GTA: San Andreas Record Book

  • Thread starter Blake
Screenie for my flips---


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I started a new game, too. Although, mainly because I was bored with my current game, and I wanted a new "storyline" game to play around with. Turned out to be a good idea.

  • Added new screenshot from Spuds725.
  • Spuds725 now has no more screenshots needed.
I also started a new game (About 3 weeks ago) and overwrited my first one. :(
What a badluck. But now, I'm back to LV and I can do and redo "Air Raid" to get a descent CR ;).

I will soon post a Record for "Go Go Space Monkey". I think that a screenshot will be needed... I don't tell more for now :D
Killing Rankings pic--- more to come in this post, working on it.



Added racing rankings


Added Achievement Rankings


WHen I was working on race rankings I found several errors in the recordbook--
I tried to PM Jimmy but it wouldn't send for some reason

Here they are:

  • Jimmy listed 3rd under best time in 8 track, should be 4th
  • Dirt track-- Integra should be tied for 1st
  • Under Dirt track-- Eddie and KM should be tied for 3rd
  • Under freeway-- Small listed 2nd and 4th
  • Heli hell-- small has best time but is listed 2nd
  • low rider-- small listed twice

Thats it-- I already adjusted the rankings to what they should be (assuming that the ones with 2 times, that the better time is correct)

I posted crime and racing pics if you want to link to them in the recordbook-- it gets a little tedious putting in the new ones--- I'll work on them this week and will try to have all done (and the combined one) by the weekend.



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I know I'm supposed to edit my previous message, but it was getting pretty long--

My records update--- nothing spectacular.....Soryy about the big update Jimmy

Killing section--

CR - 237,663 - Spuds725
People wasted - 9643 - Spuds725
People wasted by others - 1408 - Spuds725
Gang members wasted - 2022 - Spuds725
Recruited gang members wasted - 33 - Spuds725 (screenie needed)
Enemy gang members wasted - 2133 - Spuds725
Friendly gang members wasted - 113 - Spuds725 (screenie needed)
Legitimate kills - 4723 - Spuds725

Racing section--
(I know most of these aren't special, I thought these records would fill out sooner, but since they haven't, I'm gonna go ahead and post my times--I hope to eventually improve upon most of these)

Barnstorming - 6:37 - Spuds725
Longest time in bloodring - 3:00 - Spuds725
Bloodring kills - 8 - Spuds725
BMX - 3:08 - Spuds725
Chopper checkpoing - 3:25 - Spuds725
Dam Rider - 2:19 - Spuds725
Desert tracks - 2:23 - Spuds725
Heli Hell - 6:04 - Spuds725
LV Ringroad - 2:11 - Spuds725
Military Service - 9:23 - Spuds725
SF to LV - 2:58 - Spuds725
Whirlybird Waypoint - 3:21 - Spuds725
Worldwar Ace - 2:55 - Spuds725
Don't worry about the big update. I've had bigger, and it's also filling it up. I don't mind, as long as they aren't unnecessary. Yours were all fine in my books, although you forgot to post the label of your Criminal Rating (although I think I know anyway). Commas are always nice to chuck in numerical records for thousand+ stats, but that's not necessary. 👍

By the way, thanks for adding "(screenshot needed)" in places where it was necessary. Helps a heap.

  • Added new records from Spuds725.
  • Spuds725 now has 2 screenshots needed.

EDIT: Great job with the Tables above. I'll deal with them now. But very good job, and thank you.

Killing Rankings pic--- more to come in this post, working on it.



Added racing rankings

Added Achievement Rankings


WHen I was working on race rankings I found several errors in the recordbook--
I tried to PM Jimmy but it wouldn't send for some reason

Here they are:

  • Jimmy listed 3rd under best time in 8 track, should be 4th
  • Dirt track-- Integra should be tied for 1st
  • Under Dirt track-- Eddie and KM should be tied for 3rd
  • Under freeway-- Small listed 2nd and 4th
  • Heli hell-- small has best time but is listed 2nd
  • low rider-- small listed twice

Thats it-- I already adjusted the rankings to what they should be (assuming that the ones with 2 times, that the better time is correct)

I posted crime and racing pics if you want to link to them in the recordbook-- it gets a little tedious putting in the new ones--- I'll work on them this week and will try to have all done (and the combined one) by the weekend.

Wow, I haven't posted in this thread for AGES (not much in this forum either) I'm suprised I'm in any records....let alone got some firsts. Anyway I'll update with my stats in a few days.
Jimmy Enslashay
EDIT: Great job with the Tables above. I'll deal with them now. But very good job, and thank you

I tried to update one of the pics, just to see if I could but it won't let me, I have to delete and reupload it, which changes the attachment ID-- It would probably be best if I uploaded them to Freewebs or something and have you hotlink off there, so when I update the rankings and upload the pic--it can keep the same name and then the linked pic will update here. This will save you from having to update the links each time I update the rankings.

Also, Integra PMed me about helping with this, I do appreciate the offer but since I'm going to do a combined ranking, it will be alot easier if I have all the data in 1 spreadsheet workbook so as I update one set of rankings, it will automatically update the combined ranking....unless you can figure out a way for us to share this excel workbook (online or something) so we can both make updates to it, its probably better if I do it alone..... If you still want to help, lemme know and maybe we can worksomething out---

The spreadsheet is getting a little more complicated then I envisioned by combining the rankings--- I willl have to list everyone in the recordbook in each section whether they have stats in it or not--- so you would have to add new people to each of your sheets and email them to me for me to combine--- if your sheets are missing people, when workbook runs the macro to sort them, it can screw up if people are missing from the list (combined totals)---

Lemme finish it up (4 pages left to do) and try experimenting with it to see if it acts up if people are missing from it.... the spreadsheet is done in my head, I just need to input it

i realize that its not really something that would require a team effort, but if there's anything i can do, just let me know..

also, not sure if you guys have been back to, but they put up a rough version for SA with the races and wheelie/stoppie times.. i'm talking to the guy to get more put up.. he has already said that they wont be doing killing/crimes records since there's not really a stopping point..
I tried to update one of the pics, just to see if I could but it won't let me, I have to delete and reupload it, which changes the attachment ID-- It would probably be best if I uploaded them to Freewebs or something and have you hotlink off there, so when I update the rankings and upload the pic--it can keep the same name and then the linked pic will update here. This will save you from having to update the links each time I update the rankings.
Yeah, which is what I suggested before. I didn't think you could re-attach over the same attachment slot. If you could do that, it would be great. I'll slot that one in the Useful Links area in the main post.

Good luck with the rest of it.
Longest Stoppie Time (with Bicycle) - 6:02 - Blake [Screenshot]
Number of Prostitutes Visited - 10 - Blake [Screenshot] (Screenshot says 8 but that was taken a few hours ago)
Number of Successful Dates - 24 - Blake [Screenshot] (Screenshot says 22 but that was taken a few hours ago)
Times 'Scored' with a Girl - 9 - Blake [Screenshot] (Screenshot says 7 but that was taken a few hours ago)

Also your record book says "Number of Successful Dated" when it should be Dates :).
people youve wasted: 24 696
insane jump flips: 6
hospital visits: 542
wheelie time on bicycle: 15:26
wheelie distance: 16 169.13m
playing time: 201:18
fastest time in dam rider -- 1:53 - IntegraGS-R
fastest time in desert tracks -- 2:01 - IntegraGS-R
fastest time in SF to LV -- 2:36 - IntegraGS-R
fastest time in LV ringroad -- 1:55 - IntegraGS-R

had screenshots all ready to go but accidentally deleted them while messing with my camera.. will have some up first thing tomorrow.
people youve wasted: 24 696
insane jump flips: 6
hospital visits: 542
wheelie time on bicycle: 15:26
wheelie distance: 16 169.13m
playing time: 201:18

Gonna need to see a screenie for those flips-- I am curious at to how you got it (if you are up to sharing-- I know some people can be secretive about such things (cough*spuds* cough)

I improved a few races this morning.

Chopper checkpoint - 2:29 - Spuds725
Dam Rider - 2:04 - Spuds725
LV Ringroad - 1:57 - Spuds725

spuds - i saw a video of a guy jumping off chilliad in an infernus getting 6 flips, but i have yet to do it..

some new race times and screenshots for that last bunch..

Go-Go Karting -- 2:10 - IntegraGS-R
San Fierro Fastlane -- 1:34 - IntegraGS-R
Vinewood -- 2:43 - IntegraGS-R

jimmy - the killing rankings and racing rankings links are swapped..


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I've seen a video where a guy does 6 flips off Mt. Chiliad on a Quad Bike, so it can definatly be done.
I didn't say it wasn't possible-- I did 5 flips off a bounce on a quad bike off Chilliad myself--- I'm just curious how Seymour did it. Has anyone seen more then 6 flips.
Sorry, I was under the impression you didn't quite believe it, my mistake.

Highest Score in Go-Go Space Monkey - 45,850 - Blake [Screenshot]

I could get so much higher but I get used to how you play the game with all the upgrades and when you lose them I die again really quickly :indiff:
Nobody took the 4th place away from me yet in "Longest wheelie distance" and "Longest wheelie time (with bicycle)" :P
blake-> I did over 61'000 pts with that trick :D.

But I still need to get the ScreenShot of it. (I will probably take it tonight and post it tomorrow)
Number of Prostitutes Visited - 10 - Blake [Screenshot] (Screenshot says 8 but that was taken a few hours ago)
Number of Successful Dates - 24 - Blake [Screenshot] (Screenshot says 22 but that was taken a few hours ago)
Times 'Scored' with a Girl - 9 - Blake [Screenshot] (Screenshot says 7 but that was taken a few hours ago)
First of all, I'm only posting the actual records, as I can't have a screenshot say something different to a record. That's fine for the records which aren't number 1, but for the ones that are, I'm posting what is in your screenshot until I get an updated screenshot. In future, make sure you either get a screenshot of your latest record statistics, or just post what is in your screenshot. Thanks for pointing out the error though. Also, the way you posted the records was great. 👍

seymour619 -- If you don't mind, next time you post records, could you post your name after everything. It just makes things that much easier. Thanks.

  • Added new records from Blake, seymour619, IntegraGS-R and Spuds725.
  • Added new screenshots from Blake and IntegraGS-R.
  • Fixed error with Number of Successful Dates record.
  • Fixed error with Rankings/Standings.
just looking through stuff noticed a couple typos.

best time in dirt track -- should be 1,1,3,4,5 instead of 1,2,2,4,5
longest time in bloodring -- i am listed twice 1st and 3rd place
dirtbike danger -- space between 4th and 5th place
lowrider -- has 2 5th places for a total of 6 records

:) hope everyone has a happy new year
well, it looks like a few of my records have fallen :(. I have barely touched SA for about 3 weeks. 2 weeks of moving/packing/unpacking and week holiday. though in a few days time i will be back from holidays and i will work on gettin my CR up and my Racing/vehicle stats. Killing is too boring for me so i wont bother with that one.

PS.. Spuds i love ya excel spreedsheets 👍 however could you have 1 big one with all the sections invovled?
PS.. Spuds i love ya excel spreedsheets 👍 however could you have 1 big one with all the sections invovled?

Work in progress-- I hope to have it done and up by Monday-- combining them is a little harder then I thought it would be. I have to put them all in the same excel workbook first-- after all the sheets are done, it won't be a big deal to add them all together for an overall ranking--- combining them all is not a problem, but making it so it resorts the rankings (automatically) is where it gets tricky. I'll figure it out and I have a fail safe plan if what I have planned doesn't work.



Ok, I added 2 more sections, updated all 5 sections and uploaded pics to freewebs

Here are links to the pics--- Jimmy you can go ahead and hotlink to these and post them in the recordbook if you want--- I will try and finish this up by monday-- 2 more sections and the combined...

IntegraGS-R -- Thanks for pointing out the errors, really appreciate it. But Lowrider Race is fine. There has to be 5 records, but when the last 2 records tie, it's fine.

  • Added Spuds' spreadsheets.
  • Edited errors in Racing Records.
Screenie for recruited gangmembers killed and friendly gang members killed

Desert Tricks - 2:02 - Spuds725

I thought it was a #1 but I didn't see that Integra posted a 2:01 :banghead: -- here is a screenie for it (since I had already taken it)



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