GTP Geezer ClubOpen 

  • Thread starter geezer1791
Unfortunately I found an invisible barrier at Grand Valley. :banghead: This corner of the wall spun me. :confused:View attachment 199263 View attachment 199264

Yes buddy, that snag has grabbed a number of us at GV! HSR has one at the right side rail in turn 2:crazy:, Panorama has one just as we come out of the last turn and pour the power on ready to sail down the long straight:irked:, Tokyo reverse has one as we charge around the last corner ready to sail down the front straight in hopes of completing a GREEN (faster) lap,,,:nervous: only to be slammed to an abrupt halt and be slung across the track there by dashing our fastest lap to the scrap heap!! :banghead:

Ain't it FUN!! 👍
The subject of a one make race on 3 different tracks has come up many times between race's in our online lobby.
I'll start this of with some suggestions but Please post any ideas you have to make this an enjoyable event.

The time start to finish, I'm estimating, somewhere between 1 to 2 hours. Since there are Geezers spread around the globe we need a time that works for everyone.

Three race's with the 2000 Ford Falcon XR8. If you don't already have one it's under Ford in the Asian market of the dealership.

Race one. Monza no chicane. Track settings. 10 laps. 1 mandatory pit stop. Grid start. Tire wear and fuel Fast, Grip set to Real, Slipstream set to Real, Tuning Prohibited. SRF Prohibited. All other driving options are available.
Oil change only. The Falcon comes equipped with Race hard tires.

Race two. Mt. Panarama. 10 laps 1 mandatory pit stop. The track settings remain as in the first race with the exception of, Grid will be in reverse order based on place finished in race one and tuning is allowed. No Nitrous. A few posts above Daduce has the link to Praiano's tune. You may use it, your own tune or any tune you wish.

Race three. Open for sugestions here. Red Bull ring? Fuji? Looking for something with different track attributes than the first two tracks and hopefully would require a different tune on the car.

I'll be opening a room in about an hour for some racing and maybe some more ideas about this event and track three.
Hope to see ya there for some fun today. I:cheers:

Edit: This is not todays event. It will be scheduled for a future date and time and posted in the Geezer Club thread a week in advance of the event giving everyone time to test and tune their car.
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The subject of a one make race on 3 different tracks has come up many times between race's in our online lobby.
I'll start this of with some suggestions but Please post any ideas you have to make this an enjoyable event.

The time start to finish, I'm estimating, somewhere between 1 to 2 hours. Since there are Geezers spread around the globe we need a time that works for everyone.

Three race's with the 2000 Ford Falcon XR8. If you don't already have one it's under Ford in the Asian market of the dealership.

Race one. Monza no chicane. Track settings. 10 laps. 1 mandatory pit stop. Grid start. Tire wear and fuel Fast, Grip set to Real, Slipstream set to Real, Tuning Prohibited. SRF Prohibited. All other driving options are available.
Oil change only. The Falcon comes equipped with Race hard tires.

Race two. Mt. Panarama. 10 laps 1 mandatory pit stop. The track settings remain as in the first race with the exception of, Grid will be in reverse order based on place finished in race one and tuning is allowed. No Nitrous. A few posts above Daduce has the link to Praiano's tune. You may use it, your own tune or any tune you wish.

Race three. Open for sugestions here. Red Bull ring? Fuji? Looking for something with different track attributes than the first two tracks and hopefully would require a different tune on the car.

I'll be opening a room in about an hour for some racing and maybe some more ideas about this event and track three.
Hope to see ya there for some fun today. I:cheers:

Edit: This is not todays event. It will be scheduled for a future date and time and posted in the Geezer Club thread a week in advance of the event giving everyone time to test and tune their car.

How about cape ring 4.39 miles, twisty technical sections and also faster flowing sections. Also make fuel and tyre wear very fast which will enforce at least one pitstop and a refuel.
Could anyone give me tips how to get my mic working in online races my headset is Turtle Beach PX22.
Headset is connected to PS3 by usb next to wheel usb. PS3 is connected to internet via ethernet cable.
All settings has done as said in PX22 setup guide? Anyways it has been working fine and nothing has been
changed. Like yesterday I hear most of the talking, Wauk had some problems cuts and I see sometimes bubble
in my name, but still nobody hear my voice. Should I connect usb different way?:grumpy::ouch::banghead:
My choice would be Tokio 246 Reverse Or Speical stage route 5 Reverse Here are the times I did today With ford falcon pit stops have good access & exits.I am new to this online raceing so track choice and cars i like to leave to the more experience members off the club
Tokio 246 Reverse Stock 1.42.876 Tuned 1.39.400
Speical Stage Route 5 Reverse Stock 1.25.117 Tuned 1.21.117
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Thought I'd check in. I See that @mots is having a problem with his turtle beach headset. If the connections as stated worked before my suggestion would be to check the mute button. I am guessing it has one. I do know that my headset has a mute button I have pressed it caused a Geezer moment just a suggestion. All that and I to have moments when all systems are a go on my end and the servers are not.

@waukazoo I like your idea. For the tuning races what will the PP limit be?

A track suggestion would be Trial Mt.
Times available: Week days 3:00 till 5:00 PM or 15:00 till 17:00 9:00 till ?? PM or 21:00 till ??
Weekends and National Holidays please check for availablity

Additional points to ponder:
Allow 2 tire types RH/RS.
Timed race vice laps

It looks like I am off to the Peking Palace for lunch then look for a Asian Ford dealer bet the sales mans name is Chop Suey Louie.
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Could anyone give me tips how to get my mic working in online races my headset is Turtle Beach PX22.
Headset is connected to PS3 by usb next to wheel via connected to internet via ethernet cable.
All settings has done as said in PX22 setup guide? Anyways it has been working fine and nothing has been
changed. Like yesterday I hear most of the talking, Wauk had some problems cuts and I see sometimes bubble
in my name, but still nobody hear my voice. Should I connect usb different way?:grumpy::ouch::banghead:

I have the same issue with mine mots. I'm also tring to sort it out. I haven't found a mute button or mute function on my head set. Edit found the mute button. I did find on the Turtle beach web site at the bottom of the page showing your PX22's there is a download manual (user guide) it has way more info than the setup guide that comes with the head set. I'm still reading through the user guide for my PX4's and will let you know I find anything? My feelings are it may be more with GT6's sever issue than a problem with the headsets.

Great sugestions everyone.

Your right Stewy, Tire wear on very fast would make pit stop timing more critical.

No need for a pp limit on this car. It's 602pp stock and the only power add on is a turbo bringing it up tp 636pp and there is no option to reduce the weight.
I don't think I can choose just certian tires in the settings menu only maximum allowed. I do like the idea of all tires available with very fast wear set to on as softs will wear faster than medium and hard giving even more strategies as to which tires to choose and when to pit.
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My choice for the 3rd race would be Ascari or Matterhorn Rothenboden ( ouch! for the tire wear)

Mots, I had a Turtle Beach and it have a mute button.
Yes I know light goes red when it's on mute. I have had my voice strength set to 5.
Both usb are at the end working same way, because in certain cituations it has been working fine, and nothing has changed
it leaves only one thing the server.
Found this info for G27/G25 Wheel users (might work on some DF wheels also). To adjust the degrees of rotation for lock to lock hold down Start+Select (middle two red buttons) then press 0 for 670 deg or square for 450 deg or triangle for 240 deg or X to reset to 900 deg. This works on my G25 and makes a BIG difference on Eiger. I think you have to be in a car at a track to set it. Wheel will reset when you leave the game. I'm not sure when it resets within the game but it's very easy to set. 💡
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Found this info for G27/G25 Wheel users (might work on some DF wheels also). To adjust the degrees of rotation for lock to lock hold down Start+Select (middle two red buttons) then press 0 for 670 deg or square for 450 deg or triangle for 240 deg or X to reset to 900 deg. This works on my G25 and makes a BIG difference on Eiger. Wheel will reset when you leave the game. I'm not sure when it resets within the game but it's very easy to set. 💡

Thanks for the tip Geezer :gtpflag:,, tried it on my DFGT but it's a no go,, drat!! :indiff:
I tried half a dozen cars at the Expert Seasonal at Nurburgring. Finally got gold in a Subaru Impreza Super Touring Car I had tuned. I passed a Vet for the lead on the very last corner just before the finish line. :scared:

Just to make life interesting, I got gold in the Beginner Tsukuba race in the '02 Suzuki Kei Works.
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Thanks to everyone for thier ideas about a one make race and spending time testing cars, tracks and room settings online.

Event time: Monday August 18th. 2pm Eastern Time USA.

The car: 2000 Ford Falcon XR8. 1,150,000 Credits, You can find it in the Ford dealership under Asia-Pacific.

In race's 1, 2, and 3 use any tune or tunes you like. The 3 tracks all vary so adjust your settings for each track accordingly.
In race 4, the car will be stock settings with only an oil change allowed.

A nice tune by Praiano can be found here I know, :confused: the link says gt-r stealth but it should bring you to the Ford XR8.

One race on each of these four tracks. The event should take approximately 2 hours.
Please read the track settings. And I urge you to run these tracks online before hand as the Falcon is a gas guzzler and quickly wears out front tires. You may need to pit twice.

Race 1: Datona Road Course. Grid Start, 11 laps, 1 mandatory pit stop. Tire wear and fuel set to very fast, Grip reduction on edge set to real, Slipstream set to real, All tires available, Tuning allowed up
to 636pp, Skid Recovery Force prohibited.
When exiting the pit! Stay to the left of the yellow line, then to the left (inside) of the blue barrier. Do not enter the track at turn one.

Race 2: Mt. Panorama. 11 laps, 1 manditory pit stop, Grid start in reverse order of the previous race results. All track settings and tuning as race 1.

Race 3: Apricot Hill reverse. Grid start in reverse order of the previous race results, 11 laps, 1 mandatory pit stop With required tire type change. All other settings remain the same as race 1 & 2.
There is a 1min. 40 second penalty if you do not change tire types during this race. Changing all four tire types on one pit stop or the front type on one stop and then rear tire type on the next pit stop works to avoid any penalty.

Race 4: Monza no chicane. 11 laps, 1 maditory pit stop, Stock No Tuning 602pp, 629hp, 1350kg. Race hard tires. Oil change and Brake balance adjustments are allowed.
All other track settings remain the same as race 1 and 2.

I hope the time and date work for as many geezers possible.
Have a fresh oil change done on your car before hand and remember to clear your cache.


Revised please read.
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Thanks to everyone for thier ideas about a one make race and spending time testing cars, tracks and room settings online.

Event time: Monday August 18th. 2pm. Eastern Time USA. Lasting appox. 2 hours.

The car: 2000 Ford Falcon XR8. 1,150,000 Credits, You can find it in the Ford dealership under Asia-Pacific.
Use any tunes you like for the first three races. The 3 tracks all vary so adjust your settings for each track accordingly. In race four the car will be stock settings with an oil change allowed.
A nice tune by Praiano can be found here I know, :confused: the link says gt-r stealth but it should bring you to the Ford XR8.

One race on each of these four tracks.

Race 1: Datona Road Course. Grid Start, 11 laps, 1 mandatory pit stop. Tire wear and fuel set to very fast, Grip reduction on edge set to real, Slipstream set to real, All tires available, Tuning allowed up to 636pp, Skid Recovery Force prohibited.

Race 2: Mt. Panorama. 11 laps, 1 manditory pit stop, Grid start in reverse order of the previous race results. All track settings and tuning as race 1.

Race 3: Apricot Hill reverse. Grid start in reverse order of the previous race results, 11 laps, 1 mandatory pit stop With required tire type change. All other settings remain the same as race 1 and 2.

Race 4: Monza no chicane. 11 laps, 1 maditory pit stop, Stock No Tuning 602pp, 629hp, 1350kg. Race hard tires.
Oil change allowed. All other track settings remain the same as race 1 and 2.

I hope the time and date work for as many geezers possible.
Have a fresh oil change done on your car before hand and remember to clear your cache.

Thanks much Waukazoo for putting this event together partner. :bowdown: I'm in!👍
Thanks to everyone for thier ideas about a one make race and spending time testing cars, tracks and room settings online.

Event time: Monday August 18th. 2pm. Eastern Time USA. Lasting appox. 2 hours.

The car: 2000 Ford Falcon XR8. 1,150,000 Credits, You can find it in the Ford dealership under Asia-Pacific.
Use any tunes you like for the first three races. The 3 tracks all vary so adjust your settings for each track accordingly. In race four the car will be stock settings with an oil change allowed.
A nice tune by Praiano can be found here I know, :confused: the link says gt-r stealth but it should bring you to the Ford XR8.

One race on each of these four tracks.

Race 1: Datona Road Course. Grid Start, 11 laps, 1 mandatory pit stop. Tire wear and fuel set to very fast, Grip reduction on edge set to real, Slipstream set to real, All tires available, Tuning allowed up to 636pp, Skid Recovery Force prohibited.

Race 2: Mt. Panorama. 11 laps, 1 manditory pit stop, Grid start in reverse order of the previous race results. All track settings and tuning as race 1.

Race 3: Apricot Hill reverse. Grid start in reverse order of the previous race results, 11 laps, 1 mandatory pit stop With required tire type change. All other settings remain the same as race 1 and 2.

Race 4: Monza no chicane. 11 laps, 1 maditory pit stop, Stock No Tuning 602pp, 629hp, 1350kg. Race hard tires.
Oil change allowed. All other track settings remain the same as race 1 and 2.

I hope the time and date work for as many geezers possible.
Have a fresh oil change done on your car before hand and remember to clear your cache.

I'm also in.