GTP!! Where have we gone wrong? Can we fix it?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
As with all forums, they seem less friendly as they get bigger but i think you'll find that it is probably just that some members join who aren't quite as friendly (and so on) which eventually leads the moderators etc to introduce stricter rules etc to try to tame these 'less friendly' members. The original friendly ones still remain.

I've been on GTP since the start (18th registered member :P) and i dont see it as any less friendly, probably because i rarely post or browse anymore. But when i do i basically never encounter anything bad. :)

At the moment my forums are one of the friendliest ones on the internet, but if they eventually end up with a big userbase then they may seem less friendly but it may just be a minority party that make it seem so. Like this place.

If you get what i mean. This has probably been said already, but i only read a couple of posts on the first page and nothing more in this topic. :P
Only a few short months down the road, and i think GTP has definetly improved since i made this thread. 👍

Congrats to all who read this and actually tried to make a difference :cheers:

And i think the mods have also gotten better and have allowed a bit more "fun" or whatever to happen. Its hard to put the finger on what exactly has changed, but what ever it is/was has been for the better.
The main difference I've come acorss is the "rate the *whatever* above you" threads which I thought were going to get locked, but seems they have stayed open and are giving some fun to members. :)

Other than this, overall I think people have made more of an effort to improve things too.
I bet the Mods can't piece together what has caused this thread bump..

.. they've probably forgotten their Alzheimers medication.. ;)

'02 member.
Ironically, history repeats itself..

massive thread bump??
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Don't remember this thread. Seems like it deserves an on-topic response though.

I've been coming here for a little while - I've seen the changes you guys were talking about, and I have to wonder why the complaining. I've tried other forums, but I come back here for a reason, and it has nothing to do with Gran Turismo. I haven't played the game in a few years, but I come here anyway.

I come here because of the moderating staff, not in spite of it. I come here because they know how to let a healthy debate rage while carefully pruning out useless drivel or trolling. I come here for the level of maturity that the moderating staff offers and, to a certain extent, forces on the other members. I do this because I've seen what happens when such rules do not exist.

Yes, it would be nice if we could go back to a time when Gran Turismo was a game that attracted a smaller crowd of more sophisticated members. The success of the game has brought a crowd of people to this site, and the average maturity level has only gone down as a result. The somewhat self-moderating nature of the forum has been disrupted, but I'm glad that the level of contribution expected from the members here hasn't changed.

The Funny Pictures Thread is a fantastic example where some of the immature members on this site can't seem to keep the rules here in mind. It's mind numbing how often the moderators have to come into that thread and say exactly the same things they've said for YEARS. I love that thread, I go there just about every day, but I was happy when it was locked because a message needed to be sent not to abuse it.

I have almost no problem with the way this site has been run - and that's why I keep coming back. I love the fact that the moderators are generally good about not abusing their power too. I've gotten into heated arguments with several moderators about cherished beliefs (religion, global warming, politics, automatic vs. manual transmissions), and in almost all cases they manage to approach the conversation rationally and without using their status to bully those who disagree. I only encountered one exception in the years I've been here - and even that was resolved.

I'd like to thank the moderating staff for their efforts (and it is effort) in keeping this forum one of the best on the interwebs. It's the reason I keep coming back.

Wow I haven't seen this thread in ages.

I wish we could bring back the founding fathers to fix this country as easily as old members can reappear, just to remind us.

On topic, I think GTP as a whole has been flowing very smoothly lately. There's been no fiascos of "overmoderation", and blowups by crazy members, or anything like that that I've noticed. It's been quite pleasant. I haven't even felt the need to check up on the Banned Users List. I might though, just for a chuckle. Surely something humorous has been posted recently.
On topic, I think GTP as a whole has been flowing very smoothly lately. There's been no fiascos of "overmoderation", and blowups by crazy members, or anything like that that I've noticed. It's been quite pleasant. I haven't even felt the need to check up on the Banned Users List. I might though, just for a chuckle. Surely something humorous has been posted recently.

To be serious for about 2minutes id agree on this as well.

Lately it seems to be quite pleasant and going smoothly indeed.
The calm before the storm, what with GT5 on the horizon...

I can't say I've personally noticed any of these issues people have spoken of in the (almost) 3 years I've been here, sure there's the odd idiot passing through or a disagreement but overall I don't recall ever seeing a constant problem and overall have always found GTP to be a pleasant change from the all too common keyboard warrior forum behaviour.