GTP vs. Wham - Last Year's Thread

  • Thread starter Daniel
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So, my school was playing Christmas music all day today. No wham, but I had some near misses. Maybe a coverwham, but I didn't hear the actual thing.
Anyone know if Hulu is running ads with "Last Christmas"? I'm too afraid to watch Unbreakable Machine-Doll right now. :nervous:
Took a risk with this road trip, sticking to a radio station playing non-stop Christmas tunes...

So, thank you, kind announcer of 98.1, for singing the lyrics before putting on the actual song. You've done more than you know.
I like listeming to the voice delivery on my subbed animes. (Ironic, since I'm deaf.) Speaking of, I'm sitting in a room in my college's student center (which blasts seasonal music, surprise). My implant just died and I have yet to hear Wham come on the PA system calling for me.
I'll be going to a kindergarten Christmas party in a few hours. I'm afraid this might be it.
I just Whammed! myself watching the finale of The Office. I thought this year would be the year I return to form....

Work's Christmas do tonight, meal at a Chinese restaurant then out and about around town, I'm prepared for more Whammings!
Its too late to join and I just saw this thread, but I also realized I havent heard last christmas this year yet. Weird.
One close call and one cover Whamming today. The siege is closing fast. Radios are starting to be infected, only one radio left, which is a 2000's fowards hits so it has Justin Bieber, so... I don't know what's worse :lol:
It was this Friday, sitting in Latvian class, we were working in groups. We were discussing things when I heard our teacher putting on Christmas music in the background. I felt this was it, I was to be Whammed, there was no escape... :nervous: So it happened around 15 minutes later. :lol:

@Daniel, you can put me on the Log of the Fallen. :P
EDIT: FALSE ALARM. It was an embedded Thrustmaster ad that I accidentially clicked.

@Jordan did you use the GTPlanet Menu to hotlink to Wham? I tried to click the menu once and it asked me to open a video in Chrome or YouTube. Noooope.
@Jordan did you use the GTPlanet Menu to hotlink to Wham? I tried to click the menu once and it asked me to open a video in Chrome or YouTube. Noooope.
I'm betting you hit the YouTube link at the bottom of the drop down. Nothing nefarious there.
Heard Christmas music, didn't hear Wham!. I guess I got lucky especially since today had a high casualty count.
Went to the mall and they played a cover wham by some woman. Now my Mom is suggesting going downtown to go shopping again, Nope lol. I'm still in this!

I'll probably still go because I have nothing to do anyways.
How to listen to Christmas music without the worry.

Step 1: Buy a Christmas song Compilation album
Step 2: Extract to computer/phone
Step 3: Delete the Wham version of Last Christmas from the computer/phone
Step 4: Enjoy!
I did this last year.
I'm still wondering how I've been only Whammed! once this year. I mean, by now, Christmas songs should be all over the place, yet I still have only heard it once.
I'm still wondering how I've been only Whammed! once this year. I mean, by now, Christmas songs should be all over the place, yet I still have only heard it once.
Maybe Germany is starting to follow Australia's footsteps in which the song will never play whenever Christmas Songs are being played.

So maybe next year, you'll have an advantage.
December has been Wham free so far.

Still haven't heard George singing either.

Same here. I only had one minor heart attack when I heard the lyrics playing in a bar, but was relieved milliseconds later to hear it was a female cover.

The best (worst?) part was right after that they played a cover of Santa Baby, which was somehow worse than the original.
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