Will the time taken to get the fields ready and in order plus formation laps be added onto the time taken, or will that be included in race time?
Will the time taken to get the fields ready and in order plus formation laps be added onto the time taken, or will that be included in race time?
That's a good question.
I'd say that since it's hard to remember at exactly what second your race actually started, racing for 2:30.000 including 2 formationlaps should do the job just great. 👍
To make it easy we are just going by the on screen race clock so yes the time take for formation will count toward the 2.4 hours. The race will end when the lead car first passes the finish line after 2:24 on the race clock.
For the enduro we are not going to have the GT cars "lap" the LMP so there will only be one formation lap. It's close enough that we'll just count it and not bother adding extra minutes to account.
Everyone just take that into account now and no complaining after the race that you would have passed x or y in the last 2 minutes. If that doesn't please you timing nuts then you can just call it the 2.3 hour enduro and add the 6 minutes for yourself.
To make it easy we are just going by the on screen race clock so yes the time take for formation will count toward the 2.4 hours. The race will end when the lead car first passes the finish line after 2:24 on the race clock.
For the enduro we are not going to have the GT cars "lap" the LMP so there will only be one formation lap. It's close enough that we'll just count it and not bother adding extra minutes to account.
Everyone just take that into account now and no complaining after the race that you would have passed x or y in the last 2 minutes. If that doesn't please you timing nuts then you can just call it the 2.3 hour enduro and add the 6 minutes for yourself.
CSLACR4.5 hours from this post.
I think Eddie might get off before the deadline, but I dunno about a host being available that late.
Stop worrying Denilson im sure your time is great!!
Oh, btw, I've not seen anything that says I can't publish my quali time.
Is that more of an unwritten rule kind of thing, or is it in fact a stated rule?
It's not like I'm going to post my quali time either way, but I fighured it could be good to know for future events to prevent my fingers from slipping.
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