GTP WRS-Online (*GT6*): Event 121 : The Legacy, (really?) V2.0 - Races Complete - January 15, 2014

  • Thread starter Gravitron
Driving in a pack is a whole nother monster all together. I still struggle with it as well as you can see if you see me in any replays. I am decent running time trials and being consistent but see me get near a pack and my speed falls apart. The more you drive with people the more you can judge and adapt to what they will do next, then you will feel more confident as you won't be on eggshells as much and enjoy the beauty of close racing. Always room for improvement.
It's all comes down to experience driving near other humans. If you've played GT for a long time and haven't done much online, you're probably like me in the A-spec races. Abuse the AI to no end.

Even after doing online races here every Wed for 6 months I still was getting nervous and almost nauseous beforehand. But having people who were similar speed as me and driving close to them really forces you to improve together (As @GTP_DeathStar was saying).

The leaderboard is there to help us place you. Some will want to enter their best laps so they can run with people faster than them. Some will want to enter their average laps so they can get used to close racing.
The "AI" has come to fear my divebombs over the years, so much so that I can do it without contact most of the time because I know they'll give way as soon as they see me dive inside. Of course, divebombing isn't exactly how it works (most of the time) in real life.

I know - practice makes close to perfect. I'll try using average speed on the leaderboard.
Driving in a pack is a whole nother monster all together. I still struggle with it as well as you can see if you see me in any replays. I am decent running time trials and being consistent but see me get near a pack and my speed falls apart. The more you drive with people the more you can judge and adapt to what they will do next, then you will feel more confident as you won't be on eggshells as much and enjoy the beauty of close racing. Always room for improvement.

Nice racing tonight nish. Same for See and rph and joe and EDK and...

I managed to make at least one bigger mistake each race (and lots of little ones). That happens when you are rusty and don't practice much, but I felt a bit better than last week and there was a LOT of very close racing which was fun (and by design).

Nice to see the new guys and get back on track with some old buds too. See you next week.

PS. Room ran very nicely. Thanks guys for following all directions and keeping things going smooth.
I will be able to make it to the AUS races! Updating status now.
"Staying up till 1:30am on a work night. Challenge accepted."

Looks like there's a practice room open hosted by GTP_clock with Seize_HKS and GTP_zapphoid open right now.

But JTV should be opening the official Aus/NZ room soon. 👍
I'll get a bit more practice in....why not? Haha you also had me rollin' with the challenge accepted. Had to convince the fiance with this race, so I hope I'm racing inspired!
I'll get a bit more practice in....why not? Haha you also had me rollin' with the challenge accepted. Had to convince the fiance with this race, so I hope I'm racing inspired!

Fix your sig man, you are not division ? anymore. :sly:

You NA guys staying up late for AU are nuts... I will join you next week I think. :lol:
Fix your sig man, you are not division ? anymore. :sly:

You NA guys staying up late for AU are nuts... I will join you next week I think. :lol:

Did I get my Division Ranking? I haven't seen anything yet...Figured I would be a pm once you guys knew.
Good racing everyone in the C lounge. Saw some great battles between lots of different guys out there which is great to see, and most of you were racing with us for the first time, so good experience to get under your belt. Good clean, close racing is something that takes a while to learn, and is certainly not easy, so the more practice the better.

GTP_hessi and Turok-134- both stood out to me whilst I was watching, both of you guys were really clean, good awareness around you and seen you both give back positions when you felt you may have been in the wrong where contact was made, so good observation of the OLR. But that's not to say the rest of you guys did badly at all! I will just say to all that raced today, if you are new, and you haven't yet read the OLR, that is a must-do and we expect everyone to conform to it while racing, if you've raced before, then refresh your memory!

One incident I did just want to mention, @LittlePaul78 in the last race, you made a mistake on the final corner coming onto the start/finish straight and were in the grass. You blindly entered the track without checking the positions of other guys on track, and drove straight out in front of someone. That is a very fast corner, and you caused the person behind you to smash straight into the side. And then you did it again straight after! I think that time the guy managed to dodge you, but you must do your best to observe others on track. If you make a mistake and come off track, it's your responsibility to ensure you do not impede anyone that might be around you whilst re-entering the track. If that means waiting until the all other cars are safely through then so be it.

I apolagise for making an example of you, please don't be off-put or take it personally, but this is a good lesson we can all learn from :)

Yep, I apologise for this, I should have really known better, I've been racing in leagues for a long time. I guess a bit of frustration starting to kick in on something, I don't normally do things like that. I promise it won't happen again. 👍
It was a great night, my first 3 races and my first 3 wins in GTP WRS :D
Good job to all of you racers and organizers, this was a real fun event 👍
Gz Turok, i'll hit you with a friend invite later on, maybe we can race again soon so I can practice more @ online environment.
Room ended for me when Jon had to shut down his PS3 due to overheating. :(

Great battles with everyone I came into proximity with, Jon, Jammy, Intercpt. 👍

Wonderful first timeslot for Aus/NZ. :cheers:

Had hoped to battle Josh but circumstances kept us apart for most of it.
Room ended for me when Jon had to shut down his PS3 due to overheating. :(

Great battles with everyone I came into proximity with, Jon, Jammy, Intercpt. 👍

Wonderful first timeslot for Aus/NZ. :cheers:

Had hoped to battle Josh but circumstances kept us apart for most of it.

Yeah dude was awesome!

There was some unnecessary contact between peeps, but overall was clean and fun!
Had a few WTF moments with GTP Animera and one of the american guys.'

I'm Michael btw!
Yeah, I was following the guys in front of me who were racing side by side, so I had to change braking points and lines.
Some good racing, pity the room got closed.
AU/NZ races were fun and close ones. I did also DC from last race just after Jon left.
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I enjoyed my evening's racing - thanks to all in EU room B 👍

It was spoiled by apparent internet/connection/server problems.
For example - apparently there were 14 cars in race 3, but according to my screen there were only 6 including me.
I was told afterwards that came 4th, but my screen showed me 3rd.
I wasn't the only one with this problem - only a few guys could see everyone.
I've never had this problem before. It's a shame, because I spent most of my races apparently circulating by myself.
Anyone know the cause of this issue?
I enjoyed my evening's racing - thanks to all in EU room B 👍

It was spoiled by apparent internet/connection/server problems.
For example - apparently there were 14 cars in race 3, but according to my screen there were only 6 including me.
I was told afterwards that came 4th, but my screen showed me 3rd.
I wasn't the only one with this problem - only a few guys could see everyone.
I've never had this problem before. It's a shame, because I spent most of my races apparently circulating by myself.
Anyone know the cause of this issue?

Don't know the cause of it, but we had the same in room A.

Before Quali we checked if everyone could see each other, and some had to leave the room and re-enter. Problem was solved!
Don't know the cause of it, but we had the same in room A.

Before Quali we checked if everyone could see each other, and some had to leave the room and re-enter. Problem was solved!

Yes - we all tried that - didn't seem to work in our room
Wow holy cow I ended up getting home from work at 730pm (race was meant to be at 4pm my local time). Had to work extra hours and had no forum access at work since I work on site. That's why I couldn't give a heads up in advance for a no show =(
Maybe next time eh? Apologies where apologies are due..
I really don't understand how I am so much slower than everyone else. On my Practice time I must have had the settings wrong or something. I struggled to get into the 1.28's in last nights races, I've done loads of laps now, just don't see how i'm 3-4 seconds off the pace. I feel like i'm getting everything out of it I can.
I can imagine getting the time down a little bit more with lots and lots more practice. But nowhere near enough to bridge that gap.

If anyone's got any time to give me some pointers/tips then I'd be very greatful as I'm stumped at the moment.
I really don't understand how I am so much slower than everyone else. On my Practice time I must have had the settings wrong or something. I struggled to get into the 1.28's in last nights races, I've done loads of laps now, just don't see how i'm 3-4 seconds off the pace. I feel like i'm getting everything out of it I can.
I can imagine getting the time down a little bit more with lots and lots more practice. But nowhere near enough to bridge that gap.

If anyone's got any time to give me some pointers/tips then I'd be very greatful as I'm stumped at the moment.

Hey Willie,

I think you might be braking to late and causing your self to lose more time than you may think your gaining? I'd try braking 5/10m earlier, and even just letting it roll through the corner a little bit before getting on the gas. You could also try dropping a gear to be in the very high rpm range so that the rear comes round a little bit? May be a place to start, but without watching you go round I couldn't possibly comment further than that.
It's a shame, because I spent most of my races apparently circulating by myself.

In the last race, I was behind you for the majority of the race, even if you didn't know it :) Was fun trying to stay up with you. Though it didn't end well, but nothing you could do with all the issues we had last night.

I managed to get into the 25s as well as the races went on, so I was happy with that. Stuck in the 27s during the practice sessions.
I enjoyed my evening's racing - thanks to all in EU room B 👍

It was spoiled by apparent internet/connection/server problems.
For example - apparently there were 14 cars in race 3, but according to my screen there were only 6 including me.
I was told afterwards that came 4th, but my screen showed me 3rd.
I wasn't the only one with this problem - only a few guys could see everyone.
I've never had this problem before. It's a shame, because I spent most of my races apparently circulating by myself.
Anyone know the cause of this issue?

I feel ya. I came in least until I was told I was really in 11th or something. :confused: I like my version of the race better...haha. :lol:

Yes - we all tried that - didn't seem to work in our room

Rejoining didn't work 100% for myself in the EU race as some were still invisible, but it happened again in the NA race and when I rejoined, it did fixed the problem...for me, anyway.
Wish I could've stayed in N/A lobby, I had good pace (1:26) even with ABS=0 and absolutely no practice.

Not being able to see each other kinda sucks, Polyphony Digital, so let's fix that so I can actually race with @Gravitron and friends.
Everyone take a look at their router settings, and read the Network section of our WRS Online Comprehensive Guide.
Having the PS3 in a DMZ helps.

We haven't really updated it from GT5, but we're all running the same setup/equipment as we were in GT5.

@ITCC_Andrew, I know you've run online a lot, but seriously when you left the room, the multiple people who were having issues were fixed.

That said, sometimes it can be the hosts fault, and a last ditch thing to try is to have them leave and come back and see if the same issues exist when lounge ownership transfers to the next guy.
@asoimu , @Eggstor , @willie12:

It seems we've all got some practice to do! I decided to cancel yesterday's race 'cause I was simply too slow in practice (and it's really not that fun to race alone in the back for the whole race).

I've taken it upon myself to become a faster and better driver this year. Of course, practice is probably the most important thing, but I'm doing a bit of research to see where else I can find help getting faster.

Yesterday I watched iRacing's Driving School at YouTube, and they really do have some interesting points! You guys should definitely check it out:

Does anyone else have any good tips, pointers, things to do, books to read etc. to get faster? :)