GTP!! Where have we gone wrong? Can we fix it?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
There's never been mentioned any rule on that as far as I'm aware, it's all down to Jordan's discretion anyway.
I suppose being a normal Moderator first means that member only visits a certain forum, so there is no point on being a Super Moderator, or to see how that new Moderator moderates in that forum first before he/she gets to Moderate everywhere else.
I thought you had to be a Moderator before becoming a Super Moderator?
Well, according to Duke's 15,000 post celebration thread, he was a normal moderator for 2 days before he was bumped up to Admin.

And I think the normal moderator rank is a test to see if they can really do the job.
As long as the 2 new moderators continue their normal behavior, and I keep out of trouble, I have NOTHING to do with them.
That excludes friendship and stuff offcourse. But honestly, unless someone thinks scaff or famine have the wrong attitude for being moderators, I have nothing to do with it.

Moderators are just moderators to close threads, I think they can stay who they were as a normal member. We shouldn't look up to moderators more as we did when they were normal members.
Moderators only have one job, try to prevent things from going wrong, and it's nothing more and nothing less.

The general attitude when and when not, moderators close threads can be discussed IMO. But honestly I think anyone could be moderator and pinpoint wich threads are going the wrong direction and wich not, it's not such a big deal, just dont close the topics so soon and dont be so strict in general.

Just dont complain about the 2 new mods NOW already, maybe just discuss moderators in general a bit, but it's far too soon to judge on the 2 new mods.
Just dont complain about the 2 new mods NOW already
Sounds wise to me.
Moderators have a limited influence. For instance I can close threads, edit or delete posts but only in the WRS sub-forum.
Super moderators can do the same all over GTP (I guess).
Administrators can just do everything.
Speaking of which, wtf is up with the British hegemony in the Moderator department? The last four mods to have become one in GTP have all come from UK.

Is it around the world modding now? When is it Spain's time?

end of rant
Becoming a mod has nothing to do with where you live, it's how you post. What your implying is stupid, it's like me pointing out that there are more American mod's than British mod's and saying the site doesn't like British people as much as American's because of it. More people from the US and UK visit this site than anywhere else, so theres a higher probability that the next mod will be fromt he US or the UK.
Speaking of which, wtf is up with the British hegemony in the Moderator department? The last four mods to have become one in GTP have all come from UK.

Is it around the world modding now? When is it Spain's time?

end of rant
As far as I know, the last members to be promoted mods are :
Famine and Scaff (yesterday)
me (November 1st 2005)
CFM (April, 12th 2005)

Famine and Scaff are indeed english, but I'm french and CFM from the US. Who are the other 2 mods you count as british ?
In general, I see nothing wrong with this Forum. There are the small nuisances that come along every once in a while, (Wellyrn, Y_W, l1ama..) but they go by the wayside and some come back and change for the better. I feel that the Mods are friendly and do their job very well and they only wave the big stick when absolutely neccessary. I know there are some threads that I can't see why they were closed, but when one thread closes, another is bound to open.

I think at GTP we could all work to drop grudges against people no matterhow different we see things, as someone said earlier in this thread where the best that GTP has to offer have given their .02. I know I bumped heads with Y_W, (who didn't:dopey: ) but this is just a little web forum. it's just a little time each day we spend to talk and joke around with other people at this unique gathering place. While we do need to know where the line is between acceptable and not, we need to stop being so overly serious about it. There are plenty of things in life to get worked up over, I don't think this should be.

Obla-di, Obla-da, life goes on... (sounded good at the time..)
As far as I know, the last members to be promoted mods are :
Famine and Scaff (yesterday)
me (November 1st 2005)
CFM (April, 12th 2005)

Famine and Scaff are indeed english, but I'm french and CFM from the US. Who are the other 2 mods you count as british ?
That'll be me and TM. We were made mods after CFM but before you.
That'll be me and TM. We were made mods after CFM but before you.
So that's why he wrote British and not English :D
And that means that he never heard of me, but OK, that makes sense.
So that's why he wrote British and not English :D
And that means that he never heard of me, but OK, that makes sense.

To be honest other than the WRS threads I haven't seen you round much, Flat-out and CFM... who is CFM? I mean, I remember clearly the thread about daan and TM becoming mods, but I honestly can't remember much about Flat-out and CFM; hence, I thought since them, no one else had become a Mod.

so, when is it Spain's turn? :D
Yeah, TM and daan I meant. To be honest other than the WRS threads I haven't seen youa round much, Flat-out and CFM... who is CFM?
I spend most of my time here in the WRS forum indeed. And CFM, aka CarbonFiber Man was the guy who stewarded the WRS before me.

So yeah, you have a point with the British invasion.
I've got no problem with many British moderators.. They speak fine English, and contribute to an international forum. The more cross-national moderationship you've got, the higher the risk is for having cultural differences and problems. On the other hand, an international forum will be made by many international moderators. 👍
Speaking of which, wtf is up with the British hegemony in the Moderator department? The last four mods to have become one in GTP have all come from UK.

Is it around the world modding now? When is it Spain's time?

end of rant
Jordan felt that during the nights in the US, there was a big decrease in the number of moderators to moderate the site.

So he added our 2 (now 4?) members outside the US to help keep the forum a little more under control while we slept.

In other words, to balance it out so we wouldn't get swomped during the night.
I like it here because we have a moderately strict set of rules to keep us going off the deep end with crazy l33t speak and pr0n freaks ravaging the place.

It also isn't too strict in the sense I can post my opinion about anything and have an intelligent debate. With the younger ones around here, maybe they can learn a few good things about life and not make some mistakes like some of the older people around here have.

You can't have a site too strict where it limits what you post and you feel like you can't really say what you REALLY want to say. You can say what you want to anyone and not have to worry about much of anyone limiting you on it (as long as it stays within AUP and TOS, which shouldn't be difficult)

You can't have a site too lenient either because then a lot of people will just go crazy and make an un-ruly forum that appears un-attractive to new comers.

Also, if you really like GTP, get premium. 👍

I also had to say, most people know me as a very religious person. I can post here and not have to worry about people calling me dumb names! I am respected around here for my beliefs as I try to do the same for other people's beliefs. Of course a number will disagree on things I will say about certain subjects, but that's their right and privledge.

When you can go to a forum and have a set standard of beliefs and people respect you and your beliefs (even if they disagree!) then you know you found a group of people with at least some sense and courtesy.

RESPECT is a major theme around here. That's why I like it here.

Respect the mods and their position. Doesn't mean they're better than us. Someone has to lead the GTP boat, and Jordan/other admins/mods are doing a great job at it. Keep up the good work. :)
To be honest other than the WRS threads I haven't seen you round much, Flat-out and CFM... who is CFM? I mean, I remember clearly the thread about daan and TM becoming mods, but I honestly can't remember much about Flat-out and CFM; hence, I thought since them, no one else had become a Mod.

so, when is it Spain's turn? :D

What does it matter? Does it really bother you where they come from? Really, all a Moderator does is have the ability to open and close threads. They could be from Congo or Nauru for all I care as long as they keep this place in order.

Being an English based forum. No doubt you'll see more moderators from English speaking backgrounds. Mainly, the British and the Americans. I'm sure there are lots of Spanish Mods on the Spanish GT Forum (If there is one), in the same way that 90% of the mods from gtrp are German.

I don't think the rules here are too strict at all. I ****ing swear all over the place, generally have a good time and a laugh. The only things you're not allowed to do is abuse someone and post things that are obviously not appropiate such talking about things that are illegal. Both of which if you did in public would probably get you arrested.

That said, there are probably some things that more mature members would be able to discuss, that are ruined by others. But that's life.

Delirious XVII
I can post here and not have to worry about people calling me dumb names!

Becoming a mod has nothing to do with where you live, it's how you post. What your implying is stupid, it's like me pointing out that there are more American mod's than British mod's and saying the site doesn't like British people as much as American's because of it. More people from the US and UK visit this site than anywhere else, so theres a higher probability that the next mod will be fromt he US or the UK.

Thats where you are wrong I think. The moderators of this forum are all persons that post quality posts and get chosen for doing so. But the only thing you need to be a moderator is good judgement and the ability to keep your head cool even in chaos situations.

Taurine, whats wrong with Famine being a moderator? You say the recent people that became admin, were bad choices:odd: Why really?
And what does it matter if all mods were british. Mods keep the forums clean, the country they come from doesn't matter, so a spanish mod would be ok, but I wouldn't mind "only english" admins/mods either.
Thats where you are wrong I think. The moderators of this forum are all persons that post quality posts and get chosen for doing so. But the only thing you need to be a moderator is good judgement and the ability to keep your head cool even in chaos situations.
I don't dissagree with that, but neither did the post of mine you quoted, I don't know if you missunderstood the post or context of it. My point was simply that the vast majority of the site is UK and US members, that means the likelyhood is, the next mod will be a Uk or US member. It doesn't mean the next mod won't be a member from another country, just that theres a higher chance he'll be a US or UK member.
Oh yeah I replied when I saw "moderators get chosen by how they post".

They do get picked that way but it's not that necesarry, you can have a very good feel of judgement while you still dont post quality posts.

But sorry, because I didn't read further into your post;)

It's funny, you know. Back in post #186, Diego brought up the subject of where the recent mods have come from and ended with" end of rant". I took it to mean he was having a joking rant. In post #192, when he asks when Spain will get its turn, he clearly finishes with a big cheesy grin smilie - again a sign he is joking, or at least light hearted.

Why has this become a subject at all? I read it and moved on, but others obviously felt it needed discussing. I now see what SmallFryz meant in post #1 about people getting offended easily - everybody seems to jump on every little point made, whether it needs it or not. I seriously doubt Diego meant the mods were being chosen by location.

Of course I could be wrong - or I might have offended someone else now...


It's funny, you know. Back in post #186, Diego brought up the subject of where the recent mods have come from and ended with" end of rant". I took it to mean he was having a joking rant. In post #192, when he asks when Spain will get its turn, he clearly finishes with a big cheesy grin smilie - again a sign he is joking, or at least light hearted.

Why has this become a subject at all? I read it and moved on, but others obviously felt it needed discussing. I now see what SmallFryz meant in post #1 about people getting offended easily - everybody seems to jump on every little point made, whether it needs it or not. I seriously doubt Diego meant the mods were being chosen by location.

Of course I could be wrong - or I might have offended someone else now...


Go to the opinions forum and you'll see stuff like this all the time. They are quality discussions and it's not bad attitude at all.
But you have a point, maybe this discussion is going too far.

It's funny, you know. Back in post #186, Diego brought up the subject of where the recent mods have come from and ended with" end of rant". I took it to mean he was having a joking rant. In post #192, when he asks when Spain will get its turn, he clearly finishes with a big cheesy grin smilie - again a sign he is joking, or at least light hearted.
Yep, I think everyone got that.

Why has this become a subject at all? I read it and moved on, but others obviously felt it needed discussing. I now see what SmallFryz meant in post #1 about people getting offended easily - everybody seems to jump on every little point made, whether it needs it or not. I seriously doubt Diego meant the mods were being chosen by location.
Because it's a point that has been brought up before and may be brought up again and dispite the light hearted nature of the discussion it's still valid. No one's got offended, at least not as far as I can tell.
Though we DO have an Aussie and two Francophones on the staff...

It's funny, you know. Back in post #186, Diego brought up the subject of where the recent mods have come from and ended with" end of rant". I took it to mean he was having a joking rant. In post #192, when he asks when Spain will get its turn, he clearly finishes with a big cheesy grin smilie - again a sign he is joking, or at least light hearted.

Why has this become a subject at all? I read it and moved on, but others obviously felt it needed discussing. I now see what SmallFryz meant in post #1 about people getting offended easily - everybody seems to jump on every little point made, whether it needs it or not. I seriously doubt Diego meant the mods were being chosen by location.

Of course I could be wrong - or I might have offended someone else now...


At last! Someone who understands my humour! I sometimes get into trouble because I'm too sarcastic, and I'm actually glad someone understood the smilies and the "occult" sarcastic tone. Still, yes, I was completely joking, but at the same time also wanted to ask a delicate question, which is better to do so in a joking way, me thinks.

Though we DO have an Aussie and two Francophones on the staff...

You sound like this company I used to work in the U.S., where I said there weren't any Spanish-speakers except for myself, and my boss said, we DO have a Brazilian and a Canadian... I'm thinking my laughing at him didn't help my chances of staying there longer.
The Brazilian is an understandable mistake - sort of - but a Canadian? Where did he pluck that one from?
I think there's quite a lot of French Canadian's, but Spanish Canadian's, err no.
Hence, my laughing didn't improve the situation.

I think I just told him French and Spanish wasn't the same, to which he said something about both coming from Latin. At that point I stopped laughing and just left.