take the Nightshark, more pricey, but it’s also got the advantage of a normal vehicle icon on radar so no one knows it’s a Nightshark. ;)
Hi squad, recently returned to GTAO and found out everyone and their mother only knows how to use an Oppressor in PVP :lol: (nice one devs)

Anyone recommend me a vehicle that can tank their stingers?

At the moment I'm torn between the Insurgent and Nightshark.

I can’t comment on the Nightshark, but I’ve loved the Insurgent from the moment I bought it. It’s extremely fast and can climb over just about anything. Unfortunately you can’t do much customization. The Nightshark has more customization options like armor plating on the body and functional window armor. You also have forward facing machine guns, but they are almost completely useless.
Gratuitous Tugging Area

tug3.jpg the good news is that all the important dripfeeding over with. So maybe we can get back to a little while where we aren't busy ripping each others' throat out?
I am probably going to renovate my club to a different light rig for a while. Just to change it up. May also move a couple of properties for a change of scenery, and then likely move them back. I still haven't bought one of the customisable Eclipse properties, because I've been unwilling to give up my two existing awesome views there and I can't justify having three apartments in the same building. :lol:

Lately I've mostly been cruising solo, following traffic laws and such, and doing some sightseeing. Hit up some npc parties, etc has been about the extent of it. Even hanging out in cool places gets old when there's noone to share it with. I do plan to buy RDR2, although depending on the whole game dynamic I may end up using it as a hiking simulator and little more. :lol:
I ended up uninstalling this game about a week ago. It's literally turned into two different types of games in one; a Shooter game, and one of those Facebook-AFK games. It's either kill or be killed in free roam, and when everyone's flying around on their Harry Potter brooms and in their Buzz Lightyear cars, it's just not fun to play anymore. Alternatively you could just fire up your game and go idle on the security cameras in your bunker all day. Where is the fun in that?

I'm normally not one to complain about games, but they're really comes a point where you need to realize that your game is getting very stale. Simply spoon-feeding us countless Adversary Modes is not going to improve the longitivity of this game. You can even tell that they've run out of ideas on this front with all these recent Remix modes.

I'm not even sure if I'm going to pick up GTA 6 whenever they release it. The later years of GTA online have really left a horrible lasting impression. I've lost so many friends thanks to this game, whether it's due to the fact that they end up becoming complete buttholes, or I end up getting angry and taking it out on them when one of my sales gets destroyed by some jet griefer. There's only so much stress that one person can take before it breaks you. Then you realize that it's just not even worth it.

I know I can't speak for everyone, but these last few updates have been nothing but copy and paste. Drive here, shoot there, grab this, drop off that, etc. Obviously I'm in the minority when I feel like this game is getting stale, especially when it's still topping sales charts 5 years after being released. But even still that doesn't mean anything, when all it takes is a few idiotic clickbaiters to rope people into buying this game. But alas, this concludes my rambling.
I think GTA Online would benefit from custom lobbies where you could decide what rules to play by and what equipment to allow.

A large number of players have been asking for this ever since the game released. Now, I think it’s too late in the game’s life cycle to implement something like this.
4.83 made the ps3 playable since most of the modders are out for now, but I know better than to expect that to stay. It won't be long before they come back and it will be back to normal (unplayable hellhole).
4.83 made the ps3 playable since most of the modders are out for now, but I know better than to expect that to stay. It won't be long before they come back and it will be back to normal (unplayable hellhole).

Did they actually make a patch for the PS3?
Did they actually make a patch for the PS3?
Yeah. Sony dropped an update on the 11th. That said, I'm gonna guess the window of safety is over already because a lot of modders are updating to 4.83 now in some form or another.
Since how long has the PS4 version been hacked? Second time in 2 days that I come across people who can't die.
Since how long has the PS4 version been hacked? Second time in 2 days that I come across people who can't die.

I don’t know of any hacking menus being available yet, but I’m sure there are glitches to make yourself invincible.
I don’t know of any hacking menus being available yet, but I’m sure there are glitches to make yourself invincible.
It won't be long before mod menus are out because most of the efforts are being focused on getting jailbroken ps4s online within the next year or two.
I just took out my Nakota for the first time in aaaaaaages. Of course I got shot down by an opressor MkII. A crew of 3 on MKiis

I jumped on my MKii and thanks to my chaff usage I killed all three of them and their MKiis.

The following ironic text was received:
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I haven't even played this game in a good year. Ever since it got released on PS4, it's slowly lost it's fun-ness for me until it got super boring. Last time I played often must have been when they released the DLC with the crazy custom races with ramps and stuff.
I haven't even played this game in a good year. Ever since it got released on PS4, it's slowly lost it's fun-ness for me until it got super boring. Last time I played often must have been when they released the DLC with the crazy custom races with ramps and stuff.

You’re not missing out on much, to be honest.
On the PS3, it seems like a boatload of jailbroken PS3s have been getting banned left and right. Not sure if its Sony cracking down hard or Rockstar trying to clean up its image in hopes that more people buy GTAV on the the 4 and also buy Shark Cards to further the bottom line.

If its the former, Sony should have been cracking down on this when the first jailbreaks came out, not now. Granted, the first people to jailbreak were not asshats like most of the modders now, but still. It would have saved a lot of problems now if they did. If the latter, Rockstar should have worked that out in 2014, not now, for the same reason. Also, even though its a small sample size, most of the people I know on the 3 have the game on the 4 and don't play it there because they say the game sucks and is even more broken than the past gen variant.