GTMSA Presents: VW Golf IV Cup Season 2 - Preseason Discussion

  • Thread starter LancerEvo7
maybe it never instaled race exhaust..... happened to me with lotuses for Mules series ;)

Damn just looked at a racer who raced clios and won the championship last year whos also from my city (Inverness) his Clio was White and Red wheel so i cant do that :grumpy:...
i could do this though.... :D (Funny enough also on BBS Wheels lol)

Edit: my sign up is #99 - paulmac2k9 (paulmac2k9) - Scotland - Vitamin C
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sorry mates but ive given a spot in a different racing series that ive been waiting for
cant race with u guys:(

but good luck with your series and keep on racing
I'd like to sign up for it but i know i wont make the race on the 24th. i have a real race at my local track. but as of now i can make the rest.
22 sethfraz22 USA Black
I'd like to join :)

#31 - Elitedriver123 (gtamann123) - USA/Florida - Greencollection Perleffekt (most likely changing it)

I'll be looking forward racing with you guys :)
^Probably isn't a bad idea since someone is already using that color.

Oh, I see who it is now. I'll look for another paint color 👍

EDIT: Also, I think Racing Softs would be too easy, as it has an insane amount of grip that makes virtually everything too easy. Racing Hards would be a better idea, possibly even Sports :D

EDIT 2: I got a paint color!: Pathfinder Blue Pearlescent
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^It's surprising, but this car doesn't have insane levels of grip with Softs, myself and paulmac were finding it easy to go off overdriving the car.
1*- James (toyotsupra) - GBR - Black

We doing any parade laps could be great if we can use the pace car maybe 👍

Is this number ok?
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There you go :)
Btw Lancer id rather Sco or something not a fan of the UK (GBR) flag :lol:..... (I vote yes to scottish independance ;))
^It's surprising, but this car doesn't have insane levels of grip with Softs, myself and paulmac were finding it easy to go off overdriving the car.

How's that? I took it on a quick lap on Nordschleife and it was super easy to drive.

EDIT: Also, I have a race that kinda conflicts with this one, so I'm probably gonna do one race and see what happens. If it conflicts too much, I'll have to retire or decide 👍
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How's that? I took it on a quick lap on Nordschleife and it was super easy to drive.

EDIT: Also, I have a race that kinda conflicts with this one, so I'm probably gonna do one race and see what happens. If it conflicts too much, I'll have to retire or decide 👍

Your not driving fast enough then lol its easy to slide when your pushing way too hard just because its a test to see where and when it will lose grip :lol:
Bad news, all. I'm roughly 95% sure my GT5 disk died on me. Last night, i put the disk in, and it made a weird noise, so I ejected the disk, and it has a small scratch on it. It sounds like the PS3 attempts to read it, but no game icon shows up on the XMB. I'm arranging for the series to be run temporarily by another person so nothing has to change.
Your not driving fast enough then lol its easy to slide when your pushing way too hard just because its a test to see where and when it will lose grip :lol:

Guess I'll do a do-over then lol. But I'm pretty sure I was pushing it to the limits, I'll see to it then.
A Quick Warning to you Guys:
Due to the new patch, 1.11, it has created a pretty bad LSD bug for FF cars. When you purchase the Customizable LSD, and when you try to adjust it, the cursor refuses to move to the left to do so. This completely voids any tuning to the LSD for most likely every FF car. This is a quite serious bug that PD should be notified to fix as soon as possible.
Wait a minute -- Isn't the first race on 9/10? That would be next Saturday, right?

Wait why can't we race this Saturday can't wait to race in this series.
its the scheldule its been like that since i joined i think so to give enough time for people to join before the season starts 👍
It might not happen tomorrow at all. In case you missed it:

Bad news, all. I'm roughly 95% sure my GT5 disk died on me. Last night, i put the disk in, and it made a weird noise, so I ejected the disk, and it has a small scratch on it. It sounds like the PS3 attempts to read it, but no game icon shows up on the XMB. I'm arranging for the series to be run temporarily by another person so nothing has to change.

Yep, I saw that. And it did said someone can take your place until your disc is swapped/repaired.