GTA: San Andreas Record Book

  • Thread starter Blake
Exactly-- biggest number the PS2 can handle is 2^31 or $2,147,483,648 (limit of a 32 bit processor)-- it would likely spit out a negative number (like the negatives from doing conecrazy trick too many times)
thanks for the info Spuds725 and IntegraGS-R but i dont have a VCR so that is out of the question. this whole screenshot thing sucks ass. do you think it still can be done with that usb thing i mentioned, found here
That looks like it would work to me (it essentially looks like and external one that plugs in to the USB port)--you would just have to hook up your PS2 directly to it.

-- Also, if you had a vid capture card like we described before you it would also likely work-- instead of hooking up your PS2 to the VCR just hook it directly to the video card-- I was thinking it might be hard to navigate but I do know of people that have made stunt vids using similar devices and they were pretty clear.

I'm not sure how big a window either would have for you to view the captured video -- I was thinking it might be a small window but I suppose any picture that is good enough to be viewable here would have to be big enough for you to view on your PC and it would likely be clearer on your PC then what we normally take here with digital cameras-- as long as you can see the LIVE vid on your PC clear enough to navigate through your stats to bring up your stats for screenshots you shouold be ok.

I would ask questions prior to purchasing-- like we said before 640 x 480 would probably be as small as you would want to go-- the bigger the better.

If I am correct Mythos, I've seen you on GTAforums-- I think the person you want to talk to there is Nitzkit-he made some awesome PS2 stunt vids on with a USB capture device (see gta related video clips in my sig to see links to his vids--they are typically 50+ MB so a challenge if you want to download via dial up)-- If he is willing to give you a little guidance you would probably best be served by his advice over mine or integra's--- unless someone here has used a similar device-- I'd talk to him and ask him for advice directly or ask him to point you to a useful resource for this type of thing.

say hello to the new king of San Andreas!!!

Criminal Rating: 1,001,094(King of San Andreas) - seymour619


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say hello to the new king of San Andreas!!!

Criminal Rating: 1,001,094(King of San Andreas) - seymour619

someone's been busy 👍 looks like i have something to do this weekend :)

also, are you ever gonna tell/show us where you do your chiliad jumps? :)
someone's been busy 👍 looks like i have something to do this weekend :)

also, are you ever gonna tell/show us where you do your chiliad jumps? :)

If you cant wait any longer then ill take a picture now if ya want
Congrats seymour--

For the recordbook you should likely give an accounting of your stats-- what I mean is ones that count toward your CR-- you probably would post these anyway but specifically I would like to see

+Legitimate kills
+Planes & helis destroyed
+Criminals killed on vigilante (or other R3 stats if they are significant)
+and time played.
--you can probably skip accuracy as the maximum is only 500 pts this times around



But if i have to choose I'd rather see a pic of your jump location... :lol:
Planes and helicopters destroyed - 30304 - seymour619
People youve wasted - 38220 - seymour 619
Playing time - 264:50 - seymour619

the picture of my jump spot is there too, i havent maxed my money yet its around 650 000 000, nearly all the the criminal rating would be from the planes and helis destroyed, man did that take forever! my vigilante was only to level 148 so its not worth a picture
Ive just been trying to do it again and its very hard to get any air at all of the rock i think my 205 flips must have been a glitch because i didnt go straight up off it, the quadbike kinda got stuck and just flew way over the cliffs and span like crazy.
i thought that was your spot however my ps2 only loads that rock when it wants to, ive got flat out in the quad bike to that rock only to find its gone, i turn around then drive up slowly to it and it appears.

Congrats on King of San Andreas :cheers:
I have a limited time on here at the moment, so I'll update tonight. Congratulations, seymour, on becoming the first King of San Andreas at GTP. 👍
Just a note: If you are posting a Number of Kills Since Last Checkpoint record, make sure you are able to provide a screenshot, as if you pass another "checkpoint", you will be unable to provide a screenshot. I'm almost thinking of making it compulsory to post a screenshot at the time of posting that record, but I won't do that as of now. Just make sure that you can provide one. Thanks.

By the way, the Overall Standings works for me now.

  • Added new records from KieranMurphy, Spuds725, IntegraGS-R and seymour619.
  • Added new screenshots from seymour619.
I know Jimmy likes to keep this forum tidy so I think any discussion of Seymours jump should go in its own thread-- I'm going to start one right now-- I'm pretty sure its a superjump BTW 👍 but a hard one to get 👎

Jimmy Enslashay
Just a note: If you are posting a Number of Kills Since Last Checkpoint record, make sure you are able to provide a screenshot, as if you pass another "checkpoint", you will be unable to provide a screenshot. I'm almost thinking of making it compulsory to post a screenshot at the time of posting that record, but I won't do that as of now. Just make sure that you can provide one. Thanks.

sorry about this.. i have a screenshot in my camera, and my CF reader should come in today :)


total time in bloodring -- 36:00 - IntegraGS-R
bloodring kills -- 90 - IntegraGS-R

country endurance -- 4:41 - IntegraGS-R
police bribes -- 114 - IntegraGS-R
property damage -- $154,976,896 - IntegraGS-R
tires popped with gunfire+ -- 1,577 - IntegraGS-R
headshots -- 6,287 - IntegraGS-R
fires started -- 28,923 - IntegraGS-R
Total Legitimate kills -- 16,852 - IntegraGS-R
boats destroyed -- 129 - IntegraGS-R
people you've wasted -- 79,585 - IntegraGS-R
criminals wasted -- 25,203 - IntegraGS-R
people wasted by others -- 6,032 - IntegraGS-R
total wanted stars attained -- 5,806 - IntegraGS-R
total wantes stars evaded -- 1,596 - IntegraGS-R

Food Budget -- $4,271.00 - IntegraGS-R

distance travelled on foot -- 904,729.23m - IntegraGS-R
distance travelled by car -- 4,767,210.99m - IntegraGS-R
distance travelled by swimming -- 33,418.93m - IntegraGS-R
distance travelled by motorbike -- 3,076,267.76m - IntegraGS-R
Distance travelled by Golf Cart -- 12,162.83m - IntegraGS-R
Distance Travelled by helicopter -- 2,341,452.42m - IntegraGS-R
Flight time -- 21:55 - IntegraGS-R

highest vigilante mission level -- 686 - IntegraGS-R
Criminals killed on vigilante mission -- 26,213 - IntegraGS-R
total time in bloodring -- 36:00 - IntegraGS-R
number of 'bloodring' kills -- 90 - IntegraGS-R
best time in world war ace -- 1:52 - IntegraGS-R
Best time in lowrider race -- 1:13 - IntegraGS-R
best time in badlands a -- 3:02 - IntegraGS-R
best time in into the country -- 2:48 - IntegraGS-R

playing time -- 305:04 - IntegraGS-R
Days passed in game -- 1,358 - IntegraGS-R

sorry its so long, a lot of the records i needed screenshots for needed to be updated..


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Criminal Rating: 1,001,094(King of San Andreas) - seymour619
Holy **** man! The game's only been out a couple of months! That's awesome, congratulations. I haven't even maxed out my money yet so I'm only at about 40,000 CR.

Man, I thought my Vice City reputation would be good enough to play with the big boys here, but I gotta get busy. No CR records, no killing records, no racing records, no stunting records.

So far, I suck at San Andreas. I gotta get working at something to get in the record book properly.

So far, I suck at San Andreas. I gotta get working at something to get in the record book properly.
I'm not too fussed about competing here, for some reason. I thought I would want to, but I've just not had any interest in competing. I'm quite content sitting back and watching how it all pans out.

  • Added new records and screenshots from IntegraGS-R.
so far its panning out Me Vs Integra then along comes seymour who is taking away Integras records but leaving most of mine intact :P. but me and integra have 82 1sts, 48 2nds between us so we are the dominant dudes so far :P
This is a marathon, not a sprint--

I haven't even posted all my stats yet-- soon, very soon-- I'm pretty sure I have enough to put me up in 3rd
I think Id have a much easier time catching up If there was never any races to compete in, but I have one proud race time

BMX time - 1:12 - seymour619

and holy moses how did you get 80 000 kills integra? i barely manage to get 1000 a day