If you set it to 16:9 (No idea what that is in Px) that's the biggest it goes, any bigger than that and you're ruining the quality 👍I'll see what everyone else suggests. I thought making the images bigger will distort them slightly?
I thought 1024x576 was the size the images come like straight from GT5 Photomode.
I'll see what everyone else suggests. I thought making the images bigger will distort them slightly?
I thought 1024x576 was the size the images come like straight from GT5 Photomode.
1024x576 is the size of the pictures when you import them from the GT website.
3840x2160 is the size of the pictures when you use the USB.
It's worth to spend a few more seconds using the USB method so they have a excellent guallity.
That's among the most realistic edits I've seen lately, TopGearHamster. 👍
Beautiful M3 TopGearHamster!
For the win. 👍
Mother of God!
Thanks a lot mates!
I don´t know if it relates to my photoanyway thanks a lot!
That is freakin amazing! I wish I had your skill. 👍
Excellent work, guys.
1024x576 is the size of the pictures when you import them from the GT website.
3840x2160 is the size of the pictures when you use the USB.
It's worth to spend a few more seconds using the USB method so they have a excellent guallity.
I like the angle on the first 2 photos. I'm not a photographer and am only learning Photoshopping myself so I'm sure someone else could give you a better critic in that area. I did notice that the shadow being thrown from the Subie in the first pic doesn't line up with the light source though. it's something that can be overlooked easily and I've done this myself. Good job though:tup:.
Anathaliscious: 👍 Great job as usual.