GTP is slowly dying...

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I think the biggest motive to post quality posts is to come to good terms with other members and help out. I know that a green badge would be cool to have, and I once set out to get one, when I got about 30 rep points in a couple of days. I have since given up, but still try to make good posts to sound intelligent and help out.

It shouldn't be a goal for people so much as a reward for attitude.
It's not all ass licking, I agree. I just want to mention again I was not putting you in the light, just the post you made. Posts of that nature.

I see just as much as the mods do, and I see things dissapear. I've been here long enough I believe that I can tell the genuine quality posters from those who do it for some type of merit.

Do I care about a green badge? Pfft, no. Do most here? No, but maybe. Does everyone care? Not at all. I'm for them though. I can't find many green bade wearing members who are not worthy of the declaration. It's a good system and it promotes good postings. Will I go out of my way by using Wikipedia or Google to sound smart for a green badge on a free forum where I will never meet anyone? Nah.
I'd rather see members who make quality posts in a vain attempt to receive a green badge, than a forum with members who don't care about said badge and post mindless dribble and spam using txt spk.

As you said, it promotes good posts, regardless of the integrity of the poster making them.
It's not all ass licking, I agree. I just want to mention again I was not putting you in the light, just the post you made. Posts of that nature.

I see just as much as the mods do, and I see things dissapear. I've been here long enough I believe that I can tell the genuine quality posters from those who do it for some type of merit.

Do I care about a green badge? Pfft, no. Do most here? No, but maybe. Does everyone care? Not at all. I'm for them though. I can't find many green bade wearing members who are not worthy of the declaration. It's a good system and it promotes good postings. Will I go out of my way by using Wikipedia or Google to sound smart for a green badge on a free forum where I will never meet anyone? Nah.

No problem, I just felt the need to sort of defend myself or something. No worrys.👍
Not to single you out LOON, but this is what now gets on my nerves.

I used to be the same way, kissing all the moderators asses. Over the years, I've grown up. When I started posting on this forum, I was roughly 14 years old. I'm now 20 and I've seen a lot of things happen overtime. One of the things I've noticed is that members rarely ask to be a part of the mod squad. Now though, people kiss ass and let all of those above them know that they are appreciated for the hard work they put in.
I did that when the GT4 Drifting Forum was born but when they chose Swift, I understood why. He had the skills to be the Best moderator(even though Der Alta and Famine are funny sometimes) and Swift represented the GT drifting community real good.
Well, what I think why GTP is slowing down because people have no time, old members come back from time to time to see if anything has change( Thio, Exhaust N0te, etc) but lives do improve and more users sign up everyday. But I love GTP, that is why I need to buy the Premium for another user of my liking...hehehe >3 . This may be off topic but is it that easy to get a Guide Editors Badge now?
I've gone inactive since school started. For about 6 months before that i noticed that less and less members were coming online everyday. As Wolfe and Matt Keller said though, It is coming towards Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and from what i know, about 80% of GTP live in the Northern Hemisphere. I think most of the rest come from down our way...
One of the things I've noticed is that members rarely ask to be a part of the mod squad.
If you ask, you don't get.

Do not ask or apply to become a moderator. These positions are appointed after careful consideration by the forum owner/operator, Jordan.

I see just as much as the mods do, and I see things dissapear.
No, you don't. Go and look at the leaderboard forum. The first real thread there is on page 3 for us. The first 2 pages are full of advertising/spam posts that you never see.
Overall, I think the mods do a decent job on this forum. We used to have some grand fights in the Opinions forum and elsewhere, but nothing that really got personal.

It's slow mostly because of reasons previously stated (no new GTs... summer season, etcetera), but also because, well, people go on to different things when the main reason they joined the forum stops being the reason to stay.

I've been a mod on boards before (gads... way back in... uhhh... 95?), and I've been on and off the forum scene for years. Forums live and die by the dedicated members who stay on. And sometimes, those guys get tired of the "same old thing", or they find something else more important in life. If it's a car forum or a videogame forum... they'll sell the car or outgrow the game... and once the good members go, things start to slow down, until a new core group takes over.

GTP is very resilient, though, and benefits from a core group who seems very dedicated, and who all actively post. You won't see very many forums wherein so many moderators still actively participate as members, too.

I don't come in here as much as I used to, too busy with work, life and helping a friend start up a site (gads, it's taking years!), but it's refreshing to see all the same old people every time I log back in. :)
GTP is much different now than 3 years ago. It was ten times more active then it is now.

April 2nd, 2004.

Members: 25,179 (24.6 members/day)
Threads: 39,990 (39.1 threads/day)
Posts: 1,007,241 (985.6 posts/day)

April 5th, 2007

Members: 96,681 (44.9 members/day)
Threads: 84,119 (39.1 threads/day)
Posts: 2,373,808 (1103.1 posts/day)

To me it looks like we've been 10% more active in the last three years, gaining new members at nearly twice the rate. This is a little different from the site being ten times more active three years ago.

It's very easy to look back on what you think was a golden age, but you need to take off the rose-tinteds every now and then.
Darned scientists, spoiling things with their nasty hard facts and statistics ... :lol:.

As a qualified statistician I think I ought to post something intelligent about confidence limits on data or various methods of compilation but ... zzz.
Not to single you out LOON, but this is what now gets on my nerves.

I used to be the same way, kissing all the moderators asses.
Did it get you anywhere? Were you invited to join the staff?
Over the years, I've grown up. When I started posting on this forum, I was roughly 14 years old. I'm now 20 and I've seen a lot of things happen overtime. One of the things I've noticed is that members rarely ask to be a part of the mod squad.
That's because ASKING to become a moderator is a guarantee that you'll never be invited. Then again, some members try to demand promotion, and while providing amusement for all, that's spectacularly less successful.
Now though, people kiss ass and let all of those above them know that they are appreciated for the hard work they put in. Now, is it really hard work? Don't you just click a few buttons mods and maybe type enough to give reasoning behind your action? Hard work? You've got to be kidding me.
Wow. If this is what you think, it's no wonder you're complaining. You've got to be kidding me. You probably think that we sit around the secret mods forum, watching free porn, making fun of all the commoners, and persecuting helpless n00bs. You couldn't have a worse idea of what it's really like.

Search on my posts - see how many I've made about playing GT4 compared to how many I made about playing GT3. See how many have become posts like this - administrative rather than actually oriented to information and content. I used to be one of the mainstays of the GT3 Writeups board - I don't think I've had time to do even a single GT4 race report. If I did, it was so long ago I can't remember it.

Der Alta has it even worse - he's taken on the unenviable task of fighting spammers behind the scenes. That occupies so much of his available time that he hardly gets to post publicly on any subject.

Whether you choose to believe it or not, the staff spends a huge amount of time discussing appropriate discipline and requesting peer reviews of our own actions. Especially when a particular staff member conflicts with a specific user, there are constant requests to have multiple mods examine the handling so that we're sure that our own emotions and prejudices are not driving our responses. If you don't think that takes a lot of time, consideration, and work, then you're very mistaken.

Let's put it this way - if we put as little effort into this job as you seem to think we do, someone would have banned you already just to shut you up. And that's not intended to be a threat in any way - it's intended to illustrate my point.

Don't doubt for a second that at age 14 I wasn't obsessed with this site and ass licking in each direction I could. You mods have a job outside of your job. You all regulate the forums and make sure useless stuff is deleted. I hate seeing the vacuum cleaner members we have sucking up to the staff these days. You guys are here to make sure hings for Jordan run smoothly, but you all get nothing in return except the ability to ban, move, and maybe alter forum settings. IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL. If I were ever given a moderating option, I'd pass like crazy. I've been here 5 years.
And your length of time here is relevant... how? I'm not sure where you're going with this. I've been a GTP member since May 2002. I was invited onto the staff exactly 9 months after I joined. Did I spend that time ass-licking my way here? I was totally surprised to see that PM from Jordan. Heck, two years later I was equally surprised to get promoted to admin. I know from experience that most of the other staff members were not expecting their invitations either.

Der Alta and I keep our eyes open for people to recommend the next time a staff position needs to be filled. We discuss them with Jordan and modify our opinions as we see those people develop and interact with the community. Of course you can only take my word for it since even the other mods can't see that list, but there are no ass-lickers. There are only intelligent, constructive members that we think would be able to enforce Jordan's rules and who share the same ideals the staff does.

I really think it's a stretch to consider the desire to have a coordinated, well-integrated staff who share a common goal to be the same thing as encouraging ass-kissers. There are several people I would really like to see get the badge because I think they'd do an excellent job at it. Unfortunately at the moment we are pretty well staffed and there aren't any openings. If we were looking to reward ass-kissing, I'd just promote my favorites myself, since I can do it. But that's not the way things are handled.
I've seen 5 years of total ass [l]icking and people who make good posts for the soul purpose of maybe becoming a mod.
And... how many of the ass kissers have made it onto the staff? None. Obvious hinting is just as sure a way as asking outright to guarantee that you'll never get the nod.

Seriously - Jordan is the one who makes final decisions on all staff additions, with our input. Do you not see the sense that he chooses people who share HIS idea of what HIS forum should be? We recommend people who are long term, constructive, contributing members, and who we think fits Jordan's vision. The staff has a remarkably unified idea of what a well-run forum is like. You may think that means only suck-ups get to be on staff. We think that means that we only look for people who share our view of a great forum.
I have seen since this place was an MSN Community the changes that have ensued. I'm not happy at all.
With no anger and no offense intended: Why not just find a forum that better suits your desires? There are dozens of active GT-based forums out there. Many are founded or run by ex-members of GTP. Most have a looser rule structure, because they can afford to have one due to their smaller member bases. I'm sure you can find a home that doesn't make you so unhappy.

I don't like all the changes that GTP has gone through, either. But a lot of positive things have happened, even if it is no longer the small, tightly-knit clique that it once was. Pining over that lost innocence is pointless at best. In all sincerity, the ability of this community to absorb the staggering number of new members that we have over the years is a tribute to the stamina of all the regular citizens.
I wouldn't call it ass kissing, more like showing appreciation for them doing that. You could call it being nice if you like. If you did something for somebody, wouldn't you like to at least get a thanks or some kind of appreciation, naturally you're going to say no.

And it may not be hard, strenuous work, but it IS work. These people are taking time out of their day do this stuff for free. They deserve some kind of payment for it.

But that's just my opinion.:)

+rep just because I know I would have gone into a fiery flamefest and I think you reacted really well :)

Duke--so that's why sn00pie never updated his guess the car weekly for 3 weeks :lol: .
Did it get you anywhere? Were you invited to join the staff?

Nope, never worked.

Whether you choose to believe it or not, the staff spends a huge amount of time discussing appropriate discipline and requesting peer reviews of our own actions. Especially when a particular staff member conflicts with a specific user, there are constant requests to have multiple mods examine the handling so that we're sure that our own emotions and prejudices are not driving our responses. If you don't think that takes a lot of time, consideration, and work, then you're very mistaken.

Good job to you and the crew. I simply just didn't think it was as hard as I've seen it sometimes made out to be, that's all.

Let's put it this way - if we put as little effort into this job as you seem to think we do, someone would have banned you already just to shut you up. And that's not intended to be a threat in any way - it's intended to illustrate my point.

Not to demonstrate my lack of care, but I would understand a ban because of my lack of initiative to sound smart to you people.

But glad it wasn't a threat. It makes for a good point though! 👍

And your length of time here is relevant... how? I'm not sure where you're going with this. I've been a GTP member since May 2002. I was invited onto the staff exactly 9 months after I joined. Did I spend that time ass-licking my way here? I was totally surprised to see that PM from Jordan. Heck, two years later I was equally surprised to get promoted to admin. I know from experience that most of the other staff members were not expecting their invitations either.

I feel that the relevance of my time here was given when saying I've seen a lot happen. Okay, so you didn't ass kiss your way to the top. I know that. You've been helpful and smart since the day you joined. It was no suprise to me either when I saw you had been nodded to the higher power here.

And... how many of the ass kissers have made it onto the staff? None. Obvious hinting is just as sure a way as asking outright to guarantee that you'll never get the nod.

I agree. I wouldn't change much of anything about the staffing here.

With no anger and no offense intended: Why not just find a forum that better suits your desires? There are dozens of active GT-based forums out there. Many are founded or run by ex-members of GTP. Most have a looser rule structure, because they can afford to have one due to their smaller member bases. I'm sure you can find a home that doesn't make you so unhappy.

I like this forum. I may not be "happy" all the time but for the most part, I like the site. Just like any other member I have issues and opinions on things that go on here. Maybe it's just not my place to even share it, but I do. I plan on coming back until the next time I'm banned or something. I like it here. Even if I'm thought of as a jackass. :)
+rep just because I know I would have gone into a fiery flamefest and I think you reacted really well :)

Duke--so that's why sn00pie never updated his guess the car weekly for 3 weeks :lol: .

Thanks man, believe me, that took alot of restriant not to do something like that. But I didn't want to get banned over something stupid so I made sure to keep me cool as best as possible.
April 2nd, 2004.

Members: 25,179 (24.6 members/day)
Threads: 39,990 (39.1 threads/day)
Posts: 1,007,241 (985.6 posts/day)

April 5th, 2007

Members: 96,681 (44.9 members/day)
Threads: 84,119 (39.1 threads/day)
Posts: 2,373,808 (1103.1 posts/day)

To me it looks like we've been 10% more active in the last three years, gaining new members at nearly twice the rate. This is a little different from the site being ten times more active three years ago.

It's very easy to look back on what you think was a golden age, but you need to take off the rose-tinteds every now and then.

Well, maybe not in member numbers, but It seemed that there was always a good conversation going on in the Rumble Strip. It seemed you could post something, and always have someone to talk to about it.
I like this forum. I may not be "happy" all the time but for the most part, I like the site. Just like any other member I have issues and opinions on things that go on here. Maybe it's just not my place to even share it, but I do. I plan on coming back until the next time I'm banned or something. I like it here. Even if I'm thought of as a jackass. :)
It sure is your place to share your thoughts, just like it's every other citizen's right and place to do so. That's part of the reason we have this forum, which functions as a place to report technical issues AND more strategic, community-type topics. We're glad for all comments, good and unfavorable. We may or may not agree, but we definitely want to know what people's thoughts and ideas are. There are only a couple of dozen of us, and even if we are the smartest, we can't think of everything...
I admit I must have misread at least some of your point, because it seemed that you were implying that the people who made it onto the staff were the ones who sucked up the best.

And truly, I tried not to sound like "shut up or shove off". It should mostly be taken at face value: if you don't like the atmosphere here, find someplace that suits you better.
It sure is your place to share your thoughts, just like it's every other citizen's right and place to do so. That's part of the reason we have this forum, which functions as a place to report technical issues AND more strategic, community-type topics. We're glad for all comments, good and unfavorable. We may or may not agree, but we definitely want to know what people's thoughts and ideas are. There are only a couple of dozen of us, and even if we are the smartest, we can't think of everything...
I admit I must have misread at least some of your point, because it seemed that you were implying that the people who made it onto the staff were the ones who sucked up the best.

And truly, I tried not to sound like "shut up or shove off". It should mostly be taken at face value: if you don't like the atmosphere here, find someplace that suits you better.

Points well taken, Duke. If any other rants are to be posted on my part, I'll make sure to word them with more thought.

Back on topic : GTP is not dying. Not even slowly. As others have pointed out, we're between a GT game. When that happens, things tend to slow down. Even if the masses only catch a rumor of another GT production, you'll surely see an increase in the sites membership and postings.
Wow, this thread has generated a lot of great discussion - I wish I could have jumped in sooner! As Jjacks summed things up in the above post, the community is very healthy, but the Gran Turismo games are not on the general public's mind right now. Of course "GTPlanet" is not going to have the activity of "" - we only focus on one game franchise and we don't have a billion-dollar, worldwide brand! It is my job, first, to create a site that attracts fans while they are looking for information about the game (pre or post release). Once here, they can discover the richness of our data, the passion of our community members, and hopefully they will feel welcome to join in a few of the discussions. The next step is to expose them to the parts of the forum that are not about Gran Turismo, from other games, to cars, to electronics, etc. This gives them time to form relationships and to really become a part of the community, so they will still continue to visit the site even if they lose interest in the game (which can naturally be expected). Thousands go through this process during every game release - some make it and some don't. Regardless, it has left me with an excellent online community that I am very proud of. 👍 And hopefully, my planned changes over the summer will help us be more effecient at every stage along the way.
Over the years, I've grown up. When I started posting on this forum, I was roughly 14 years old. I'm now 20 and I've seen a lot of things happen overtime.

According to your profile, you've been here for 8 months, not 6 years. Or did you have another account? Huh? GTPlanet was only around 5 years and 11 months ago.

One of the things I've noticed is that members rarely ask to be a part of the mod squad.

I wonder why. :rolleyes:

Now, is it really hard work? Don't you just click a few buttons mods and maybe type enough to give reasoning behind your action? Hard work? You've got to be kidding me.

:lol: Just pressing a few buttons and typing a breif message about it?

You mods have a job outside of your job. You all regulate the forums and make sure useless stuff is deleted. I hate seeing the vacuum cleaner members we have sucking up to the staff these days. You guys are here to make sure hings for Jordan run smoothly, but you all get nothing in return except the ability to ban, move, and maybe alter forum settings. IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL.

That's your opinion, but maybe you should sometimes keep your opinion to yourself.

If I were ever given a moderating option, I'd pass like crazy. I've been here 5 years. I've seen 5 years of total ass kicking and people who make good posts for the soul purpose of maybe becoming a mod. I have seen since this place was an MSN Community the changes that have ensued. I'm not happy at all.

If you don't like the moderating job, suit yourself. The way you're behaving they'll go straight past you without even looking when the time comes to find a new mod, so you don't have to worry about it.
According to your profile, you've been here for 8 months, not 6 years. Or did you have another account? Huh? GTPlanet was only around 5 years and 11 months ago.
1. Jjacks was Concept, then undrtaker (I think), and he left that account for Jjacks.

2. 5 years 11 months is just about the same thing as 6 years, give or take a month.

3. GTP started out as an MSN group before this forum was made.
That's your opinion, but maybe you should sometimes keep your opinion to yourself.

Practice what you preach. Jjacks and Duke already had this argument, and I doubt they need your uninformed opinion.
Ok, well now that everything has been sorted out, shouldn't we close this thread before it gets anymore off-topic.
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