GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
When you're so desperate for something to happen that you actually put your mandatory Oppressor MKII to bed:

Speaking of things happening, that snow rally thing I was talking about? Yeah, it's getting about time for that if anyone can be bothered. And I'm looking into making the stages longer. Quite a bit longer. So there's something to look forward to.
Wound up playing doing something I never thought I'd ever do- played GTA Online on a current gen console. I wound up borrowing my brother's disc to get the platinum trophy on the 4 since I had it on the 3 and tried GTA Online in a solo session after I did. To say I wasn't impressed was an understatement. I don't even care about being level 1 again despite trasnferring the account as a 336 with a 1.7 kd despite having the trophies to show that I transferred that account. All the annoying phone calls from starting with nothing, the non-stop notifications in the top left corner, and a slew of other annoyances really set me off on this game on current gen consoles.
I haven't played GTA online for weeks and weeks and weeks. I decided to give it another go.

Within the first 45minutes I was orbital cannon'd 3 times, mugged twice, three bounties placed on me and had the pleasure of about 30 poorly spelt abusive texts.

Toxic as ever!
Sounds about right.

I do miss it somewhat as RDR has grabbed me away. Now that I've finished the story I'm sure I can come back to GTA and enjoy the leisure again. Of course, among friends it seems pretty desolate attendance, which is why I haven't returned yet.
The PS3 has truly returned to being a war zone again. Multiple modders in lobbies again. It's so far gone now that possessing a jailbroken is pretty much a requirement to play the game online in public lobbies. Not worth touching it there otherwise, and frankly, it isn't even worth playing in pubs to begin with.
Any news on an update even or as RDR2 finally finished this game off?
I don't think Rockstar has any intention of letting GTA Online die with the staying power against their biggest release since, seeing as RDR2 basically finished #2 in release records against it.

Next major update is probably when Marcus said, around December. The last 4 years show Rockstar seems release at least 1 major content in the Summer (Ill-Gotten, Finance/Felony, Gunrunning, After Hours) and the Winter (Executive, I/E, Doomsday).
At least the Maze Bank Arena is finally being useful.

It took them five years, but we got there in the end.

Edit: sooouh, the vehicles and weapons have started leaking, and.. it's about what you'd expect, really.

Personal shopping list:
  • Will definitely get the Deviant
  • The Imperator has the reference aspect to it, so I might make space for that
  • The Itali GTO? A mix between a Ginetta G55 and Ferrari F12/812? Sign me up for that one
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So you need another workshop to convert cars to 'arena' variants and all that jazz again.

Foxy has the cars/masks/weapons on his twitter page.

They added a raygun and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I haven't played this game in forever, but still come in here to see what's going on. Can't believe they are still adding stuff, after all this time, that's great.

Being one to not buy shark cards, I was a grinding fool when I played, and that was eventually what turned me away from playing. I didn't need to own everything, but being a car guy, my eyes were always on the vehicles. It's a shame the economy is the way it is. is par for the course, everything on my wishlist is reserved for dripfeeding. Then again, what did I expect would happen.

Speaking of dripfeeding:

..yeah, the Space Docker, Clown Van and Taxi are coming to Pegasus. It only took them half a decade, but here we finally are.

Also not sure if I feel more like making a sarcastic remark about police vehicles being "too difficult to implement" or making an optimistic remark about a police-themed update (aka essentially the GTA equivalent to Spa) being "on the way".
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say the lack of police cars is due to it causing potential problems with AI. With that said, something like that could be fixed easily enough so it's more likely they just forgot about them.

Whatever. I had no expectations for this update but was pleasantly surprised by some of the cars we got.

I’ve seen some people estimating the total cost for every item in this update being somewhere around $250 million dollars. That translates to over $3000 in shark cards.

Makes me wonder the total USD cost of all GTA Online DLC to date. It could honestly be upwards of $50,000. :crazy:

Edit: Saw a post from a few months ago claiming that buying all of the content on GTA-Online would cost about R$1.3B. Add another R$250M to that and call it R$1.5B. Divide that by the R$8M (Megalodon Shark card) and you end up with 187 Megalodon shark cards which is nearly $20,000USD. That's disgusting.
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In case you too were left thinking "well, this initial vehicle selection isn't quite what I was after, I guess I'll get the Impaler to kill time (lol)", try this:
  • Upgrade it to max (not sure if necessary)
  • Park it at the end of a runway at LSIA or any wide road with little traffic
  • Hold the handbrake
  • Dump the throttle
  • Release handbrake
  • ???
  • Profit
I'll give you a hint: there's a good reason this one's got a wheelie bar. If only all the other cars were like that. A good enough reason to get a session going once.. the dripfeed is (mostly?) over?
Over 300k for a body suit like the FREE wireframe ones they gave away the other month. The prices in this DLC are just insane. It's actually quite a disgrace.

Of course everything can by gotten at a trade price discount but the amount of hours of grinding required to unlock the trade price for everything, clothes, vehicles, vehicles upgrades/mods etc etc must be about 100 hours or probably alot more.
I haven't actually read any of the information about the update, despite spending more time on GTA lately than RDR, but I believe everything you guys are saying. :lol:

Will have to take a look at this tonight.
To be fair, the whole $250M DLC thing is mostly made up of vehicles (which there are something like 25 iirc) and clothing (which has been kinda wack the past few updates anyways). I doubt anyone is gonna go out of their way to buy everything.

With that said, there's still plenty of inflated prices and paywalls. Not great.

Edit: Oof. You can remove pretty much all of the armor on the 350Z clone except for the windows. Disappointed.
You have to buy the arena in order to earn AP points and level up your sponsorship. I think this lets you get the items free/at a discount.

The arena modes are bloody dynamite though.
If only all the other cars were like that. A good enough reason to get a session going once.. the dripfeed is (mostly?) over? yeah, about this..

As it turns out, any vehicle in the muscle class can do a wheelie now. Yes, even the Moonbeam.

With that in mind, I'd say it's good enough for a session already. Not right now, obviously, but.. weekends, anyone?

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