GTP vs. Wham - Last Year's Thread

  • Thread starter Daniel
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It's ok that you don't understand real trust :P.
I am one of the two people @RESHIRAM5 mentioned and I'm not playing the game since I am new but I understand what it means to be whammed so I will remain a loyal friend and not wham him. I cannot say the same for anyone else who has other plans...
I am one of the two people @RESHIRAM5 mentioned and I'm not playing the game since I am new but I understand what it means to be whammed so I will remain a loyal friend and not wham him. I cannot say the same for anyone else who has other plans...
Good luck trying to Wham people :).

I tried tough it is hard, especially when you announce it :lol: (though I did get very close to Whamming @ECGadget twice :lol:).
Good luck trying to Wham people :).

I tried tough it is hard, especially when you announce it :lol: (though I did get very close to Whamming @ECGadget twice :lol:).

'Twas the first time I have been subject to attempted Wham.
The last time that happened it was successful, and it was Darth Jordan
I've been waiting. I've even kept my tablets sound up.
It's not over yet, remember when you were Whammed last year? You gotta be on your toes till the very end. It's not over until that clock ticks over to 2016. :mischievous:
It's not over yet, remember when you were Whammed last year? You gotta be on your toes till the very end. It's not over until that clock ticks over to 2016. :mischievous:

Touché. But I've noticed that this year hasn't even held a candle to last year's Wham fest.
Touché. But I've noticed that this year hasn't even held a candle to last year's Wham fest.
We've all slacked off. It's pretty hard to Wham people over the Internet, you gotta be creative. Speaking of which, I've got an idea... ;)
I'm still gonna try as a non-participant, and so is my father. Thank god my main job doesn't play music. Plus I'm deaf with hearing aids. Time to become anti-social again.

No offence but I think being deaf is cheating :lol:

I've had another scare and just thought of a way I could get Whammed at work. We have no music on as it's a call centre so I wasn't too worried about getting Whammed at work other than the canteen at lunch but I just realised yesterday when a guy was calling to book a repair in I could hear Christmas music in his background. If someone has Last Christmas on I'm buggered and yes I'm working every day other than Christmas day so Christmas Eve, boxing day even new years Eve I could be Whammed.
No offence but I think being deaf is cheating :lol:

I've had another scare and just thought of a way I could get Whammed at work. We have no music on as it's a call centre so I wasn't too worried about getting Whammed at work other than the canteen at lunch but I just realised yesterday when a guy was calling to book a repair in I could hear Christmas music in his background. If someone has Last Christmas on I'm buggered and yes I'm working every day other than Christmas day so Christmas Eve, boxing day even new years Eve I could be Whammed.
If a person is deaf and they hear the song, they automatically win Wham.
Welp, i feel really uncomfortable going out to Pharmacy's and Groceries :s. I went to Rite Aid, since my gf wanted makeup only took her 45min.. :grumpy: Christmas Music was playing, but no sign of Wham! ;)
Whammed twice again today, first was at my local Tesco this morning when the song was playing and wasn't a cover, what made it worse was there was not one, not two but three different members of staff singing along to it!

Second was listing to the chart show just now, didn't play all of it but it was enough, its at number 27..

Wham Count:


Please make it stop! :lol:
I'm with @Ken Koios, this year has been much more quiet thus far.
In my case, I believe the fact that no snow = no spirit, thus the lack of Holiday music.

Besides the 15-odd minutes I'm exposed to it in the front office over a workday, this feels easy.

It's been much the same way here. We've only had two snowfalls and those melted rather quickly. There hasn't been Christmas spirit here at all, minus the stores trying to shove it down our throat.
You guys talking about snow. Meanwhile in Buenos Aires...


Still no Wham! for me. Can't say the same for my gf.
It seems like this year in particular is either a Whamhole or is absolutely Whamless depending on the member posting. There appears to be no in-between.
I might not be in it, but I'm expecting Jordan to Wham! everyone at the last possible minute. I'd be very cautious on December 31st, if I were you.

Totally made the mistake of not joining; next year I'm in. Haven't heard the song once this year.
I might not be in it, but I'm expecting Jordan to Wham! everyone at the last possible minute. I'd be very cautious on December 31st, if I were you.

Totally made the mistake of not joining; next year I'm in. Haven't heard the song once this year.
Stop giving people advice!!! :lol:

Thank you, Darren, thank you for saying "Now here's Wham with----" making me leap for the little portable radio on my desk and switching it off at once.

My hero. Still alive.

Radio back on.

I have to admit that playing Whammolette on my portable on the desk that I have been . . . :embarrassed:

....alright! Stop twisting my arm!! I've been coverwhammed multiple times while waiting to be whammed.
I am, however, enjoying a whole bunch of new Christmas music and feeling quite 'christmassy'. :)
How to listen to Christmas music without the worry.

Step 1: Buy a Christmas song Compilation album
Step 2: Extract to computer/phone
Step 3: Delete the Wham version of Last Christmas from the computer/phone
Step 4: Enjoy!
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