GTP Cool Wall: 1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen

1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen

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I'd find that awesome :lol: hence, cool. Almost verging on sub-zero. Ironically, not sub-zero because of the same reasons.
I'd find it interesting, but I'd struggle to call it cool. Somebody walking down the street in a suit of armour would be great to watch, but he'd not exactly be "cool".

Figuratively or literally.
Voted uncool.

It's a brilliant and iconic vehicle. I'd struggle to see how it's cool though.

If you saw one driving down the street, I bet you'd stop whatever you're doing. But that's not because it's oozing cool, it's because it would look so incongruous in modern life, as it putters down the road at a few miles per hour. It isn't cool, but it'd sure as hell be a talking point.
I can just hear the single cylinder engine blut-blutting along and the olde-worlde bulb horn quacking as I read that sentence.

In fact...

Wow! What an exhaust note~

That thing looks perilous at walking pace..
Is it wrong that I thought about what would happen if the driver fell backwards while the engine was still running?
I'm just glad the votes slipped back into a 'cool' result, it was looking grim for a while.
I would drive that today, so cool.

I already got the derby hat and monocle. And growing a handlebar moustache is no problem.
Seriously? 0.165?

I still think that for a car guy to vote this car uncool is like spitting in your parents' faces because they don't like the same kind of music you do.
Seriously? 0.165?

I still think that for a car guy to vote this car uncool is like spitting in your parents' faces because they don't like the same kind of music you do.

My parents aren't German. It's also kind of Daft saying that not digging Daddy's vibes makes us good-for-nothing Punks.

And for those saying there would be no cars without the PatentWagen, ahem:


Daimler-built. Maybach engine. Same year.


Thought to have been built up to ten years earlier. But known, for sure, to have been built at the same time.


Nearly 100 years earlier.


Over 100 years earlier.

If Benz hadn't built his car, automotive progress would have been set back... maybe a few months. Daimler was already working on motor vehicles, and Maybach had excellent engines that were going in everything. Then there was Diesel's strange, sparkless motor.

Without Benz, we would still have Daimler, Maybach and Diesel engines, which went into various German, French and British cars. Not to mention the steam and electric motors being developed at the time.

The only important thing to note of the PatentWagen is that it was the first production car. And even then, "production" would have been giving it a bit too much credit... when Ford finally showed the world what "production" truly meant sometime later.

It's neat that it was the "first"... but cool? Debatable.