GTP Nascar Nationwide Series | Series Champion: OwensRacing

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I will be racing in the #88 tonight in replace of Dexter who has been promoted to Sprint Cup.

As our clocks went back last week, can I just confirm the Room Open, Quali and Race Times please đź‘Ť
Room up till mule shows up.


If no Mule by 12:30 we need to decide on what to do. I have got people coming from out of town today and my schedule won't allow the race starting after 1pm
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Great, I got disconnected. So typical how I was making a good strategy and then I get screwed over. đź‘Ž

EDIT: Sister restarted it because she couldn't connect to the internet. :mad:
Sorry guys. Just woke up.

What happened? :/

What happened?

We started the race. James ragequits, Davey disconnects, then I disconnect because my sister has to restart the router because she can't get on the internet on her laptop.


Just my luck. Nothing has been going my way this season. There was Monza, where I had a terrible setup, Indy, where an accident screwed my chances of winning, Suzuka, which was re-scheduled to a day I couldn't race due to server issues, SSRX, where I was penalized, and now this.

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Storm I got wrecked on the first lap don't complain.

Don't complain? You could have stayed in the pits if you didn't want to race.

Who knows where I could have finished if I didn't get disconnected. I did a one-stopper which only two other guys did. I could have finished all the way up in third if I played my cards right.
Don't complain? You could have stayed in the pits if you didn't want to race.

Who knows where I could have finished if I didn't get disconnected. I did a one-stopper which only two other guys did. I could have finished all the way up in third if I played my cards right.

Ya so could I but a huge wreck stopped me.
It does say in the OP that ragequitting is not tolerated.

I didn't rage quit I just left because I was told to stop by my family because I have company over.
Replay = 63MB. Copying to USB stick taking a while. Will look at it when done to see how to break it up and zip it.
I don't see what is wrong with "rage quitting" if you just quit because you weren't going to win that's stupid. But if you get wrecked big time and don't enjoy trying to catch up for the next hour and would rather do something else, that's fair enough, it is a game after all and we're here to have fun :dopey:
A good race for red bull taking another win....I've met my season goals now to "win races." Party hat's setup seemed slow in practice but it was the perfect endurance setup (atleast compared to the majority of the pack). I was a bit grumpy this morning but its good to win a GT planet race. :)

The start was crazy, it seemed like crashes happened behind me, in front of me...somehow I got through it. The pace lap was weird with a fake start of the race on the back stretch. That might have caused some nervousness. Some people looked like they had really slidy over steering type cars. Not a good situation, luckily dragon was the only drifter that got in ahead of me, and I got around him. Niop not so lucky...

Later on in the race Grinols and I worked together. I wanted to work with him earlier but he hung back so did I. Halfway though after our pit Neljack wouldn't bump or work with me which was disappointing to me after I spent so much time working with him in the last race and helped him win. But that's ok, it turned out ok in the end but it was a little bit close.

I dont know how RPH determines how many stops is ideal, its pretty funny how it always seems to work out.
I don't see what is wrong with "rage quitting" if you just quit because you weren't going to win that's stupid. But if you get wrecked big time and don't enjoy trying to catch up for the next hour and would rather do something else, that's fair enough, it is a game after all and we're here to have fun :dopey:

I agree with you, but if it's in the rules, then it needs to be enforced.
Doing the laps led as we speak.
Guys, I gotta ask, has anybody had as much bad luck in any season as I had this season? :lol:
Laps Lead:
OwensRacing: 41
Mustardaddict: 25
Grinols: 15
Gokartman: 2

2-3: Gokartman (2)
4-6: Owens (3)
7: Grinols (1)
8-9: Mustard (2)
10-31: Owens (22)
32-43: Grinols (12)
44-59: Owens (16)
60-81: Mustard (22)
82-83: Grinols (2)
84: Mustard (1)

I only watched the first few incidents out of curiosity, so take this with a grain of salt.
~1:20 StormTrooper dives to the apron and passed a car or two. James cutoff Crazy.
~1:43 Grinols inside, Mustard middle, Dragon Outside, contact between Mustard/Dragon (Not worth mentioning, but possibly lead to the following?)
~1:46 Storm drives onto the apron, spins on his own, collects James, Crazy, and NelJack.
~2:57 Dragon hits the apron, spins on his own, collects Knelly and Niop.
Then there's 5-8 really good laps of Dragon and Knelly going at it, although I'm unsure if it was great racing, or aggression... either way, it was enjoyable to watch!

Mustard, at the beginning of the race I had no clue what my strategy was. I hadn't run any laps until I entered the Lobby today. So my setup was outdated from the recent Version Update, tire wear had changed and I had no clue what pit strategies people would be using, so I made sure to lead a lap early just in case, then fell to the back to conserve and played it by ear.
Not sure what happened on the final lap, you had me either way, but when you went around on the outside and then cut down in front of me, it took the air off my nose abruptly and sent me into an extremely odd drift. Good race, bad points day... again.
A good race for red bull taking another win....I've met my season goals now to "win races." Party hat's setup seemed slow in practice but it was the perfect endurance setup (atleast compared to the majority of the pack). I was a bit grumpy this morning but its good to win a GT planet race. :)

The start was crazy, it seemed like crashes happened behind me, in front of me...somehow I got through it. The pace lap was weird with a fake start of the race on the back stretch. That might have caused some nervousness. Some people looked like they had really slidy over steering type cars. Not a good situation, luckily dragon was the only drifter that got in ahead of me, and I got around him. Niop not so lucky...

Later on in the race Grinols and I worked together. I wanted to work with him earlier but he hung back so did I. Halfway though after our pit Neljack wouldn't bump or work with me which was disappointing to me after I spent so much time working with him in the last race and helped him win. But that's ok, it turned out ok in the end but it was a little bit close.

I dont know how RPH determines how many stops is ideal, its pretty funny how it always seems to work out.

PM sent :confused:x100000
When did RPH disconnect? I believe I disconnected at around lap 60.
Neljack, pay my comment no mind, grinols, I have no complaints at all. It was a good solid race between us.

Neljack..... I retract anything I said about you not bumping me. I now know your car was handling poorly, If your car is shaky that's definitely a reason not to push. Don't worry, I'm not trying to start a feud or fight. I will be very careful in the future when I give a race summary. I feel like a punched you in the shoulder and you pulled out your grenade launcher to retaliate. :nervous:
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