GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Room is up, and invites about to go out for tonight's Halloween Tour. Anyone who wants to come along, let me know and I'll get you an invite.
Rockstar's latest method for taking money from the parent's of 12 18 year olds - The Cayo Perico Heist DLC

I've put the link for the Newswire post/trailer in a spoiler because this is GTA and there could be some bad language that I didn't pick up on. So consider yourself warned.

If you haven't watched the trailer yet and don't want any of it spoiled, don't open the next spoiler.

My GTA bank account doesn't even want to know how much that Submarine is gonna cost.
I'm expecting that this island will only be accessible during the heist, similar to North Yankton, because that is absolutely something Rockstar would do. Would be nice if it was an island that could be visited casually, similar to the Casino island in TDU2, although knowing Rockstar that would probably cost $1 million per flight.
Also expecting the payouts for this to be pretty low, I would expect a Casino to be holding more valuable items then a rich drug dealer. Having said that, I have no idea how much rich drug dealers are worth so I could be completely wrong there.

DLC will be released 15th December 2020
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Rockstar's latest method for taking money from the parent's of 12 18 year olds - The Cayo Perico Heist DLC

DLC will be released 15th December 2020

I'm sceptically looking forward to this DLC but given I don't have a lot of money in game (15 million) I can see the pre-requisites to participate in the heist breaking my bank very quickly.

Good that it can be played solo though, I have long waited for a single player online heist but it would be rude of me not to post offer of help if people on GT Planet community are looking for a member to participate in the heist to complete with other players.

Rust is present since I haven't done a heist in a long time but I am always cautious and try to preserve my health/armour as much as possible when participating in heists
I've been helping a friend rebuild since Rockstar reset him after the property dupe glitch. Right now, I'm tryin got help him get to 15 million so he can at least have money for the heist. I was 1 of maybe 3 who didn't do that glitch, and now it's all on my shoulders to help all my friends since I'm the only one in our group that still actively plays.
I'm curious how do-able this heist is solo. I've read you can definitely grab more for yourself than splitting it 4 ways, but hopefully it doesn't end up putting a solo person in a position where it's too much of a headache alone.
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I'm curious how do-able this heist is solo. I've read you can definitely grab more for yourself than splitting it 4 ways, but hopefully it doesn't end up putting a solo person in a position where it's too much of a headache alone.

Well hopefully there are not too many barriers for solo players, I will be one who'll mainly grind this heist solo so depending how much energy I have after a busy day's work tomorrow I hope to start finding out what it will be like and the actual reward, anything I find out I'll post up!
I already blew 9m on the sub for that. The helicopter for that already saved me quite a few times as an emergency vehicle call.

As for the heist, the scoping has been rough. I'm not good at stealth, and my brother is absolute garbage at stealth. To say its been a mess is an understatement. Still have yet to do the finale so no idea how that is.
Just to jot down for everyone. You need a penthouse and the submarine to get the heist started off. 1 mil for a basic penthouse and 2.2 mil for the submarine.
I don't have the penthouse but I was able to start the heist with just the Submarine. Although I've only done the scoping of the island, so maybe the penthouse is required after that?
I think the penthouse gives you free access to the Music Locker nightclub which initiates the cutscenes etc, everyone else has to pay $150 to get into the nightclub.
You know how vehicles with jet/rocket boosters can’t do time trials?

You know how weaponised vehicles can’t engage passive mode?

Clearly (as when I type this) the new Toreador didn’t get that memo. :P

As it currently is, you can engage passive mode in it, it’s icon on the map is normal(like the Nightshark), seats 4 players (again like the Nightshark), has a quick recharge boost like the Vigilante, submersible like the Stromberg and just as tough as one. :bowdown:

In terms of offence, the front mounted MG’s are as strong as the Strombergs(Which compared to other front mounted MG’s are class leading.), the missile tracking is reportedly the same as the MK2 Oppressor and the Missile capacity is unlimited according to a quick test I did. :eek:

And all of that, is wrapped up in the body of the classic Lamborghini Marzal concept car.

Jack of all trades and very good at what it can do. 👍

IMO, A skilled and experienced player could very well terrorise MK2 Oppressors. :eek:

The unofficial Mk2 Stromberg I’m calling it :cheers:
So is the heist worth it? Seen a lot of mixed-negative reactions. A lot of it from folks upset you can't go to it in free-roam (I figured as much), but also many claiming you can't explore the island even when you do get there.

BTW, don't know if this helps ya'll or not, but also many advising during a mission when you climb to the top of a tower, to parachute off and glide towards your destination. This apparently helps you avoid the guards on the way back.
Have not looked at the DLC at all, what they have done to the Marzal concept car killed all of my interest in the DLC.

I was thinking this would be an ordinary road car that I could cruise around in but NOOO they had to go weaponize it and make it a sub...;suck'

Also I 'suck' at stealth and so I'll do this heist someday but only when I won't get myself in a frustrated state...R* really disappointed me with this one.
I don't have the penthouse but I was able to start the heist with just the Submarine. Although I've only done the scoping of the island, so maybe the penthouse is required after that?
I think the penthouse gives you free access to the Music Locker nightclub which initiates the cutscenes etc, everyone else has to pay $150 to get into the nightclub.

Intriguing. I went to the elevator and it said "you need to purchase a penthouse to use the music locker". I didn't have a penthouse until yesterday. Idiot here blew the money he'd be saving on cars so now need to get submarine money going. Sigh lol.
Intriguing. I went to the elevator and it said "you need to purchase a penthouse to use the music locker". I didn't have a penthouse until yesterday. Idiot here blew the money he'd be saving on cars so now need to get submarine money going. Sigh lol.

I know this feeling all too well, I am going to test the 'penthouse requirement' bit since I don't have one myself, I'll report back in a bit!
Intriguing. I went to the elevator and it said "you need to purchase a penthouse to use the music locker". I didn't have a penthouse until yesterday. Idiot here blew the money he'd be saving on cars so now need to get submarine money going. Sigh lol.

When I opened the game it had spawned me outside the Music Locker already, so I just walked to the door and it let me in. Then when I tried to proceed further into the club one of the bouncers had a go at me for not paying the entry fee of $150.

Maybe you need the penthouse to access the club through the elevator? Not sure why they would do that but would be my best guess as to why it wouldn't let you in.

Also I 'suck' at stealth and so I'll do this heist someday but only when I won't get myself in a frustrated state...R* really disappointed me with this one.

You might need to set aside a few days when you aren't frustrated not just one. I'm still trying to scope everything after 4 hours of running around taking photos of random things :banghead:. Some of the points of interest (bolt cutters, grappling hooks and workers clothing) are in different spots for everyone, so you can't rely on the old "watch a Youtube video showing the locations of everything". Not to mention the bolt cutters and grappling hooks are tiny and impossible to see so actually finding them is even more infuriating. Doesn't help that it's incredibly hard to move around the island thanks to the security guards having cones of vision, so vehicle use is limited.

I feel most of the scoping out part of this heist can be described with the bang head smiley.
I can confirm you can start the heist without having a penthouse, just pay your entry fee, buy the sub and all set to go!

When I opened the game it had spawned me outside the Music Locker already, so I just walked to the door and it let me in. Then when I tried to proceed further into the club one of the bouncers had a go at me for not paying the entry fee of $150.

Maybe you need the penthouse to access the club through the elevator? Not sure why they would do that but would be my best guess as to why it wouldn't let you in.

You might need to set aside a few days when you aren't frustrated not just one. I'm still trying to scope everything after 4 hours of running around taking photos of random things :banghead:. Some of the points of interest (bolt cutters, grappling hooks and workers clothing) are in different spots for everyone, so you can't rely on the old "watch a Youtube video showing the locations of everything". Not to mention the bolt cutters and grappling hooks are tiny and impossible to see so actually finding them is even more infuriating. Doesn't help that it's incredibly hard to move around the island thanks to the security guards having cones of vision, so vehicle use is limited.

I feel most of the scoping out part of this heist can be described with the bang head smiley.

Yeah, I started last night and I managed to find 'some' stuff and the basic requirements to do the heist but I am sure there are other bits still so I'll be back sneaking about the island tonight to see if I can find the rest.

From your post I haven't found the clothing or the grappling hooks yet so I'll keep my eyes for those and I also only have one point of interest found so far but I had a pretty good explore.

Security aren't really too much of a pain, at least they put a lot of area's without security so for the most part you can wander cross country without worry. the only bit I found a real 'pain' is getting through the first gate as quite often the patrol truck, the guard and the camera were all there at the same time.

All in all I felt very immersed and I intend to play this quite a bit just to get to the new location! 👍
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Imagine spending $2.2m for the opportunity to steal $1m.

That's the base payout, you can get more if you are playing with friends. The maximum take is about 4.3 million from the heist before any cuts are paid out.

My current solo heist the anticipated pay-out is just over 2 million unless I blow it so that would mean I make back 2 million of the sub on my first playthrough.
Have now completed the heist once as a host and once as an associate.

This heist is relatively straight forward provided you complete the necessary set up and disruption missions beforehand. It's pretty easy to run around the compound without being detected and the guards are quite easy to take out silently. The hacking sections are annoying but not overly difficult, I quite frequently finished them accidentally.

Your take is limited by your bag capacity, and different valuables take up different sizes but have different values so you have to make a decision about which valuables you choose to take since you are limited by bag capacity. The amount of potential take it shows on the prep screen is no where near the actual amount you can steal. From my experience so far, a 2 man team can steal about 7-800K plus the 1.1mill for Madrazo's documents. Not sure if the carry capacity changes depending on how many are on the team. If there is no change, doing this heist solo is definitely the way to go. The amount that additional players can carry does not make up for having to split the proceeds.

It does seem like part of the story to do the heist again (they specifically tell you to hit the island again and again in a cut scene). It costs 25k to set up another heist. Not sure yet if you have to do all the scoping again or if you get the 1.1mill for the Madrazo documents again. If you don't have to scope I imagine this will be quite an easy heist to repeat quickly.
Have now completed the heist once as a host and once as an associate.

It does seem like part of the story to do the heist again (they specifically tell you to hit the island again and again in a cut scene). It costs 25k to set up another heist. Not sure yet if you have to do all the scoping again or if you get the 1.1mill for the Madrazo documents again. If you don't have to scope I imagine this will be quite an easy heist to repeat quickly.

Have not had a chance to finish the heist yet but I'm probably gonna come back to it later when I feel in the mood for it.

As I understand it you have to 'prep' again but I believe the main item value can change each heist as there are various different items as the main reward target one of which is 1.9 million but that's currently locked until R* advise it's an event week...
As I understand it you have to 'prep' again but I believe the main item value can change each heist as there are various different items as the main reward target one of which is 1.9 million but that's currently locked until R* advise it's an event week...

I've started another heist. You have to scope out the items again (bolt cutters, grappling hooks, worker clothes) as well as the secondary targets (cash, gold, paintings etc) and the truck. You're disguised as a drug trafficker landing a plane so now you get thrown back to the run way every time you get caught. There's no parties or any of that anymore so you don't have to worry about sneaking to the gate again. My current vault reward is a necklace for 1mill (so less than I got the first time).

Now there's a name I've not heard in a while.

Yes, this time we're dealing with the Miguel Madrazo, also referred to as Mini Madrazo by our Submarine Engineer, Martin's more trendy, excitable and annoying son.
So update for you car collectors out there but it seems to get the BF Weevil you have to wait for a call from English Dave to do some errand missions for Kleinmusik but ONLY after you complete the heist as leader/host.

Nothing you can do to 'force' the call and it might not be the mission since the other DJ's may be chosen.

It is unclear at this point if this is the only way to get the Weevil or if it will be available for sale later, currently sat in a session to see if I get a phone call.

UPDATE; So there are 3 missions to complete and then you receive a call from English Dave to collect the car, the missions themselves are mixed with the other DJ's so if it's not Kleinmusik close the game during the call and you should get another.

There is an 8 hour cool down between missions so it will take 3 days to obtain the reward car.
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I still haven't got to do the heist itself. Work has been taking virtually any and all free time I've had this holiday season...
Well 8 Cayo Perico heists completed over the holiday season so I have some good experience with the heist now and overall my feelings are it
was a bit of let down for the hype that was given.

I love the premise story though that you are stealing back evidence from El Rubio to prevent someone we work for being blackmailed in future.

The island of Cayo Perico itself is beautifully done and it would be nice if we could actually go visit rather than just the Beach Party but I love the intel mission and the random locations of the items and now the treasure chests mean it's fun exploring and finding stuff which is one of my favourite things.

The prep missions in between I feel are a bit of a let down to the heist, I know gathering equipment is all part of the story but it's a bit time consuming that you have to do the equipment preps/source vehicles and disruption to get the full benefit of your final reward in the heist itself a skip or pre-pay for the items option like Doomsday would have been a nice thought for multiple runs.

Heist itself is a match in heaven for me since I like 'stealth', love the fact that the game 'rewards' you for playing stealth and taking out the guards as this makes you passage around much easier and when escaping later on although when 'doom guy' with the minigun triggers the alarm the swift and sudden death can be a bit annoying!

My approach is always Submarine > Drainage Tunnel > Basement Vault > Exit via Main Gate and then grab a bike and jump off Cayo Perico to the north of the mansion thus avoiding the island guards and any vehicles and wait for the escape cut scene, 90% off the time I pull off the heist without any reaction at all.

Pay-out is generally about a million a time after expenses so this is a good source of income, if the heist goes double pay-out you can guarantee I will be 'farming' that week!
Well 8 Cayo Perico heists completed over the holiday season so I have some good experience with the heist now and overall my feelings are it
was a bit of let down for the hype that was given.

I love the premise story though that you are stealing back evidence from El Rubio to prevent someone we work for being blackmailed in future.

The island of Cayo Perico itself is beautifully done and it would be nice if we could actually go visit rather than just the Beach Party but I love the intel mission and the random locations of the items and now the treasure chests mean it's fun exploring and finding stuff which is one of my favourite things.

The prep missions in between I feel are a bit of a let down to the heist, I know gathering equipment is all part of the story but it's a bit time consuming that you have to do the equipment preps/source vehicles and disruption to get the full benefit of your final reward in the heist itself a skip or pre-pay for the items option like Doomsday would have been a nice thought for multiple runs.

Heist itself is a match in heaven for me since I like 'stealth', love the fact that the game 'rewards' you for playing stealth and taking out the guards as this makes you passage around much easier and when escaping later on although when 'doom guy' with the minigun triggers the alarm the swift and sudden death can be a bit annoying!

My approach is always Submarine > Drainage Tunnel > Basement Vault > Exit via Main Gate and then grab a bike and jump off Cayo Perico to the north of the mansion thus avoiding the island guards and any vehicles and wait for the escape cut scene, 90% off the time I pull off the heist without any reaction at all.

Pay-out is generally about a million a time after expenses so this is a good source of income, if the heist goes double pay-out you can guarantee I will be 'farming' that week!
How long is the time frame for you from Prep-missions to getting paid out, now that you have it down?