GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
How long is the time frame for you from Prep-missions to getting paid out, now that you have it down?

Thanks for asking, for the finale I would say I average about 30-35 minutes as I am playing co-op between two profiles on my PS4 and PS5.
How long is the time frame for you from Prep-missions to getting paid out, now that you have it down?
An organized pair can do the scouting and setups in 35-45 mins depending on which objectives/luck/interference, and doing them by yourself will take 45mins or so once you get it down and learn to recognize which objectives you have.

For scouting, you only need to bother scouting for drugs/cash outside the compound if you are going in solo or with 3 or 4 people. The stuff in the compound isn't accessible solo, so if you want to fill your bags solo (which you do), then you will have to scout a little extra during the prep mission. You don't need to waste time scouting 3 duffel bags worth of stuff if since you can only carry 1 duffel bag worth, so there is a lot of time to be saved during the scouting. If you are going in with just 2 people and sometimes even with 3 people, then you can fill up inside the compound.

The most important thing to scout is the tunnel. Don't bother trying to swim as it would take forever, just steal a boat from one of the docks and drive to it. That will unlock the mission to steal the cutting torch, which is much faster than the mission to get the explosives,

For scouting the RNG stuff, bolt cutters aren't necessary if you get the cutting torch so don't bother looking for them. Grappling hook isn't necessary at all but it works if you are going in on land and it's in a convenient place, but it's not worth hunting for and you are generally better off taking the tunnel entrance. Guard outfits are nice when you are learning how to do the heist as they give you some leeway for getting spotted, but once you know what you are doing they aren't worth the trouble, and they are kinda bugged anyways and you will just randomly get spotted even while wearing them and doing nothing wrong.

Doing the setup missions fast, especially solo, needs the Sparrow purchased. You can also fast travel the submarine, which at first is expensive ($10k) but after you do the heist the first time is just $2k, so being smart with fast traveling near objectives and then putting the sub back into storage and call it back again after you are done with the objective can save a bunch of time.

The Longfin is the easiest/fastest vehicle to steal, especially if you own an MOC cab or Phantom Wedge. It's also relatively flexible as far as going wherever you want to start the heist and is generally the preferred method of entry, whether going for a quick run or just a casual run. The submarine is also a decent option but the setup mission for it is more annoying.

For the gun stealing mission, if you get the one that tells you to go to the Merryweather dock, you can fast travel the submarine right off the pier of and then use the submarine periscope to blow up the helicopter and fail the mission so you can restart it and get a different mission. Having to chase the helicopter is much slower than stealing the guns from an office building. The one with the AP pistol is the preferred set usually, but the "Conspirator" set I think it's called is pretty good too.

Stealing the thumbprint scanner or glass cutter are both slow-ish but with 2 people you can speed it up a lot as they have limited spawn points, so send one person to the first objective while the other stays near the potential destinations with a helicopter.

The disruption missions are only worth doing your first time or two, as they will make it punish you less if you make a mistake while you are learning, but even then I'd recommend just killing yourself and using a quick restart. Once you figure out how everything works and a few of the tricks, they aren't worth the time.

The heist itself takes 10-15mins once you know what to do and it goes smoothly. If you are taking an overly cautious approach or you screw it up or get shafted by AI/stealth inconsistency and need to restart, then 20-25mins. One big time saver after escaping the compound is to jump off the cliff at the western point of the island still inside the fenced in area and swim past the skeleton as it is just a short swim to finish the mission.

Even when you don't have it down and are taking longer, around $1.3mil for an hour and a half worth of play is about as good as it gets in this game. I suppose idling in your office while your drug/gun/nightclub make product and then coming back and selling them every few hours is less "work" but it's also far more boring.
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An organized pair can do the scouting and setups in 35-45 mins depending on which objectives/luck/interference, and doing them by yourself will take 45mins or so once you get it down and learn to recognize which objectives you have.

For scouting, you only need to bother scouting for drugs/cash outside the compound if you are going in solo or with 3 or 4 people. The stuff in the compound isn't accessible solo, so if you want to fill your bags solo (which you do), then you will have to scout a little extra during the prep mission. You don't need to waste time scouting 3 duffel bags worth of stuff if since you can only carry 1 duffel bag worth, so there is a lot of time to be saved during the scouting. If you are going in with just 2 people and sometimes even with 3 people, then you can fill up inside the compound.

The most important thing to scout is the tunnel. Don't bother trying to swim as it would take forever, just steal a boat from one of the docks and drive to it. That will unlock the mission to steal the cutting torch, which is much faster than the mission to get the explosives,

For scouting the RNG stuff, bolt cutters aren't necessary if you get the cutting torch so don't bother looking for them. Grappling hook isn't necessary at all but it works if you are going in on land and it's in a convenient place, but it's not worth hunting for and you are generally better off taking the tunnel entrance. Guard outfits are nice when you are learning how to do the heist as they give you some leeway for getting spotted, but once you know what you are doing they aren't worth the trouble, and they are kinda bugged anyways and you will just randomly get spotted even while wearing them and doing nothing wrong.

Doing the setup missions fast, especially solo, needs the Sparrow purchased. You can also fast travel the submarine, which at first is expensive ($10k) but after you do the heist the first time is just $2k, so being smart with fast traveling near objectives and then putting the sub back into storage and call it back again after you are done with the objective can save a bunch of time.

The Longfin is the easiest/fastest vehicle to steal, especially if you own an MOC cab or Phantom Wedge. It's also relatively flexible as far as going wherever you want to start the heist and is generally the preferred method of entry, whether going for a quick run or just a casual run. The submarine is also a decent option but the setup mission for it is more annoying.

For the gun stealing mission, if you get the one that tells you to go to the Merryweather dock, you can fast travel the submarine right off the pier of and then use the submarine periscope to blow up the helicopter and fail the mission so you can restart it and get a different mission. Having to chase the helicopter is much slower than stealing the guns from an office building. The one with the AP pistol is the preferred set usually, but the "Conspirator" set I think it's called is pretty good too.

Stealing the thumbprint scanner or glass cutter are both slow-ish but with 2 people you can speed it up a lot as they have limited spawn points, so send one person to the first objective while the other stays near the potential destinations with a helicopter.

The disruption missions are only worth doing your first time or two, as they will make it punish you less if you make a mistake while you are learning, but even then I'd recommend just killing yourself and using a quick restart. Once you figure out how everything works and a few of the tricks, they aren't worth the time.

The heist itself takes 10-15mins once you know what to do and it goes smoothly. If you are taking an overly cautious approach or you screw it up or get shafted by AI/stealth inconsistency and need to restart, then 20-25mins. One big time saver after escaping the compound is to jump off the cliff at the western point of the island still inside the fenced in area and swim past the skeleton as it is just a short swim to finish the mission.

Even when you don't have it down and are taking longer, around $1.3mil for an hour and a half worth of play is about as good as it gets in this game. I suppose idling in your office while your drug/gun/nightclub make product and then coming back and selling them every few hours is less "work" but it's also far more boring.
Fantastic walkthrough on this, thank you. :cheers:
Had the weirdest special episode of GTA Online yesterday. I was customising my Enus Windsor when I randomly met up with another Windsor (to the right in the picture). We randomly took the cars for a drive and after a little while a third Windsor randomly joined. An epic road trip ensued and we were probably allowed to continue for about an hour before some modder decided to explode everyone.

Had another random car meet. Rat-loader meets Rat-truck. The Rat-loader in the background is my car. I was surprised to see that the cars were pretty much the same in terms of performance, I expected the Rat-truck to be a bit sharper.

Just a reminder but as today is 'Weed' day 4/20, GTA Online has some unlocks if you login including the very 'rare' High Flyer Parachute Bag' for logging into the game today.

This item has not been available for the past 7 years and was only once given when Parachuting was added to GTA Online so if you are a collector
of rare things make sure to get it today!
Nah it’s just a god mode glitch R* won’t patch for some reason.
And that is part of the reason I have played RDR2 a ton and basically noped GTAO. If I wanted to deal with that garbage again, I'd just go back to using my jailbroken PS3 instead.
Nah it’s just a god mode glitch R* won’t patch for some reason.

Glitch patching has fallen by the wayside (one reason I am not playing again), they do try to still do weekly updates for glitch patching but alas they do not appear to be able to resolve the god issue.

The basis of this glitch is a fundamental flaw in the game engine so unless there is an actual DLC with new game content it's unlikely they can fix it right now.
Glitch patching has fallen by the wayside (one reason I am not playing again), they do try to still do weekly updates for glitch patching but alas they do not appear to be able to resolve the god issue.

The basis of this glitch is a fundamental flaw in the game engine so unless there is an actual DLC with new game content it's unlikely they can fix it right now.
As my friends and I said, they only patch glitches that impact their Shark card sales and ignore the ones that don't. They patched the apartment sale glitch that made people millions (and reset people's accounts for using it on top of that), but the god mode Speedo and other god mode glitches have been in for years and they refuse to patch those.
As my friends and I said, they only patch glitches that impact their Shark card sales and ignore the ones that don't. They patched the apartment sale glitch that made people millions (and reset people's accounts for using it on top of that), but the god mode Speedo and other god mode glitches have been in for years and they refuse to patch those.

Well we now know that the Summer DLC will be available 'soon' and that Enhanced and Expanded GTA V releases for PS5 on 11 November 2021 with the 'free' version of GTA Online on same date.

This is the perfect opportunity for R* to finally 'fix' these glitches, if they don't and the game is still toxic well I'll just stay out!
Well we now know that the Summer DLC will be available 'soon' and that Enhanced and Expanded GTA V releases for PS5 on 11 November 2021 with the 'free' version of GTA Online on same date.

This is the perfect opportunity for R* to finally 'fix' these glitches, if they don't and the game is still toxic well I'll just stay out!
I stopped playing a while back, tried 3 lobby's and was getting griefed with hackers in all 3. Had a little drive about in a private lobby and called it a day.
Does anyone here still play?
I ask because I just started playing a few weeks ago and it's really hard to get a crew together for the heists.
Rockstar have just announced that they'll be shutting down GTA Online on PS3 on December 16, 2021.

The game is probably going to see a surge in trophy hunters after this announcement, aiming to earn the online trophies before they become unobtainable forever. I'd be willing to join you for the heists @bjl23 but our wildly different time zones would always make things difficult for one of us. If you can't find enough players here I'd advise you to go to PSNProfiles and find yourself a suitable Gaming Session there :)

edit: Sorry, I misread the situation. If you aren't on PS3 this announcement doesn't matter to you. And no, there's no cross-play between PS3 and PS4.
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Rockstar have just announced that they'll be shutting down GTA Online on PS3 on December 16, 2021.

The game is probably going to see a surge in trophy hunters after this announcement, aiming to earn the online trophies before they become unobtainable forever. I'd be willing to join you for the heists @bjl23 but our wildly different time zones would always make things difficult for one of us. If you can't find enough players here I'd advise you to go to PSNProfiles and find yourself a suitable Gaming Session there :)

edit: Sorry, I misread the situation. If you aren't on PS3 this announcement doesn't matter to you. And no, there's no cross-play between PS3 and PS4.

Thanks for that.
Time zones do make it hard, I'm 6 and half hours ahead of you. Can I add you to my friends list on PSN and see if we are on at the same time?
Thanks for that.
Time zones do make it hard, I'm 6 and half hours ahead of you. Can I add you to my friends list on PSN and see if we are on at the same time?

Sorry, I meant to say that I was willing to help with the heists on PS3 because I still need those trophies myself. If you're on PS3 I'd be happy to help out, provided we can make the timing work. Although we are going to need more people than just the two of us which might make things even more complicated when taking those players' time zones into consideration. Unfortunately I won't be able to help you on PS4 because I currently don't have the game for that console. If you want to do the heists on PS4 you'll easily find boosting partners on the website I linked to in my previous post.
Sorry, I meant to say that I was willing to help with the heists on PS3 because I still need those trophies myself. If you're on PS3 I'd be happy to help out, provided we can make the timing work. Although we are going to need more people than just the two of us which might make things even more complicated when taking those players' time zones into consideration. Unfortunately I won't be able to help you on PS4 because I currently don't have the game for that console. If you want to do the heists on PS4 you'll easily find boosting partners on the website I linked to in my previous post.
No worries mate, I'm on PS5. I had I look on PSN profiles, thanks for the link. 👍

Edit: I created an account but it won't let me choose the game in create a session?
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Edit: I created an account but it won't let me choose the game in create a session?

That's strange. As long as you've earned even a single trophy in a game it will show up in your trophy list upon which you should be able to create a boosting session for said game. Mind you, you can always join someone else's session.
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That's strange. As long as you've earned even a single trophy in a game it will show up in your trophy list upon which you should be able to create a boosting session for said game. Mind you, you can always join someone else's session.
It turns out I had my trophies hidden so it wouldn't let me create a session, all fixed now. Thanks for your help.
I did the Chasers II mission today and noticed a police car parked at an intersection near the spawn point. I’ve never seen it before, but perhaps I just never looked that way. Anyways, there were two police officers in the car, one who got pulled from the car as I stole it, while the other stayed in the car as if nothing happened. A while later the gang SUVs started appearing and interestingly the remaining police officer got out of the car and fought on my side against them. I assume it’s got something to do with wanted levels being turned off in the mission.
I’m trying to not get excited over this, but man... there’s so many beautiful cars coming up. I wonder if we could see a return of proper drifting physics? I know that’s one thing I’ve wanted forever. All the FiveM drifting servers out there look extremely fun, but I don’t have a gaming PC to join them.
I’m trying to not get excited over this, but man... there’s so many beautiful cars coming up. I wonder if we could see a return of proper drifting physics? I know that’s one thing I’ve wanted forever. All the FiveM drifting servers out there look extremely fun, but I don’t have a gaming PC to join them.
I seriously doubt they'll be making any changes to the driving mechanics after...what 8 years? This update looks vaguely interesting...but not enough to bring me back.