(GTOR) | [GTTCC-3] Gran Turismo Touring Car Championship S3 - xflow1390 takes back to back titles!Finished 

  • Thread starter True-blue-8

Standing or Rolling starts?

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Dude, all I currently care about is plato. He better get his arse into gear :lol:

I saw everyone showing their stuff off, I only have 3 special items. I've met a few drivers, joh mcguiness and steve parish (very nice guys). Also peter Solberg, that guy could drive. I got him to sign my shirt lol that's item #1

Next is when I went to BTCC this year. Unfortunately I missed the autograph session. But being ahuge fan and finally being able to afford a trip for my birthday, I wasn't going home with nothing lol. I got the main people I wanted. Jordan was friendly, shedden, well, I won't go into that :lol:. Tordoff I literally walked into him lol. when the programme started steve ryder and tiff nedal done their thing then I barged in. Despite always being anti-Honda and neal, I have to admit he was really friendly to me, even had a joke. My opinion chamged (not much though lol)
The 2 I really wanted obviously was plato and turkington. Dick Bennet walked past me twice and I didn't notice, he was in my photos lol. But I was able to see turkington. They took me into the eBay trailor as he was having a team talk. I was shaking and so nervous I called him Rob :ouch:
Jason, well i'd tried all day. But just before race 3 I leapt on him, he stole my programme and walked off with it :indiff:
Then as it was also Aiden Moffat's 18th he was interested in talking to me. He invited me in, let me sit in the car and showed me around (I was like a little kid :lol:) I do have pictures if people are interested, but won't spam you all :lol:

But I also have this, very special. 10pts to those who can guess what it is

View attachment 301025

I'm guessing ballast?

I hope Steve Parrish is a nice guy in person, because on TV he comes off as a Grade-A d*ck... When it was him and Charlie Cox as the BBC MotoGP commentary team I swear if I could reach through my TV and throttle them I would.

They aren't Julian Ryder, simple... :D
What do you mean? Is it a special type of iron?
I'm guessing ballast?

I hope Steve Parrish is a nice guy in person, because on TV he comes off as a Grade-A d*ck... When it was him and Charlie Cox as the BBC MotoGP commentary team I swear if I could reach through my TV and throttle them I would.

They aren't Julian Ryder, simple... :D
Ballast weight from a BTCC car?
Each reply got closer :lol:

When Rob Austin won his only 2014 race at thruxton, the next weekend he was down castle combe. I thought he would be a down to earth guy and friendly, but he really wasn't. It was a wheel weight that fell of shermon (his Audi).

I have part of a BTCC car :lol:
I'm guessing ballast?

I hope Steve Parrish is a nice guy in person, because on TV he comes off as a Grade-A d*ck... When it was him and Charlie Cox as the BBC MotoGP commentary team I swear if I could reach through my TV and throttle them I would.

They aren't Julian Ryder, simple... :D
Steve was really nice. My camera broke but he waited around and had a great attitude
@True-blue-8, I've also had some BTCC adventures :D also some BSB and British GT!

2009 BTCC - Croft:
  1. I talked to Steve Rider.
  2. I met Turkington, Collard, Jelley, Plato and Shaun Hollamby (by god was he bad at BTCC but he was super friendly!)
  3. I have signed posters from the RAC boys, Hollamby and Collard. I have no idea where they are now. :(
  4. I shared a joke with Turkington. He is so down to earth believe it or not.
2010 BSB - Croft:
  1. I met Josh Brookes. He gave me a signed t-shirt for nothing!
  2. I got to sit on Ellison's bike. Lovely motor!
2010 British GT - Silverstone:
  1. I got sit in the #10 Ferrari (driven by Ferrier?, Warren, Jelley and Hetherington.
  2. I got a Ferrari poster of those guys.
  3. I met Jelley - he recognised me! and I met Hetherington, he is a lovely bloke too.
I have done a few more things but I can't remember them. :(
These are based on the 2 - time zone and experience

Division 2 (17:00-19:00)GMT
@john sweet @TickleMyNug @1996mikey2412 @David Talle @swiftsmith @fedelobster @Ant1974 @CptMadBean

Division 1 (19:00-21:00)GMT

@xflow1390 @FaithlessEmo @sb360 @buck1 @Storm_SP17 @GT_Vette @Teuchter @alex salmon @NinjaEvo @DR_ingo5 @SkengD @STOCKY8A1 @Duker_86 @sibbystiggy

Hope this looks ok to people. If anyone would prefer to move, please let me know by PM :)

Yeah, you can feel free to move me up that list if you want... 9th? Seriously? :lol: ;)
Will there be multiple car openings for both PRO,& AM?
yep multiple opeings. However i'll also give you the car to use if the Divisions don't work 👍

'twas a beautiful sight.
we've got that situation already :lol:
how about you dust her off ;)

Yeah, you can feel free to move me up that list if you want... 9th? Seriously? :lol: ;)
It's in the order of sign ups on OP (done by #)
Maybe they are!


Basically if the Divisions don't work and we all re-merge into one group again. If the car you're using in Division 2 is full in Division, @True-blue-8 will not allow you to use it.

Is this correct?
If you were using a BMW in D2, you probably won't be able to use it in D1. So i'll tell you what to use

If D1 drivers wish to drive in D2 they can, they won't be eligible for points, stats etc, but it may bulk the grid up and give more experience to the others
Hold on I'm Division 2 make me sound slow already lol

Who wants to join FRS Motorsport? We will use the same car so we can discus tunes and technics.

I am team less this down to my shifts at work, I'll not be able to make all races.
In less I can talk Blue into a 4 week break lol.

On a good note when I can make it, I'll be testing your all welcome to join.
One little question blue you hosting the races?

I'm just asking down to you DC alot on race nights before!