GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Mamba is my new dicking around in freeroam car for sure

Waiting on Broughy's video before buying any of the other cars
So...apparently, the Schafter V12 is stupidly fast.

Fast enough for people to consider the car too OP for the sports class.

God, I hope not. They already ruined the Sports Classics class with the Stirling GT, I couldn't handle another ruined class.
God, I hope not. They already ruined the Sports Classics class with the Stirling GT, I couldn't handle another ruined class.

There's a video out there with the Schafter V12 outrunning a fully upgraded T20.

So, yeah, it's ridiculously fast.

Adding to that, the Schafter is already pretty capable in the may break the Sports class...
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Ok so, the Mamba isn't as quick as I hoped it would be, the Schafter V12 is a sports car, but it's not gonna challenge any top sports cars in a race unless you do a drag race. In that case, the Schafter V12 is very nearly as quick as an Adder. I believe the Armored version is close to the same as the normal V12, but is put in the Sedans class instead. That makes it 1000000% OP
Is there any reference to some large E Class being absolutely faster than a Hennessey Venom in terms of acceleration and speed in real life?


Of course not! I just have to keep believing it's a glitch or an error and whatever, else I have to get one to witness this.
Schafter LWB is the long wheel base version of the Schafter V12. It's slightly bigger and somehow felt slower in some ways than the V12.

Congnoscenti 55 is basically more "sporty version" of the normal one (a.k.a the one that was in IV).

Baller LE and Baller LE LWB is the same story with the Schafter.
The houses in the hills all have 10 car garages.


Schafter LWB is the long wheel base version of the Schafter V12. It's slightly bigger and somehow felt slower in some ways than the V12.

Congnoscenti 55 is basically more "sporty version" of the normal one (a.k.a the one that was in IV).

Baller LE and Baller LE LWB is the same story with the Schafter.

Wait what? The only car in the game that I know has a wheel base designation is the Sandking. Where are you getting these from?
Wait what? The only car in the game that I know has a wheel base designation is the Sandking. Where are you getting these from?
The new Baller, Cognoscenti, and Schafter all have short and long wheel base variants of each other, as well as armored and non armored versions.
I have $1.8 million and that's not nearly enough. God dammit. Anyone know any good ways to get money?

There was a dupe glitch that was patched last week. Basically mod a car off the street (don't add a tracker) and after a few steps, a dupe of the modded car you can save. Then a few more steps to dupe the dupe. Rinse and repeat.

I couldn't quite get a dupe of a dupe and only got one, and in the process, made no money .

Apparently Jahgee missed this glitch as well.
There was a dupe glitch that was patched last week. Basically mod a car off the street (don't add a tracker) and after a few steps, a dupe of the modded car you can save. Then a few more steps to dupe the dupe. Rinse and repeat.

I couldn't quite get a dupe of a dupe and only got one, and in the process, made no money .

Apparently Jahgee missed this glitch as well.
Damn...why no one told me before...

Now I'm just sitting at $3,6 millions... also I asked this before but what's the best way to rank up? Currently at level 69...
For those of you that haven't been able to download the update yet, here's a little video of the Mamba.
