GTA: San Andreas Record Book

  • Thread starter Blake
Integra what is your bloodring secret???

mostly determination really.. it takes a lot of effort not to get annoyed as hell when i only need one more checkpoint and then people start ramming me and i am involved in a huge pileup knocking off a minute or 2 from my total :(

other than that i like to drive on the slopes and just drive around in circles getting checkpoints as i go, this seems to work the best.. its a lot easier to avoid other cars on the edges and you can turn without spinning out easier


Total time in bloodring -- 28:00 - IntegraGS-R
bloodring kills -- 74 - IntegraGS-R
Number of Kills Since Last Checkpoint -- 5199 - Deli Dingo
Highest Level in Vigilante -- 501 - Deli Dingo

By the way, I'm very impressed with IntegraGS-R's bloodring times: 👍 👍


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Nice both of you-- I was hoping you took a screenie for your kills since last checkpoint-- I noticed you had an 800 kill disparity between this and your criminals killed on vigilante.

I must suck at brownthunder compared to you guys-- I really couldn't get my vigilante time up over 7 or 8 minutes-- seems like every few levels they wouldn't want to die quietly-- I know if my minigun was fired with R1 instead of L1 my problems would be solved--I could make the hunter in VC dance on a dime and while this one over steers a bit, my left hand isn't too bright and it can't do 2 things at 1 time--- I'm real close to taking one of my controllers apart and swapping some wires before I attempt a long brownthunder run-- either that or I'm going to tape that button down.

I'll be updating the rankings tomorrow night (about 24 hours from now)-- there have been alot of updates lately.

I've never heard of anyone having so much trouble adapting to a new button configuration like you Spuds :lol:. Personally I'd just tape the button down, but damn man.

I somehow learned to drive with the left analog stick instead of the D-pad. I suppose if I kept practicing I'd finally learn it, but damnit--I alreadly learned to fly the hunter (I have well over 100 hours in the hunter in VC)-- Rockstar is on my ****list for moving that firebutton-- for no reason what so ever (the R1 doesn't do anything now)--other then to piss me off.
I somehow learned to drive with the left analog stick instead of the D-pad. I suppose if I kept practicing I'd finally learn it, but damnit--I alreadly learned to fly the hunter (I have well over 100 hours in the hunter in VC)-- Rockstar is on my ****list for moving that firebutton-- for no reason what so ever (the R1 doesn't do anything now)--other then to piss me off.

it had been so long since i had played VC that i didn't even notice the button change until other people said something about it :) have you tried using rockets? same hand as R1 button :)
I somehow learned to drive with the left analog stick instead of the D-pad. I suppose if I kept practicing I'd finally learn it, but damnit--I alreadly learned to fly the hunter (I have well over 100 hours in the hunter in VC)-- Rockstar is on my ****list for moving that firebutton-- for no reason what so ever (the R1 doesn't do anything now)--other then to piss me off.
Damn, I'd hate to see you try to drive a car in England or Aussie :lol:

Integra in bloodring does it take you many goes to get them high times or do you just keep hangin in there, and after a while you pass. Also how long did it take to get that 7 minute run?
I am so pissed off at san andreas now, i had gotten to level 440 on brown thunder and i was planning to go alot further, i had gotten my kills up to 41,000 and i had a CR of 300 000 and max money, and then the game froze!!!, back to 32000 kills and 130 000 CR, **** YOU ROCK*
Integra in bloodring does it take you many goes to get them high times or do you just keep hangin in there, and after a while you pass. Also how long did it take to get that 7 minute run?

actually, the 5, 6, and 7 minute levels took about 30 minutes total and a total of 4 tries... i went to the next one a few minutes ago and after about 45 minutes and probably about 100 cars blown up, i blew up... highest i got was about 7:30 :(

seymour -- same thing happened to me.. it sucks.. i was pretty upset about it and din't play for a day or two, just left the screen on my frozen brown thunder mission.. i soon got over it, as i'm sure you will and went back and got 488... i was upset at first cause i lost so much playing time, but realized that 4 or 5 hours isn't all that much compared to how much i play total.. just a half a day or so of playing.. some of the guys are talking about taking frequent screenshots/video taping it, just incase it freezes.. good luck in the future 👍
Thank You :D
I was hoping you took a screenie for your kills since last checkpoint
It would be pretty suckeriffic if I forgot. I just learned about that stat, too.
I noticed you had an 800 kill disparity between this and your criminals killed on vigilante.
I also noticed that. I thought about it. There were probably about 5 vehicles of people that I didn't directly destroy, but I also killed many, many pedestrians. :odd: How exactly are Kills Since Last Checkpoint calculated? :confused:
I must suck at brownthunder compared to you guys-- I really couldn't get my vigilante time up over 7 or 8 minutes
I usually only got +40 seconds, but the most that I ever got was +111 seconds between levels. Your problem must be the L1, I guess. I would think it'd be pretty easy to get used to though. I, like IntegraGS-R, didn't realize that it was even changed from VC ;)
then the game froze!!!

I might try this bloodring thing tomorrow. My best in VC was 10:00, but I hear that it's quite a bit harder now. :embarrassed:
yes bloodring is very hard now. i did manage to get 10:00 total. it sucks the bloodring kills only count if you pass it. its so annoying getting rammed by cars and then swerving around and about to get the marker and some damn stallion comes along and grabs it the split second before you get to it.

I guess im over the vigilante thing. ill try again tomorrow maybe. or at least try to replace some of the kills with CJs tank 👍
Time taken to complete quarry -- 16:58 - IntegraGS-R

has anyone gone back and done any of the quarry missions? i like how its set up.. you can pick which mission you want to do, and they have seperate times.. for example if the first time around you did the first 3 really fast, you wouldn't have to do those again, and your time from doing them the first time will stay... also you are given a timer in each mission that starts at the fastest time you have completed that particular mission.. when you complete each one, if you do it faster, it tells you how much faster, and what your new total time is
Thanks for the info IntegraGS-R 👍. I was thinking that I'd have to do all of them over again to get a better time. I'll probably work on quarry again, but the time that I have right now is apparently pretty good for a first try.
Deli Dingo
Thanks for the info IntegraGS-R 👍. I was thinking that I'd have to do all of them over again to get a better time. I'll probably work on quarry again, but the time that I have right now is apparently pretty good for a first try.

no problem :) i'm just glad you could understand it 👍
here are my updated stats, i will edit the post later with a screenie :)

Criminal Ranking -- 320,221 - Small_Fryz
bullets fired -- 80,452 - Small_Fryz
bullets hit -- 80,453 - Small_Fryz
Criminals wasted -- 12,462 - Small_Fryz
people ive wasted -- 34,609 - Small_Fryz
Road Vehicles destroyed -- 13,064 - Small_Fryz
Cost of property destroyed -- $93,472,656 - Small_Fryz
tires popped -- 662 - Small_Fryz
headshots -- 1,147 - Small_Fryz
fires started -- 4,231 - Small_Fryz
kills since last checkpoint -- 6,566 - Small_Fryz
total legitimate kills -- 18,233 - Small_Fryz

these are distance records
Foot -- 442,245.20 m - Small_Fryz
Swimming -- 32,479.66 m - Small_Fryz
Car -- 3,610,906.00 m - Small_Fryz
Bike -- 133,597.56 m - Small_Fryz
Motobike -- 1,478,311.88 m - Small_Fryz
boat -- 130,179.80 m - Small_Fryz
Golf Cart -- 32,372.33 m - Small_Fryz
Helicopter -- 1,835,785.62 m - Small_Fryz
Plane -- 1,107,324.62 m - Small_Fryz

Flight time -- 19:44 - Small_Fryz
Time on jetpack -- 1:19 - Small_Fryz
mission attempts -- 308 - Small_Fryz
highest lvl in vigilante -- 600 - Small_Fryz
criminals killed on vigilante -- 14,297 - Small_Fryz
playing time -- 162:51 - Small_Fryz
days passed -- 632 - Small_Fryz
safe house visits -- 546 - Small_Fryz
vehicle resprays -- 170 - Small_Fryz

there we go :P

Small_Fryz -- I noticed that your Bullets That Hit record is larger than your Bullets Fired record. Shot a few tanks, hey? ;)

  • Added new records from Spuds725, IntegraGS-R and Small_Fryz.
Jimmy Enslashay
Small_Fryz -- I noticed that your Bullets That Hit record is larger than your Bullets Fired record. Shot a few tanks, hey? ;)

this is strange. bullets hit will only go 1 higher than bullets fired.. mine is the same way.. :crazy:
Yet bullets hit will only go one over bullets fired...interesting. I wonder if bullets hit will push bullets fired up, or whether bullets hit is limited by bullets fired.

Yet bullets hit will only go one over bullets fired...interesting. I wonder if bullets hit will push bullets fired up, or whether bullets hit is limited by bullets fired.


i just checked and they dont. i have the same bullets hit and bullets fired that i did about an hour ago.
no even if i went and shot once and missed bullets hit will stay the same, Which kinda sucks as ive done over 1000 viglante lvls and ive definetly gotten more than 80,000 bullets hit.

Time in Bloodring -- 15:00 - Small_Fryz
Kills in Bloodring -- 16 - Small_Fryz
Criminal Rating -- 320,221 - Small_Fryz

Jimmy you might not have seen my Criminal Rating edited to my post above, so i will just say it here.