A good race for red bull taking another win....I've met my season goals now to "win races." Party hat's setup seemed slow in practice but it was the perfect endurance setup (atleast compared to the majority of the pack). I was a bit grumpy this morning but its good to win a GT planet race.
The start was crazy, it seemed like crashes happened behind me, in front of me...somehow I got through it. The pace lap was weird with a fake start of the race on the back stretch. That might have caused some nervousness. Some people looked like they had really slidy over steering type cars. Not a good situation, luckily dragon was the only drifter that got in ahead of me, and I got around him. Niop not so lucky...
Later on in the race Grinols and I worked together. I wanted to work with him earlier but he hung back so did I. Halfway though after our pit Neljack wouldn't bump or work with me which was disappointing to me after I spent so much time working with him in the last race and helped him win. But that's ok, it turned out ok in the end but it was a little bit close.
I dont know how RPH determines how many stops is ideal, its pretty funny how it always seems to work out.