GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Valentine's Day Massacre isn't live yet. Appears it would be in the update though. I was in the middle of reading the update thread on GTAForums and the website crashed.
I have dumped 1M into my Sultan... I cannot decide on a paint scheme, I dont think it drives as well off-roads as it used to (I guess since its a Super now) but it doesn't have the cool dump valve sound like it did in IV.
It looks awesome and there are a lot of options, prices are similar to Lowriders though.
I haven't been online yet but I do have one thing to say...

The Sultan is a SUPER?

That wasn't quite a bright move... This car was awesome in Sports but I don't think it can hold its own against T20s and Zentornos unless they gave it a major performance buff. If I had to move one car from Sports to Supers, it would be the Elegy, Massacro or Jester.

I'm hyped about the Roosevelt though, nice to see it make a comeback. 👍
True but I doubt the RS is on the pace of the Supers in V. Just doesn't feel fast but it grips better than the Entity imo
I'm still waiting on the patch notes to see if anything else interesting has happened. Does anyone know if the Armored V12 Schafter's class been changed?
I probably shouldn't have been slacking on banking some extra funds for this update. With no advanced notice from R*, I may have to dip into the savings to keep in style.
On Steam, it's 450 MB.

I'm guessing it's Lowriders part deux.

How come I'm downloading this then? :confused: :confused:

I downloaded about as much when I started it the first time on my new PS4 just about 2 weeks ago
It's a rumour, but plausible.


The Newswire has updated;

Newswire copied in quote below.

GTA Online Updates Today: Drop Zone Adversary Mode plus New Sultan and Banshee Customizable Wide Body Race Cars
Posted 2 minutes ago | Author: R* Q | Filed Under: Games


Freefall your way into Drop Zone, the latest addition to GTA Online on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. In this new Adversary Mode, teams of paratroopers jump from Cargobobs hovering high above, then race to the ground to seize and maintain control of a small, exposed patch of terra firma. No man is an island here - you and your squad mates will need to attack and defend as a unit.

With four teams and up to 16 players zeroed in on the target area, this mode is fast, chaotic and prone to huge swings in fortune. First team to hold the drop zone for a total of two non-continuous minutes wins. There are five Drop Zone maps, each requiring a unique approach to deal with changes in terrain and cover. These can be found at Pillbox Hill, Richman College, Elysian Island, the Mirror Park cul-de-sac and the Sisyphus Theater.

Now at Benny's: New Vehicles and Upgrades

Benny is branching out with new upgrade types for two new Sports cars. Pick up the Karin Sultan andBravado Banshee at a low entry price in the updated Stock section of


Bring these rides to Benny’s garage for upgrades into high-performance, wide body race cars - the Karin Sultan RS and the Bravado Banshee 900R and tap into a range of upgrades exclusive to Benny’s. When fully modded, the Sultan RS and the Banshee 900R can even compete with top tier Supercars like the Zentorno and T20.


Stay tuned for details on our upcoming Event Weekend, which includes a Double GTA$ & RP Playlist, in-game discounts and more. Plus, keep an eye on GTA Online next month for some items you’re sure to fall in love with...
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Not really... It's directly in the Valentine's update folder, just like how the Tampa was in the XMas folder when the Executives update was out.

I stated rumour because until it is announced as official, it is a rumour. The yacht files were found months before the update, yet were a rumour until officially released. I'm not contesting the validity of the files present; I'm contesting the definition of rumour which is unverified as the Roosevelt....
I stated rumour because until it is announced as official, it is a rumour. The yacht files were found months before the update, yet were a rumour until officially released. I'm not contesting the validity of the files present; I'm contesting the definition of rumour which is unverified as the Roosevelt....

The Yachts were one thing as he was the only person that had them, but anyone with GTA V PC and OpenIV can view the files right now in mpjanuary2016 and mpvalentines2


infact, once Scripthook and Simple trainer update, I'll do up the new Roosevelt.
Here I thought you guys were pulling my leg today, saying the Banshee and Sultan RS were in the Super class.

Not to crazy about the Banshee, but the Sultan is just: :drool:

Been saving up for a few days, now I'm about to go broke again.

Rockstar-san is totally kawaii.

Perhaps I should take a flight down to Los Santos. If I recall correctly, I had a garage somewhere where something like this would be most appropriate.

Because, lets face it... If I drove that thing through my home town of Paleto Bay someone would definitely shoot me.

Mind you, I'm probably going to be shot when I turn up at Benny's in a cowboy hat anyway.

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