GTP - Your Best 10 Films of All Time

  • Thread starter Famine
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Okay, I've now got 34 lists and nearly TWO HUNDRED films nominated.

The current top 30 says it's good to be Hugo Weaving or a science fiction film... There's a definite top 10, with 20 behind them which could change places with the other 150 for the sake of just one or two votes. Keep those nominations rolling in!
In no particular order

The Matrix (first only)
Oceans Eleven
The Boondock Saints
Dumb and Dumber
We were Soldiers (probably my favorite)
The Green Mile
The Shawshank Redemption
The Shawshank Redemption
I feel like a fool right now, that is easily one of my favourite movies of all time, and I forgot to nominate it! :dunce:

Swapped in The Shawshank Redemption and swapped out The Naked Gun trilogy.
There's no need to swap out films - the final 30-most-voted-for films will be posted up on 25th December and you can pick from there. I'd put money on The Shawshank Redemption being in there.
Alphabatized and then jumbled around:

  • Snatch
  • Fight Club
  • American History X
  • The Crow (first one)
  • Lord Of The Rings
  • Dirty Work
  • Saw
  • Shrek 2
  • Seven
  • Vanilla Sky

Pi might of been in there if I understood it, or watched it more than once.
Pi might of been in there if I understood it, or watched it more than once.

Don't feel bad... A lot of people that think they understood it, really missed the point... It's not an easy watch for most... Give it another go, though... Just remember that it is ripe with symbolism.. Not everything is what it seems...

I'd put money on The Shawshank Redemption being in there.

As it should be... Good writing, solid plot, and moving performances...

1) office space - the one movie that anyone with an office job can completely relate to. I absolutely love this movie... that reminds me, I should head down to HMV to pick up the DVD of it.

the rest in no particular order:
Groundhog Day - no reason really... it's just that i've seen it 50+ times and didn't mind it each of them
Ocean's 11
Bourne Identity
Spy Game
shawshank redemption
Wag The Dog

there's more, but nothing will come to mind
In no particular order:

Pulp Fiction
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Spirited Away
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Mystery Science Theatre 3000: The Movie (This Island Earth)
Forrest Gump
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Pulp Fiction
True Romance
The Green Mile
Shawshank Redemption
Saving Private Ryan
The Silence of the Lambs
Back to the Future

As you can see, I'm not much into sci-fi or fantasy :D I like comedy but no comedy films are good enough for my top 10 :)
pulp fiction 👍
requiem for a dream (sp)
the big lebowski
spirited away
fear and loathign in las vegas
boiler room
cheech and chong up in smoke
royal tenenbaums
donnie darko
24th hour
fight club
american history x
any bill murray movie
the list goes on...

I remember seeing some Myster Science Theater once and loved it, but i've had a hard time coming by it again.
I thought of another one!

What The #%* Do We Know

That would probably replace Dirty Work.

I'd also like to see "Radio". Now that its out on extended cable TV, I can cry at home.
I don't have an order, but I certainly know my Top 10. I'll probably leave some out, and I'm going to go rent out Carlito's Way soon, and it sounds like that movie might enter my Top 10 from what I've been told. But here we go:

  • Scarface
  • GoodFellas
  • Taxi Driver
  • The Godfather Series
  • Training Day
  • Heat
  • Ronin
  • Gone in 60 Seconds
  • Snatch
  • Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels

I most likely missed things.
Goodfellas is on right now on channel 9 i think lol, anyways

I dont watch enough movies to find ones i hate as i normally forget about them, but i dont like black and white movies
Yeah, it is on now, but I hate watching movies on TV. Ad Breaks ruin everything. By the way, GoodFellas isn't black and white, if that's what you thought...
1- Good Will Hunting
2- High Fidelity (I get some good laughs out of it)
3- Wit (a TV film but a good one at that)
4- The Rage In Placid Lake (Australian, very amusing if you give it a chance)
5- Memento
6- The Truman Show
7- Adaptation
8- The Fifth Element
9- Bringing Out The Dead
10- Run Lola Run (German)

I also give "Wrestling Ernest Hemingway" an honorable mention. Some would find it boring, I think it's relaxing.
no real order

donnie darko
boondock saints
dawn of the dead
saving private ryan
monty python and the holy grail
history of the world
half baked
pulp fiction

there it is
in no order:

Boondock Saints 👍
Dawn of the Dead 👍
South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut 👍 👍
Clerks 👍
Resident Evil, apocolpyse 👍
Team America: World Police 👍
Army of Darkness 👍
Kids 👍
Cky2k 👍
Donnie Darko 👍
Happy Gilmore 👎 ....i mean 👍
Half Baked 👍
Akira 👍
Pulp Fiction 👍
Battle Royale 👍
Dirty Work 👍
Monthy Python and the Holy Grail 👍
The American Pie trilogy 👍
Roujin Z (not a major fan of anime, but any movie that has old men getting hurt is awesome) 👍
Jay and Silent Bob strike back 👍

Ok, so that was more than 10, but they still all rule
Always the way. Case in point: Das Boot (also worthy of a nomination, I would say)

Agreed... Great Film...

I would like to add:

City of God

It's a Brazilian film (Yes, that means you have to read) set in a slum outside Rio De Janero called the "City of God"... I highly recommend this film...

LOTR Trilogy
Ace Ventura (both)
Count of Monte Cristo
Star Wars Trilogy (4,5,6)
Pirates of the Caribbean
X-Men 2
Dumb and Dumber
My favorite movies of all time would include...

1. Falling Down - Crazy movie about a man who goes nuts after everyone pisses him off for the last time
2. Monte Python and the quest for the holy grail - Funny parody about king aurthor and his knights of the round table searching endlessly for the holy grail.
3. The Fifth Element - The fifth element is the most beautiful woman i've seen, her hair :bowdown: and she has a great body. Other than that, the acting was good (with the exception of chris tucker) and the special effects were awesome (except for the big ugly aliens who look rubber).
4. I Robot - Great movie, really makes you think. The special effects are great, and the plot just really ties the whole movie together.
5. Beetlejuice - Funny as hell, with some good acting from all the characters. The movie just goes great with my sense of humor, maybe it's just me.
6. Tremors - Really well played, for the longest time I actually thought things those were real, lets just say I avoided walking on the dirt for a while.
7. Super Troopers - Just plain old funny as all hell.
8. Stephen King's IT - When I was a kid, it scared the hell out of me, i'll watch it any day.
9. South Park : bigger, longer, and uncut - Just can't beat southpark, they are too good.
10. Child's Play - That movie has, and always will freak the living hell out of me. I used to own a "my buddy" doll, and my sisters always taped a knife to his hand and put him beside my bed when I was sleeping. To say the least, I will burn any my buddy doll I see. :scared:
Always the way. Case in point: Das Boot (also worthy of a nomination, I would say)

I like The Simpsons rendition of it much more- "Das Booty".

Mine are:

Run Lola Run
The Swimming Pool
Don't Be a Menace To South Central L.A. While Drinking A Juice In The Hood (a parody of Boyz 'n' The Hood and many others)
Thin Red Line
Saving Private Ryan
The Godfather I, II (NOT III)
Good Will Hunting
Bringing Out The Dead
Guns Of Navaro
True Lies
Kill Bill I, II
The Childs Play (soon-to-be) Quintilogy
Shawshank Redemption
The Sweet Hereafter (don't ask
The Devil's Own
The Devil's Advocate
The Generals Daughter
Clear And Present Danger
Jurassic Park 1,2,3
Independance Day
National Lampoons Family Vacation
The Peacemaker
Any Angelina Jolie Movie
That Movie with Marilyn Manson in it that i forget the name of

As you can see i could go on forever so i'll sotp now leaving you with the best of the best...of the best. At least from my perspective. Don't forget MIB.
Note to Iownyouall and PublicSecrecy.......

10 is that number which comes after nine and before eleven. :dunce:

Collectively you submitted over 50 films between you, which is enough for 5 people's Top 10 lists! :sly:

The question was "name your top 10 films", not list every film you've seen over the past 12 months!!!!

Seriously, some people, huh? :lol:
(i'm just winding you up by the way!)
Note to Iownyouall and PublicSecrecy.......

10 is that number which comes after nine and before eleven. :dunce:

Collectively you submitted over 50 films between you, which is enough for 5 people's Top 10 lists! :sly:

The question was "name your top 10 films", not list every film you've seen over the past 12 months!!!!

Seriously, some people, huh? :lol:
(i'm just winding you up by the way!)

Those were not my top ten. Therefore I was in completely within the limits. My top ten are:

1. Die Hard II, III
2. Terminator II
3. Jurrassic Park I, III
4. Casino
5. Any Angelina Jolie Movie
6. The Mummy
7. The Mask
8. Beetlejuice
9. Flesh Gordon (hilarious)
10. Refer to above list. :sly:
Well, seeing as TB had a good point, saying I'd have to boot a movie off my previous list to compensate for the original Gone in 60 Seconds' addition, here goes:

  • Scarface
  • GoodFellas
  • Taxi Driver
  • The Godfather Series
  • Training Day
  • Heat
  • Ronin
  • Gone in 60 Seconds (The Original)
  • Gone in 60 Seconds (The Remake)
  • Snatch

Got rid of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
No order:

2.The Matrix Trilogy
3.Good Will Hunting
4.Finding Forrester
5.A Beautiful Mind
6.Contact (actually this would be on top)
7.Back to the Future Trilogy
8.He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (French, subtitled)
9.Basic and Swordfish side-by-side
10.Independence Day

Sorry, I gotta add more: Hero, Die Hard with a Vengence, Zoolander

So, that was really 14, but I can't name one over the other in different categories, you know.
oh god im a big ass movie buff. i have so many that i love, im just gonna blab the first ones on the top of my head.

All 3 STAR WARS 👍 👍 of course, for the time period they were made in the effects are actually pretty good especially all the scenes that take place in the middle of space.
FIGHT CLUB 👍 , man this is just one of those movies that has so many usefull analogies and the at the end finding out who tyler durtan really was just blew my mind.
SEVEN, man the ending on this movie gave me a really wierd feeling but i liked it and it was genous and the plot was a great concept, though brad pitts acting kinda disapointed me in this film.
BUTTERFLY EFFECT 👍 , now i know there's many complaints on this movie but i really thought it was great. It really messes with my mind. Some people give BS saying, "oh man thats so rediculous how is it possible?" but come on really, if you think about it you can actually disect any movie to the point of it being really stupid. and ashton kutcers performance surprised me.
Im gonna have to put RESEVOIR DOGS 👍 and PULP FICTION 👍 together cause they are just pure genous and i cant seperate them.
and you know im just gonna have to put JURASSIC PARK cause come on, its freakin dinosoars in modern times. the other 2 i dont think are work mentioning though.
ok both the X-MEN movies. come on theyre comic book movies, but theyre really good. I mean anyone, even someone who hates comic books, could come and watch these movies and just love the hell out of em.
ok im gonna throw in something stupid here and say BEAVIS AND BUTT HEAD DO AMERICA, ok its stupid i know but this has to be one of the classic cartoons of all time. better than the simpsons. theyre from the days when MTV was actually decent enough to watch.
AMERICAN PIE, now come on i hate most teen movies but this one was actually good, others are good too, but they were more or less the same thing.
TRAINING DAY 👍 , holy crap all that happend in a day? his whole life just got fliped around in a day, i loved it.

crap man i have many more. but yea notice i didnt put lord of the rings. jesus christ come on now. now dont get me wrong i thought he movies were decent. but they definately werent the prodigy that everyone made them out to be.
Is "Memento" the movie where the guy has no short term memory, and has to use tattoo's to remember stuff, and also to find out who killed his wife or something?
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