GTP Geezer ClubOpen 

  • Thread starter geezer1791
Whoo-hoo! Logitech shipped my replacement G27 from Tenn. so I could have it tomorrow the 3rd.

Been working on SCClockDr-GT5 & have him qualified to go online & run Red Bull Junior Challenge to earn $$$. Expect to open a room soon prior to leaving on our summer RV trip.

What's good timing for you?
This is discriminating against youngster lol j/k
Do you host any games and if so what time? I would like to come in and watch geezers battleing themselves out haha.
Just got my warranty replacement from Logitech. Here's a picture of my set up such as it is. I still need to invert the pedals & mount them on the board Hanging from under the desk.
It's great seeing how I compare to all you fellow old geezers & I have noticed the wheel users out front, particularly mr zona99!
Also noticed how many of you use auto trans - I have always used manual on the basis that I have more control but with the sarthe time trial I tried auto & was quicker so the jury is out for me ..........
Yeh I have both wheels cant tell much difference they both do the same for auto transmission on DFGT I use an old set of g27 pedals makes it a lot better
Reason I asked, pedals are braking a little bit by itself sometimes and it's still under warranty and I'm affraid to open it.
But I have contacted Logitech and they will contact me after making their discision. Hopefully I get news very soon.
Reason I asked, pedals are braking a little bit by itself sometimes and it's still under warranty and I'm affraid to open it.
But I have contacted Logitech and they will contact me after making their discision. Hopefully I get news very soon.

The brake is controlled by a simple potentiometer. It might need cleaning or replacing. If it is reading non-zero the game will see a small brake input. The pedals are low tech compared to the wheel.

Logitech will only swap whole units, if the wheel is good, I would fix the brake by swapping the brake & clutch pots to avoid rolling the dice on a replacement wheel.
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The brake is controlled by a simple potentiometer. It might need cleaning or replacing. If it is reading non-zero the game will see a small brake input. The pedals are low tech compared to the wheel.

Logitech will only swap whole units, if the wheel is good, I would fix the brake by swapping the brake & clutch pots to avoid rolling the dice on a replacement wheel.

I have cleaned the pots on my pedals a few times, sometimes just to get it fixed quick though all you have to do is spray them with some canned air or other electronic circuit board cleaner (I would not use WD40). It may do the trick. You do have to take cover off though (about 14 screws, and a few hidden under the carpet grabber).

Video on how to disassemble and fully clean pots. If you want to do the whole repair. Otherwise you could take cover off spray the pots. You don't even have to put cover back on to test, just plug cables back in, turn on game and see if the brakes are now showing fully off, then press brake to see if the brake indicator works on the screen.
The rooms I've hosted lately were friends only. I am currently camping so I might not get to host till I can get near a solid WiFi.
My intensions are to host both public & private rooms once I return home this fall. I am hoping other geezers will host while I am traveling.

Enjoy your vacation doc.
We had a room going last night open to the public. 2 geezers a geezling and 3 young guns. Very close racing and everyone had lots of fun. We'll keep things going while your camping.
Stay safe, we'll see you this fall.
I had a Great time racing with a half dozen geezers and a few other most likely younger guys today.
I'm looking forward to doing it again.

Here are a few pictures of the "SCClockDr's Vacation Invitational"
Racing was close through out all 4 laps at Laguna with zona taking the win by just .002.
Great fun, Nice driving everyone.



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In Photobucket just click direct, next to where it says link to share this photo. It will automatically copy the URL for you. Then click the image icon in your reply(icon next to emoticon), and put the url that you copied in there. When taking race photos, I like to turn off the driver names, does not look realistic to me.
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Yesterday evening my son rang me, " What have you been doing today dad? pottering in the garden, having a snooze, watched TV?. No son I replied,

"I have been racing cars in London, Monte Carlo, Madrid and other places and exchanging friendly chat with other pensioners from around the world".

"What have you been doing son?", I asked "Been to work " was the sullen reply, "that's nice" I said.

There's life in the old geezer yet :cheers:

Thanks to all who took part yesterday...a good time was had...