- 2,987
You can contact me on aim at bengee102
1. Make sure you are available to complete your drift lap the coming weekend.
2. Make the clips available by the next weekend, which gives you a max of three weeks before videos are ready and sent.
3. There should be at least three judges, who must be neutral parties (not by team members or friends). The team members can cheer their members in the battle. =P
4. An unedited replay of either a full lap or a particular set of corners which the competition/challenge is to take place must be submitted. (The parties involved will choose how the video will be judged as explained below in judging. The Video must include speedometer and wheel.
5. Always save replays.
1. A course should be chosen that both drifters feel familiar enough to battle on.
2. Any tires and modifications should be allowed unless both parties agree otherwise.
1. Judges need to submit their scores to the thread two days after the videos are available.
2. All videos will be submitted to judges and not too threads so the "best" of each participant is not affected by others. When judging is finished the links will be posted with the results. If anyone needs a place to host a video contact the head judge.
3. There will be one judge designated the head judge... The challengers will send the links of the uploaded video to him/her and the head judge will then pm the links to the other judges in an anonymous fashion... The videos will have numbered titles rather than names so that the competitors attitudes do not affect the scores...
-Exhibition Drift Judging Procedure-
Points will be awarded out of the maximum amount listed below:
-Style = 10 points
-Angle = 10 points
-Control = 10 points
-Smoke = 5 points
1.Style consists of how a person controls their car differently from the average drifter (how they drift the course). Points are awarded for uniqueness... etc...
2.Control consists of how smooth the car is being handled while drifting, Points are taken off for wall hitting/sliding, lots of stuttered counter-steer, poor line taking, etc...
3.Angle... the more the better
Because the above is completely left to personal judgment no point scale will be developed, but judges are expected to judge in an unbiased fashion.
The challengers must decide where the judges are expected to judge drifting. This must be stated in the first or second post of each challenge so judges can do there job fairly and efficiently. Specify one of the following
1) Just in comers
2) Linking some corners without drifting in straights
3) Drifting the entire lap
If nothing is specified, individual judges may count drifting in straights and linking corners as either positive or zero points in style and control categories, but not in smoke or angle.
-Racing Drift Judging Procedure-
Points will be awarded out of the maximum amount listed below:
-Speed=10 points
-Time=10 points
-Control=10 points
-Style=5 points
If more than two wheels leave the track the challenger must enter another video.
1. Speed and time will be determined by a submission of the following from the analyzer: speed, average speed, sector times, and lap time. Only the head judge will score this portion, in the following ways
-Speed: I have done the scoring in this way because exit and average speed take more skill than entrance speed.
A) Average exit speed in all sectors with corners will be 40% of the score for speed
B) Average average speed in all sectors with corners will be given 40% of the score for speed.
C) Average entrance speed in all sectors will be given 20% of the score for speed.
In each of the above areas, the person with the higher average speed will receive a score of ten and for every MPH the slower individual will receive a deduction of .2 points in exit and average speed and .1 points in entrance speed.
-Time: The faster individual will receive a score of 10, while the slower one will receive a deduction of 1 point for every second lost to the opponent. For fractions of a second this proportion will be used in determining points.
2.Control will include line taking and slip angle, and will be judged by individual judges due to its nature. 40% of the score will be devoted to line taking, which involves proper apexing and the choice of a well chosen line (one that utilizes the road to the drivers greatest advantage). 40% will be devoted to slip angle. Here the greater the angle does not necessarily grant a high score. Rather, the way that the slip angle is used will be of more importance, and things like clean exits and fast but controlled entries will be rewarded. 20% of the score will be reserved for deductions resulting from things like hitting walls and stuttered counter-steer (if these do not occur then they receive the full 20%).
3.Style consists of how a person controls their car differently from the average drifter (how they drift race the course). It also includes a score for smoke (the more smoke is not better), unnecessary smoke as well as not enough smoke will count toward point deductions, but in general smoke from four wheels rather than two and moderate levels of smoke will be what the judges are looking for
Panel of Judges
Based upon the poll held here:http://gtplanet.net/forum/showthrea...1132#post981132
Head Judges:
Silvia Drifter-----Monkey D
Sheron-----------Project D
Supra Fly--------Project D
Battle_Stage---Monkey D
Breaker Ohio---Monkey D
Bryan C----------Night Majik
Shadow Drifter-Night Majik
NK4E-------------Night Majik
The head judges will be responsible for creating official competition and challenge threads (setting up rules and tracks), assigning at least 5 judges to the competition and making sure they can participate, collecting videos, distributing videos to judges, and posting final scores all within the rules of the GTPDC's.
The rest of the judges will be expected to submit scores fairly quickly and the head judges will monitor each judges performance. After three really slow performances on the part of the judges they will be removed from the panel and replaced as seen fit...
Remember a maximum of 3 judges per team and those who recieved 0 votes were ignored...
1. Make sure you are available to complete your drift lap the coming weekend.
2. Make the clips available by the next weekend, which gives you a max of three weeks before videos are ready and sent.
3. There should be at least three judges, who must be neutral parties (not by team members or friends). The team members can cheer their members in the battle. =P
4. An unedited replay of either a full lap or a particular set of corners which the competition/challenge is to take place must be submitted. (The parties involved will choose how the video will be judged as explained below in judging. The Video must include speedometer and wheel.
5. Always save replays.
1. A course should be chosen that both drifters feel familiar enough to battle on.
2. Any tires and modifications should be allowed unless both parties agree otherwise.
1. Judges need to submit their scores to the thread two days after the videos are available.
2. All videos will be submitted to judges and not too threads so the "best" of each participant is not affected by others. When judging is finished the links will be posted with the results. If anyone needs a place to host a video contact the head judge.
3. There will be one judge designated the head judge... The challengers will send the links of the uploaded video to him/her and the head judge will then pm the links to the other judges in an anonymous fashion... The videos will have numbered titles rather than names so that the competitors attitudes do not affect the scores...
-Exhibition Drift Judging Procedure-
Points will be awarded out of the maximum amount listed below:
-Style = 10 points
-Angle = 10 points
-Control = 10 points
-Smoke = 5 points
1.Style consists of how a person controls their car differently from the average drifter (how they drift the course). Points are awarded for uniqueness... etc...
2.Control consists of how smooth the car is being handled while drifting, Points are taken off for wall hitting/sliding, lots of stuttered counter-steer, poor line taking, etc...
3.Angle... the more the better
Because the above is completely left to personal judgment no point scale will be developed, but judges are expected to judge in an unbiased fashion.
The challengers must decide where the judges are expected to judge drifting. This must be stated in the first or second post of each challenge so judges can do there job fairly and efficiently. Specify one of the following
1) Just in comers
2) Linking some corners without drifting in straights
3) Drifting the entire lap
If nothing is specified, individual judges may count drifting in straights and linking corners as either positive or zero points in style and control categories, but not in smoke or angle.
-Racing Drift Judging Procedure-
Points will be awarded out of the maximum amount listed below:
-Speed=10 points
-Time=10 points
-Control=10 points
-Style=5 points
If more than two wheels leave the track the challenger must enter another video.
1. Speed and time will be determined by a submission of the following from the analyzer: speed, average speed, sector times, and lap time. Only the head judge will score this portion, in the following ways
-Speed: I have done the scoring in this way because exit and average speed take more skill than entrance speed.
A) Average exit speed in all sectors with corners will be 40% of the score for speed
B) Average average speed in all sectors with corners will be given 40% of the score for speed.
C) Average entrance speed in all sectors will be given 20% of the score for speed.
In each of the above areas, the person with the higher average speed will receive a score of ten and for every MPH the slower individual will receive a deduction of .2 points in exit and average speed and .1 points in entrance speed.
-Time: The faster individual will receive a score of 10, while the slower one will receive a deduction of 1 point for every second lost to the opponent. For fractions of a second this proportion will be used in determining points.
2.Control will include line taking and slip angle, and will be judged by individual judges due to its nature. 40% of the score will be devoted to line taking, which involves proper apexing and the choice of a well chosen line (one that utilizes the road to the drivers greatest advantage). 40% will be devoted to slip angle. Here the greater the angle does not necessarily grant a high score. Rather, the way that the slip angle is used will be of more importance, and things like clean exits and fast but controlled entries will be rewarded. 20% of the score will be reserved for deductions resulting from things like hitting walls and stuttered counter-steer (if these do not occur then they receive the full 20%).
3.Style consists of how a person controls their car differently from the average drifter (how they drift race the course). It also includes a score for smoke (the more smoke is not better), unnecessary smoke as well as not enough smoke will count toward point deductions, but in general smoke from four wheels rather than two and moderate levels of smoke will be what the judges are looking for
Panel of Judges
Based upon the poll held here:http://gtplanet.net/forum/showthrea...1132#post981132
Head Judges:
Silvia Drifter-----Monkey D
Sheron-----------Project D
Supra Fly--------Project D
Battle_Stage---Monkey D
Breaker Ohio---Monkey D
Bryan C----------Night Majik
Shadow Drifter-Night Majik
NK4E-------------Night Majik
The head judges will be responsible for creating official competition and challenge threads (setting up rules and tracks), assigning at least 5 judges to the competition and making sure they can participate, collecting videos, distributing videos to judges, and posting final scores all within the rules of the GTPDC's.
The rest of the judges will be expected to submit scores fairly quickly and the head judges will monitor each judges performance. After three really slow performances on the part of the judges they will be removed from the panel and replaced as seen fit...
Remember a maximum of 3 judges per team and those who recieved 0 votes were ignored...