GTA: San Andreas Record Book

  • Thread starter Blake
I took the hovercraft (Vortex I think) up to the top of Mt. Chiliad and jumped off to the north and it basically flys. Actually it kind of falls very slowly, but I nearly made it to CJ's garage before landing. Too bad it doesn't register for jumps though.
I was thinking of trying that, but I read on another forum that the Vortex is categorised as an aircraft in the game so you can't register any jumps or stats with it. I might try it anyway and see what it's like.

where have you been KM? we took that out a LONG time ago cause it has a limit...

btw, since nobody is even listed yet, go ahead and put me down for it:

Longest Stoppie Time - 0:02 - dori-san (obviously NON-bmx)
dori-san -- No screenshot needed. It was a first entry. :)

KM -- That was taken out a while ago, because we found out there's a maximum to it, and it's fairly easy to get when you have maximum money. ;)

  • Added new records.
  • Added new screenshots.
  • Placed all video game records in Achievements.
  • KieranMurphy now has 2 screenshots needed.
  • Famine now has no more screenshots needed.
where have you been KM?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. :dunce:

Still, it was a nice win. I was messing around Caligula's Palace and put the max on the $20 bet on $1,000,000 on the Wheel of Fortune and it came up $20. First time I'd even bet on it.

yeah.. the tank doesn't seem to be too good for distance jumps in SA.. which is kinda dissapointed, cause it was by far the best in VC..
Was best in GTA3 also :( if you got a good runup from Staunton Island, across the callahan bridge, and hit the unique jump on the portland side, you could get pretty good distance too.

Heres my screenie-- I under reported my distance slightly-- jump was 1066.67 feet which works out to 325.12 m.


Max insane jump distance - 325.12 m - Spuds725

Criminal rating - 237,865 - Spuds725

My rotation screenie is also in there too (as well as my glitched height)

Also, the car I used with NOS off of Chilliad was the Infernus. I tried to add nitrous to the hotring racer but it won't add it to that car.



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Max insane rotation - 1842 degrees - Spuds725

Max insane flips - 5 - Spuds725 (screen shot to come--need to upload it to my PC)

Both were on a single jump off Chilliad (seperate bounces)--- using a quad bike--- I highly recommend it 👍 although CJ can be thown from it 👎

I also found a decent way to get rotation with a BF Injection--- if you have 5 stars, the FBI ranchers crashing into you make you bounce and spin pretty good (nothing record book quality yet)-- I tried to get up chilliad with 5 stars to see I I could get one to know me off the mountain but didn't get 1/4 up before they knocked me down--and I caught fire--- I'm really missing a garage in angel pine area.

Is there nothing in the record book for Chiliad Challenge times?

I'd also like to claim a 2-Wheels distance record, although I'm buggered if I know where it came from. I have a little over 21,000 KILOMETRES for it. Yikes!

Do you plan on doing an Excel sheet for everyone with 1sts/2nds/3rds/4ths/5ths and totalling their points?
I don't know if Jimmy plans on doing that--- I thought of doing it (since I have the one from before) and then posting the pic and having Jimmy IMG link to it but there is alot of records to track-- I might do it for a couple of the sections--- major sections racing/crimes/achievements--- but not for the whole thing----tooo many... :crazy:

What do you think Jimmy???


I just made up this one real quick (crime section is small)-- sheet resorts rankings wasn't a problem to make up or edit.



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I'd also like to claim a 2-Wheels distance record, although I'm buggered if I know where it came from. I have a little over 21,000 KILOMETRES for it. Yikes!
Wow! Is your total driving distance even that much? :boggled:
Considering it's my restarted game - on just over 20% now - my total distance travelled isn't that much.
People wasted by others - 2092
people youve wasted - 20304
gang members wasted - 3231
vehicles destroyed - 5069
distance on bicycle - 251 777m
distance on motorbike - 1 042 892.69m
distance in car - 2 222 116.50m
distance on foot - 650 642.19m

Famine -- Do you want me to add that Record?

seymour619 -- Just a hint, use the format found in the first post of this thread to post records. It is as follows:

Name of Record -- Record - Your Exact Username

Now, for the spreadsheet thing, it's a great idea, but at the present moment in time, I couldn't be bothered keeping that up-to-date. If anyone wants to, I'm thinking it would be good to host it on a website and someone can update it every week or so. Make sure that if you don't think you can keep doing it, to make the password one that you don't use, so that you could maybe give someone else the honours of updating it.

I think it's a great idea, but I don't think I'm particularly up to doing it. Is anyone willing?

  • Added new records from IntegraGS-R and seymour619.
  • IntegraGS-R now has 7 screenshots needed.
  • seymour619 now has 1 screenshot needed.
I'll do it Jimmy-(I got time to kill) I think this will increase the competition here and help fill out categories (since all 5 rankings count to your score)--- short term this might increae your recordbook updating workload Jimmy so if you want me to stagger adding in each section let me know.

I've got the spread sheet set up already-- the longest part of setting up a new one is adding all the new stat categories and then initially adding in everybody. After that its not too dificult to keep up. I set up the crimes one pretty fast (since it was so small)---I already set up the Race ones but just have to add in everybody rankings and click the sort button.

I should have time next week to finish the other spread sheets for the various sections--- if you want me to combine them all into 1 as well (have a rankings for each section as well as one overall) that won't be too hard (just have to copy/paste them together)

The only reason I stopped the VC one is that the record submissions had come down alot, I wanted to add categories to the book--the new categories were going to benefit those of us "old timers" with the long hours on their 100% games so I decided to scrap it--- it was clear that KM was to the "Top Dog" anyway.

If I won't have time to keep it up I will email it to someone else if they want to do it---its not hard to do (it took me about 10-15 minutes/week to update the old one)

As far as linking to the pics I post Jimmy--- since Jordan upgraded this site--- I believe all I have to do is re-upload the pics and it will update the img link to them you put in the record book. If the image location changes then I will upload them to my freewebs site and have you link off them their (this will keep you from having to update the links each week).

I have the spreadsheet all set up but its at work--- I'm off til monday (and then I start my night shift rotation) so I can' work on this til then.


PS Welcome aboard Seymour--- I saw your failed attempt to start the recordbook at GTAforums--- I don't know why those things fail so bad there-- you think it would florish with all the traffic that site gets-- instead they be-littled your attempt. This site is better set up for this since you can upload pics to your posts--alot more convenient.

Nice stats--BTW.... just remember to put your name after your record when you post (like it shows in the recordbook). This allows Jimmy to copy/paste each one making it go faster and helping him keep up the recordbook. Some of the updates I did to the old book were a bear which is why I suggested this to Jimmy.

I would also urge everyone (if they ever have a large update) to post their records broken up by categories and in the order of them in the recordbook--- this makes it alot easier too.

I'll do it Jimmy-(I got time to kill) I think this will increase the competition here and help fill out categories (since all 5 rankings count to your score)--- short term this might increae your recordbook updating workload Jimmy so if you want me to stagger adding in each section let me know.
Thanks for doing it. I forgot about re-attaching/uploading images, so that's a great idea.
I should have time next week to finish the other spread sheets for the various sections--- if you want me to combine them all into 1 as well (have a rankings for each section as well as one overall) that won't be too hard (just have to copy/paste them together)
An "Overall" section would be nice. If it's not too hard to do, go right ahead.

Also, it's up to you how often you want to update it. I don't mind, as long as it doesn't die out. If you feel you can't keep doing it, if you're too busy, or if you don't want to do it anymore, that's not a problem. I'll get someone else to volunteer (even myself if I feel like it), and re-link the images. Simple.

Heh, Seymour added me on MSN before he even posted. He's another good Aussie bloke. 👍 We're invading GTP.

On those Record Books, I don't understand either. I mean, we get our fair share of people from GTAForums come here for the Record Book, you'd think they'd want one more local to them. Oh well, nothing wrong with them coming here.
I would also urge everyone (if they ever have a large update) to post their records broken up by categories and in the order of them in the recordbook--- this makes it alot easier too.
Actually, some have been doing that, which has been a dream. IntegraGS-R and gt3master2003 have done this for a while, but if everyone else could do this it'd be fantastic. I don't mind too much, however, as I'd rather the people here be happy while posting records. All I ask is that at least the basic rules be followed. :)

Anyway, I might head off to bed soon. Merry Christmas all.
jimmy - i will be borrowing a camera christmas night, so i should have screenshots up (with some new stuff) sometime this weekend

seymour619 - welcome to the forums :)

some updates for now...

CR -- 455,961 (Four-Star General) - IntegraGS-R

People you've wasted -- 51,156 - IntegraGS-R
road vehicles destroyed -- 15,94 - IntegraGS-R
planes and helis -- 7,639 - IntegraGS-R
headshots -- 4929 - IntegraGS-R
total fires started -- 21,103 - IntegraGS-R

Max insane flips -- 5 - IntegraGS-R

Playing Time -- 240:26

i plan on finding out if my CR title will advance at 500k sometime this weekend (well 539k for me, if we're right)
jimmy - i will be borrowing a camera christmas night, so i should have screenshots up (with some new stuff) sometime this weekend
Excellent. I look forward to it.

By the way, your Road Vehicles Destroyed record is lacking a number. I placed it as 15,94x in the Record Book until you correct it.

  • Added new records from IntegraGS-R.
  • IntegraGS-R now has 10 screenshots needed.
Jimmy Enslashay
Excellent. I look forward to it.

By the way, your Road Vehicles Destroyed record is lacking a number. I placed it as 15,94x in the Record Book until you correct it.

  • Added new records from IntegraGS-R.
  • IntegraGS-R now has 10 screenshots needed.

it was supposed to be 15,094..

Road Vehicles Destroyed -- 15,094 - IntegraGS-R
i'll gather a bunch of data to add to the record book after christmas but for now the thing i've pretty much ent the most time doing is murdering gang members.

Number of gang members murdered - 3741

number will be higher when screenshot comes. i still have 7 or 8 territories to go before i claim them all again.
Thank Max E. Remember in future to post your name after your records, preferably in this format:
Name of Record - Record - Your User Name.

  • Added new record from Max E..
  • Max E. now has 1 screenshot needed.
  • seymour619 has no more screenshots needed.
well, here goes

CR -- 500,077 (Godfather) - IntegraGS-R

Bullets fired -- 119,109 - IntegraGS-R
kgs of explosives -- 16,748 - IntegraGS-R
bullets that hit -- 118,872 - IntegraGS-R

Wanted stars attained -- 4,715 - IntegraGS-R
wanted stars evaded -- 1,334 - IntegraGS-R
criminals wasted -- 13,673 - IntegraGS-R
people wasted by others -- 4,753 - IntegraGS-R
people you've wasted -- 53,011 - IntegraGS-R
road vehicles destroyed -- 15,736 - IntegraGS-R
boats destroyed -- 117 - IntegraGS-R
planes and helicopters destroyed -- 9,093 - IntegraGS-R
property damage -- $108,612,104 - IntegraGS-R
tires popped with gunfire -- 1,211 - IntegraGS-R
Headshots -- 5,160 - IntegraGS-R
total fires started -- 22,253 - IntegraGS-R
total legit kills -- 13,255 - IntegraGS-R

distance records:
on foot -- 797,212.4 m - IntegraGS-R
swimming -- 32,063.8 m - IntegraGS-R
car -- 3,583,905.46 m - IntegraGS-R
bicycle -- 679,906.5 m - IntegraGS-R
motorcycle -- 2,580,299 m - IntegraGS-R
boat -- 80423.53 m - IntegraGS-R
helicopter -- 1,426,814.52 m - IntegraGS-R
plane -- 875,575.95 m - IntegraGS-R

max insane height -- 34 m - IntegraGS-R
max insane flips -- 5 - IntegraGS-R
longest chast time with 5 stars -- 89:02 - IntegraGS-R
last dance score -- 8,120 - IntegraGS-R
furthest hoop -- 49.12 m - IntegraGS-R

highest vigilante lvl -- 488 - IntegraGS-R
people killed on vigilante -- 14,239 - IntegraGS-R
little loop -- :47 - IntegraGS-R
city circuit -- 1:32 - IntegraGS-R

playing time -- 247:35 - IntegraGS-R
days passed in game -- 1,089 - IntegraGS-R


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Godfather at a nice even number-- maybe the cheats bump it up for the ranking that is coming up next and don't affect it for others---

congrats... although its a long road to the next ranking--- gut check time comes at about 800,000 :crazy:

IntegraGS-R -- Congratulations on Godfather status. You seem to have been a busy man in San Andreas of late. 👍 You also have every record in the Crimes section, apart from 3.

  • Added new records and screenshots from IntegraGS-R.
  • Added new record from koak.
  • Screenshots Needed section updated.
by the time i get to the next ranking i'm going to be like a military trained sharpshooter with the tank :)

edit: yeah been playing lots latey.. had 4 days off for x-mas and got a new, bigger tv for playin SA :) gonna take a break tonight and watch some movies, then get back into it tomorrow (off again :)).. on a side note.. we're going to be purchasing a digital camera within a week (hopefully tomorrow), so screenshots will never again be a problem 👍

forgot this one..

kills since last checkpoint -- 5778 - IntegraGS-R

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