Sorry I missed last nights testing, I was working. Same deal tonight, I'm working till 11pm est. Depending on the time saturday I might be there, but it's my bday weekend so time is strapped. After sunday I should be golden. I just added you bermudakid, paginas let me know if you want to run as a team.
Interested of course, great races we have had, unfortunately for me the connection have been a issue the last couple of times, so my participation will most likely depend on last race in this season - to decide if it's worth the trouble or not. Haven't had problems since Monday now, the company got it fixed.
Hey guys, The last Race for Season 1 takes place tomorrow (sat) @ 1 PM est, so most of the day after the race i will be online racing and testing for Season 2.
If you plan for season 2 i would like for you to try to join so i can meet you( & drive the car you think you might want to use for the Season). Ill be running 2-5 lap races and fast laps to see how the cars are with difference power/weight rules.
I will post a lobby # when i create it in this thread, (please everyone dont send me a friend request because i cant add all 30+ people)