GTP - Your Best 10 Films of All Time

  • Thread starter Famine
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What's wrong with Mulholland Dr? OK. It was a bit (oh alright, very hard) to follow most of the time, BUT it had Laura Harring's breasts exposed for a fair percentage of the film! Surely you can excuse it on that basis Famine?

I'm also happy to see lots of other "classics" that I love, but couldn't squeeze into my list such as Usual Suspects, Beavis & Butthead Do America (if I was to go with 1st instincts and put Yellow Submarine in there as well, I'd have had 3 animated films in the top 10! Before PIXAR offerings!), Memento, Blazing Saddles etc etc.
It's amazing that the mind will draw a blank when thinking about my most favorite movies, and even more so when I need to come up with ten of them.

I tried to pick movies that I can, and would willingly watch over and over again. This is what I came up with.

In no particular order:

  • A Few Good Men
  • The Professional (Extended Version)
  • Pulp Fiction
  • The Usual Suspects
  • Rear Window
  • Red Dawn :)
  • Casino
  • Aliens
  • Pale Rider
  • True Romance
  • Billy Budd

That's 11, so sue me.
As Boom said, all-of-a-sudden, I am drawing blanks :grumpy:

In no particular order:

  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Seven
  • Ronin
  • Shawshank Redemption
  • Kill Bill
  • The Truman Show
  • The Matrix
  • Papillion (original)
  • Good Will Hunting
  • Finding Forrester
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The Matrix
T2: Judgement Day
Rocky Anthology
White men can't jump
The Untouchables
Dumb and dumber
The empire strikes back
Spiderman 1+2
My top ten changes month by month. But these ten usually make an apperance;
1. Seven Samurai
2. Blade Runner
3. Once Upon a Time in the West
4. Empire Strikes Back
5. Jaws
6. Alien
7. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
8. Amores Perros
9. Yojimbo
10. Spirited Away

If you asked me again in a months time it'd probably be different, but I'm happy with them!
No particular order:
- South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
- Le Mans (Steve McQueen actually drove)
- Forrest Gump
- Ocean's Eleven (Remake)
- The Matrix
- Kill Bill (Vol. 1 only)
- T2: Judgement Day
- Rocky
- LOTR Trilogy
- The Great Escape
My top 10.

1) Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
2) Pulp Fiction
3) Unbreakable
4) Die Hard
5) National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
6) Back To The Future(s)
7) Total Recall
8) Saving Private Ryan
9) Star Wars (Original Trilogy)
10) Alien Quadrilogy
2.Friday After Next
3.Pitch Black
4.The Shining
5.Godfather I,II,III
7.Next Friday
8.Apocolsype Now
9.Saving Private Ryan
10.Oceans Eleven

Please vote for one film in a series or all of them - don't fill up your list with sequels and prequels in a series.
Boom calls me as I was eating, says "Top 10 movies, lemmy know . . ."
I had 10 off the top of my head right away, by the time I called him back the list had grown . . . But, as far as movies I could watch over and over and over . . .

4 BAD BOYS (both)
5 DIE HARD (all 3)
8 ALIENS (2nd movie)

Honorable Mentions to,
Anything Mel Brooks and Monty Python, All the Bruce Lee movies
Weird Science and Point Break (dont hate Boom!)
What's wrong with Mulholland Dr? OK. It was a bit (oh alright, very hard) to follow most of the time, BUT it had Laura Harring's breasts exposed for a fair percentage of the film! Surely you can excuse it on that basis Famine?

Just barely. The movie was completely unintelligible, yet it still recieved rave reviews. Care to tell me what the movie was about?
Just barely. The movie was completely unintelligible, yet it still recieved rave reviews. Care to tell me what the movie was about?

It was only unintelligible to those of low intelligence... It takes a few times through to gather all the clues and start to piece together the reality... David Lynch is one of cinemas true visionaries, and Mulholland Dr. beautifully showcases that vision...

I'm not going to go into detail at all about the film (as I don't want to spoil anything) but for those with the capacity to follow the abstract plot structure, it is well worth it... Truely a masterpiece...

Lost Highway is another of David Lynch's films that most find hard to comprehend... You have to think outside the box, as it were, to make any kind of sense of it...

You have to think of these two films as from one persons point of view (that's the key)... They are representations of a state of mind... That's all I will say... These films provide such an engaging visceral experience (or journey, if you prefer)... I have no wish to spoil it, for those willing to take the journey...

BTW, I would also like to give honorable mention to a few films not on my list:

The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
A Clockwork Orange
Saving Grace (funny as hell)
The Graduate

I'm sure I can come up with more honorable mentions...

David Lynch is ****ed up. All he does is create visual representations of bad drug trips. If I want to experience something akin to a Lynch film, all I have to do is drop acid.

On the other hand, Naomi Watts' boobies were in Mulholland Dr., so it wasn't a total loss. Let's hear it for childishness!
Delphic Reason
It was only unintelligible to those of low intelligence

Turn it in.

My girlfriend and I have between us 2 Bachelor's degrees, 1 Master's degree and a combined IQ of 308.

When Mulholland Drive had finished, she went onto IMDB to ask what the hell it was about.
Top 11 ( couldn't cut one )
**Oceans 11 ( re-make )
**Pulp Fiction
**Gone in Sixty Seconds ( re-make)
**LOTR trilogy
**StarWars ( Trilogy and Episode 2 )
**Bridget Jones Diary ( its like a car crash, I can't pull myself away from it, its just a brilliant film )
**Lethal Weapon ( all of them )
**Get Shorty
**Godfather I, II, II

My girlfriend and I have between us 2 Bachelor's degrees, 1 Master's degree and a combined IQ of 308.

When Mulholland Drive had finished, she went onto IMDB to ask what the hell it was about.

Wow that's one clever girlfriend Famine, an IQ of 278 is pretty impressive!!!! :P

Know what you mean though, my wife and I have an MSc and MPA between us, and we went to IMDB afterwards! Its quicker than watching the film over again!

I kind of like films like that which leave you a little confused, Donnie Darko and Brazil are 2 prime examples. Also Fight Club, that's obvious what happened, but the 2nd time you see the film you notice how apparent it is all the way through the film, but you don't pick up on it so much the 1st time through!
I'll have a go. In no particular order:

Terminator 2
Ocean's 11
Saving Private Ryan
Romeo Must Die
Good Will Hunting
The Bourne Identity
Finding Nemo
Heres a few of my favorites. 👍

1. Vanilla Sky
2. Bringing out the Dead
3. Vanishing Point
3. The Way of the Gun
4. American History X
5. Plup Ficition
6. Fight Club
7. Jackie Brown
8. Donnie Darko
9. Reservoir Dogs
10. Minority Report
Anderton Prime
David Lynch is ****ed up. All he does is create visual representations of bad drug trips. If I want to experience something akin to a Lynch film, all I have to do is drop acid.

On the other hand, Naomi Watts' boobies were in Mulholland Dr., so it wasn't a total loss. Let's hear it for childishness!

I can see that you didn't exactly grasp the films... They had nothing to do with drugs, acid trips, or anything related... Just because you aren't able to decipher something doesn't make it bad... There are many people in this world that were able to understand Lynch's intentions... It took me about 3 times through to find the clues and start to work it out... They are actually quite simple stories of a section of peoples lives... He tells the story in a way that more closely resembles the point of view, and/or feeling of the situations... There is no mysticism, magic, alternate realities, or anything of the sort... Just a simple story of a piece of someones life (real or dreamt) told from their point of view...

As I said before, I'm not going to give anything away... That would completely ruin the experience for anyone interested in an indeapth film experience (not that less intellectual films are bad... Quite the contrary)... However, for those of you that have seen the film, and have had trouble figuring out what's going on, I will give you some resources that will help you find the clues that will ultimately unravel the story for you...

Sometimes it's nice to see a movie that showcases art and film as one... The deapth to these films is like nothing I have ever seen... Symbolism abound...

So, in closing... Don't badmouth something just because you failed to interpret it... Just because you missed the point, doesn't mean it doesn't have a point...

If anyone wants to discuss the plot, or if anyone has any questions about what it is about, send me a PM... I would be more than happy to help anyone better understand these films...

Turn it in.

My girlfriend and I have between us 2 Bachelor's degrees, 1 Master's degree and a combined IQ of 308.

When Mulholland Drive had finished, she went onto IMDB to ask what the hell it was about.

As I have just stated (above) it took me 3 times through to grasp the story... The first time through, I thought it was centered around a multiple personality disorder... The next time through, I started to change my view... The third time through, it all clicked and the puzzle pieces all fell into place...

Furthermore, as I'm sure you know, there are many different types of intelligence... Just because you have an innate knowledgeability in some areas, doesn't mean you will have a nack with interpreting art... It's all relative...

My top ten changes month by month. But these ten usually make an apperance;
1. Seven Samurai
2. Blade Runner
3. Once Upon a Time in the West
4. Empire Strikes Back
5. Jaws
6. Alien
7. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
8. Amores Perros
9. Yojimbo
10. Spirited Away

If you asked me again in a months time it'd probably be different, but I'm happy with them!
Arghh...just saw An American Werewolf in London on tv. I used to watch it all the time when I was younger. I should have put that in the list but I can't. Bugger, bugger, bugger :mad:
Delphic Reason
There is no mysticism, magic, alternate realities, or anything of the sort... Just a simple story of a piece of someones life (real or dreamt) told from their point of view...


Bull****. "Simple story"... that's just ridiculous, and you know it.
Bull****. "Simple story"... that's just ridiculous, and you know it.

The "Story" is simple...

The plot structure is what is complex...

It's hard to explain without giving anything away... Hmmm.. Rest assured the defining subjects of Lost Highway and Mulholland Dr. are very hard to convey on screen...

I wish I could say more...

If anyone wants to discuss what these films were about, and/or why I say the story is simple, send me a PM... I don't want to spoil it for every casual reader of this thread...

Delphic Reason
As I have just stated (above) it took me 3 times through to grasp the story... The first time through, I thought it was centered around a multiple personality disorder... The next time through, I started to change my view... The third time through, it all clicked and the puzzle pieces all fell into place...

Furthermore, as I'm sure you know, there are many different types of intelligence... Just because you have an innate knowledgeability in some areas, doesn't mean you will have a nack with interpreting art... It's all relative..

How relative is it to this statement:

Delphic Reason
It was only unintelligible to those of low intelligence...

Should you perhaps have said "It was only unintelligible to those who don't have a nack with interpreting art" if that's what you meant?

Then again, the English Language is only difficult to those English speakers of low intelligence.

Rather than trying to convey your perceived intellectual superiority over others, I suggest you stick to just the facts to hand. The populous of GTP was asked for their 10 favourite films, not some pompous diatribe about how clever you are because you think you understood a film most people wouldn't give houseroom to. The fact that you class it as one of your favourite films HAS been logged and will be included with the rest of the results when this thread closes in 30 days. Notwithstanding all of that, what makes you sure that your hitherto unspoken interpretation is the correct one?

Without wishing to blow my own trumpet - as lots of willy-waving has already taken place in this thread - I'm a rare bihemispheric. Neither side of my brain is more dominant. Ask your local neurosurgeon for more information. I find art as easy as science.

So, would you like to insult anyone else, or have you finished now? Can we get back to the light-hearted thread at hand?
Famine - I'm not defending Mullholland Drive. I'm defending opinion.

Grand Prix
Woo hoo!

Although not a top ten (likely to make my personal top 20), I like it for the old racing footage, a few good movie lines.

"Pete, do you ever get tired of the driving?"..."No."

"You have to be careful what you say, she's an American journalist."

And the scene of the two Ferrari mechanics fighting in the background...while Jean Pierre Sarti revs the engine...
Delphic Reason
I´ll post my top 10 list when I get home, but I got curious about this one. I don´t think I know this movie, is it new? A link would be great, thanks.
Famine - I'm not defending Mullholland Drive. I'm defending opinion.

I'd like to say at this juncture "Huh?".
Delphic, explain to me how a midget who talks backwards while a guy walks through several rooms lined with red velvet curtains and gets attacked (Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me) is considered a "simple story?" Blue Velvet is another doozy of a movie. And I never said David Lynch was on drugs...if you had bothered to READ my post with your high intelligence level, you'd have picked up on the fact that I said if I wanted to get the same experience I get from watching a Lynch movie, all I have to do is drop acid.

I welcome a movie that challenges my intellect, a la Memento, Donnie Darko, etc., but in my opinion David Lynch suffers from undiagnosed Attention Defecit Disorder, and his movies show this in full. He makes movies to **** with people's heads, not to challenge their thinking, no matter how you try to defend it.
Picking only 10 is a tall order, Famine. But choosing only The Best from a large list, I came up with...

The final print: (in order of release)

Shichinin no samurai (Seven Samuri)
Star Wars Saga (I, II, IV, V, VI)
Star Trek: The Even Numbered Films (minus Nemesis)
Indiana Jones trilogy
Blade Runner
Out of Africa
Dances with Wolves
Saving Private Ryan

On the cutting room floor:

Alien, Aliens
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
Terminator I and II
Back to the Future trilogy
Empire of the Sun
Forrest Gump
The Lord of the Rings
Cast Away

*replaces Empire of the Sun

Notwithstanding all of that, what makes you sure that your hitherto unspoken interpretation is the correct one?

David Lynch has explained the basic plot line of the film... I'll see if I can find the link... This is what get's me... I explained numerous times that I would love to have a civil conversation about the film (via PM)... I never proclaimed my intellectual superiority... It's about as rediculous as posting your IQ...

Rather than trying to convey your perceived intellectual superiority over others, I suggest you stick to just the facts to hand. The populous of GTP was asked for their 10 favourite films, not some pompous diatribe about how clever you are because you think you understood a film most people wouldn't give houseroom to. The fact that you class it as one of your favourite films HAS been logged and will be included with the rest of the results when this thread closes in 30 days.

Wha are you on about?... I don't think I am in any way more intelligent than you or anyone else... I merely stated that there are different types of intelligence... I have always had a nack for interpretting art, yet, I can't do math to save my life. Some might have a nack for organization and problem solving, but are completely inept in social situations, and on and on, in many variations... I have the utmost faith in your ability to interpret these films, and I'm sure if you were to watch it a few more times, you would indeed start to unravel the story... For Christs sake, I already stated it took me 3 times through to get a good grasp of the basic timeline and plot structure. My experience with Lynch films, as well as other more abstract writer/directors, gave me some of the tools that made it a bit easier to at least begin to find clues the first time through. Understanding the director and their style, helps better interpret any film IMO... I am not talking down to anyone... I'm just really tired of people blindly puting something down, just because it was tough to follow, or they had trouble interpreting it...

BTW, since we're on the subject... What exactly was your reasoning behind your "killing a moderator" statement?... Since we're on the topic of pomposity... I have said nothing derogatory about anyones film choices, yet I have been the reciever of such...

Should you perhaps have said "It was only unintelligible to those who don't have a nack with interpreting art" if that's what you meant?

Yes, I should have said something along those lines... It was a bit of a stab, I agree... It's just amazing to me how many people can misinterpret a film and then badmouth it on those points... I was a little heated and lashed out unnecessarily... I apologise...

And I never said David Lynch was on drugs...if you had bothered to READ my post with your high intelligence level, you'd have picked up on the fact that I said if I wanted to get the same experience I get from watching a Lynch movie, all I have to do is drop acid.

You didn't huh?...

David Lynch is ****ed up. All he does is create visual representations of bad drug trips.

How exactly was I supposed to interpret this statement?... My point was, David Lynch, did not create a visual representation of a "bad drug trip"... That's what I'm getting at... If you must know... The majority of the film is in a dream state, and is complicated by the main characters obsession, and thus, psychosis... As I have said before.. It is very difficult to bring such realities to the big screen, and Lynch did a great job of doing so... Yes, that is my opinion, of which I am entitled... If I knew that I was going to get such flack over posting Mulholland Dr. as one of my favorite movies, I would have refrained...

I just posted the film, and recieved all kinds of badmouthing of it soon thereafter...

Delphic, explain to me how a midget who talks backwards while a guy walks through several rooms lined with red velvet curtains and gets attacked (Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me) is considered a "simple story?" Blue Velvet is another doozy of a movie.

Do you understand the difference between "story" and "plot structure"?... Before anyone jumps down my throat again... I am not talking down to you, I am just asking a question that will better help me understand the best way to explain what you have asked... Once again... If anyone wants to discuss this further, please send me a PM... I have no wish to clutter this thread, and I have tried numerous times to take this converstation out of this thread and into a PM, but people keep replying instead of PMing...

This is the last time I will post in this thread regarding this subject (out of respect for Famine).. Anyone that wants to continue the discussion (discussion, not flamfest) please send me a PM instead of filling this thread with any more flaming...

So, would you like to insult anyone else, or have you finished now? Can we get back to the light-hearted thread at hand?
Yesterday 9:09 PM

I didn't insult anyone... I may have poorly worded a few small details, but my intention was never to belittle anyone... I have tried to get this thread back on topic, so with everyones help, I would love to do so...

Other honorable mentions...

Ronin (one of the best car chases ever filmed)
My Left Foot

´ll post my top 10 list when I get home, but I got curious about this one. I don´t think I know this movie, is it new? A link would be great, thanks.

No, it's not new... It was released in 1985...

It's an interesting film... Visually stunning...

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