Yeah, but they had to after Leon Camier's 2011 campaign. I think that the field are much tighter now though and that the Showdown rule should be dropped. Expecting a big push from Michael Laverty this year though, should be interesting.
Dude, all I currently care about is plato. He better get his arse into gear
I saw everyone showing their stuff off, I only have 3 special items. I've met a few drivers, joh mcguiness and steve parish (very nice guys). Also peter Solberg, that guy could drive. I got him to sign my shirt lol that's item #1
Next is when I went to BTCC this year. Unfortunately I missed the autograph session. But being ahuge fan and finally being able to afford a trip for my birthday, I wasn't going home with nothing lol. I got the main people I wanted. Jordan was friendly, shedden, well, I won't go into that

. Tordoff I literally walked into him lol. when the programme started steve ryder and tiff nedal done their thing then I barged in. Despite always being anti-Honda and neal, I have to admit he was really friendly to me, even had a joke. My opinion chamged (not much though lol)
The 2 I really wanted obviously was plato and turkington. Dick Bennet walked past me twice and I didn't notice, he was in my photos lol. But I was able to see turkington. They took me into the eBay trailor as he was having a team talk. I was shaking and so nervous I called him Rob

Jason, well i'd tried all day. But just before race 3 I leapt on him, he stole my programme and walked off with it

Then as it was also Aiden Moffat's 18th he was interested in talking to me. He invited me in, let me sit in the car and showed me around (I was like a little kid

) I do have pictures if people are interested, but won't spam you all
But I also have this, very special. 10pts to those who can guess what it is