GTP_Registry Discussion Thread (GT5)

  • Thread starter EDK
It depends on your goals. If you want to win a few weeks in a lower division before getting promoted then you are correct. If you want to start out right where you should be and look to improve right out of the gate then spend a little more time with the qualifier.
My advice was specifically for someone like the guy I quoted who had already submitted and then felt like he didn't try hard enough. Because that's how I felt, so I wanted to see if I could do the qualifier better, and I did... but since you can't update your submission (why isn't there a website submission system that would allow this?) you only regret it.

But I'm thinking that since my best times seem to be luck, whatever division I'm in will still be a challenge.
My advice was specifically for someone like the guy I quoted who had already submitted and then felt like he didn't try hard enough. Because that's how I felt, so I wanted to see if I could do the qualifier better, and I did... but since you can't update your submission (why isn't there a website submission system that would allow this?) you only regret it.

But I'm thinking that since my best times seem to be luck, whatever division I'm in will still be a challenge.

The gist of this thread is that you should put a similar amount of effort into the qualifier that you would put into a WRS event. Everyone has different real lives, and can play GT5 more or less than others accordingly. If you can only devote 1 hour a week to a WRS event, then maybe that's all that is needed for the qualifier.

Personally, I'm aiming to submit a time that I can repeat or at least come close to more than once. I would rather not submit a fluke time that isn't representative of my actual abilities. Oddly enough, I still can't beat the time I set in my first couple sessions at this in either sector. But I usually come within a few tenths of those times though, so I'm not going to call them fluke times. More like I'm trying too hard now :lol:
I was going to submit my times, but today a little devilish voice ordered me to get the T500 RS wheel. So I did and expect it to be delivered tomorrow. Maybe this wheel will gain me a few tenth of second. :dopey:

I believe we have an addict here.
Not certain you have it all under control there in Eindhoven.

P.S.: the thought has crossed my mind.

Yesterday start status:
Just wanted to gain a very limited amount of time: 0.010 to feel comfortable to submit under the psychological limit I was at.
Sector 2 still, 1.100 sec from target.
Sector 3 still, 0.300 sec from target.

Sector 3, I did not get any serious times, not bad, but far from current best.
So thought I was getting close to submit.

Sector 2, quite good times, but no improvement.
After a while I decided "this will be my last run for tonight". Over the line, I thought, this was was very smooth, would not be surprised this is a new best.
Whoooow a 0.500 improvement 👍, got my total time close to yet another psychological limit.
So Sector 2 still, 0.600 sec from target. Seems current targets are quite realistic after all.


For GT5p I submitted a .300 worse then my best time and was struggling in my WRS devision.

I believe I would be struggling again now if I submit my best times, but mainly since I do not know many of the old circuits very well. I'll just take the punches, they will make me strong. :ouch:
got my total time close to yet another psychological limit.

I know exactly how you feel!
My total time is just .2xx from a psychological limit :ouch:, surely Between sector 2 and 3 I'm able to find .2 :grumpy:

I almost feel like I need it if i want to qualify into the Division I want as well. Guess I just have to man up and try one more time!:dunce:
I set TCL to 1 and bettered my sector 2 time by 1/10.

I feel so dirty now.
I honestly think the Difference between Submitters and Divisons will be close , The SLS is a very Easy car to control it is all about taking corners really fast and utlising the High grip provided by the Car ,Still only done one official Run though .
My advice was specifically for someone like the guy I quoted who had already submitted and then felt like he didn't try hard enough.

I understood what you meant. :)

I do want to clarify, it's not that I didn't try hard, or put in what I felt to be a justified effort. It's that what I classified as a fair amount of time put in, is far less than what I'm reading others dedicated to the same task. I put in, what I expect to put in on any given week.
I put in, what I expect to put in on any given week.

That's what is recommended. 👍 If you put in too much time on the qualifier you will qualify in a higher division than you may be able to compete within (due to the amount of time you put in each week), and vice versa.
I set TCL to 1 and bettered my sector 2 time by 1/10.

I feel so dirty now.

That's odd, I've never had to balance the throttle in this car. So much grip, just open the throttle when I can see the exit. I suppose in that 2nd gear left corner after the really fast double-apex right hander, it might be useful, but if I've got the steering bang on, no need for balancing the throttle.

I think I've hit my limit in Sector 2. Though I noticed I missed a couple of apexs by a foot in the replay, which is frustrating, but not neccessarily corners where it makes a lot of time.
Though I noticed I missed a couple of apexs by a foot in the replay, which is frustrating, but not neccessarily corners where it makes a lot of time.

A couple of feet!! I missed the apex on one corner by half the track width in my best "lap".

BTW, turned TCL back off and gained another 2/10 so go figure. Maybe I should just toggle it on an off and soon I will be down to 1'20
That's odd, I've never had to balance the throttle in this car. So much grip, just open the throttle when I can see the exit.

The SLS is a very Easy car to control it is all about taking corners really fast and utlising the High grip provided by the Car ,Still only done one official Run though .

Strange I seem to crash regularly.
OK the car is good and the it is on tires with a lot of grip.
But the track is quite jumpy and also under breaking I seem to lose grip.

in general in WRS I'm slower due to:
1) I'm later on the throttle
2) in really fast throttle controlled corners, I just can not control at the same speed

Looking at the qualifier I believe this will lead to quite a difference in average speed with the fastest. Mainly since their line will be close to perfect, they will be faster on the throttle on exit and closer to the limit in the fast speed corners.
I ran the qualifier yesterday and submitted the times.

Is there anything else I need to do to get into the registry?

I have not been registered before.
I ran the qualifier yesterday and submitted the times.

Is there anything else I need to do to get into the registry?

I have not been registered before.

As long as you submitted the following info you have done all you need to do.
Please include in your PM, your GTP_Registry PSN ID, your location (Country) and all 3 times -
Sector 2 Time, Sector 3 Time and Total Time (Sector 2 + Sector 3)
Submit your time in the following format -
User: [GTPlanet ID] PSN: [PSN ID] Country: [Country] Time: [Total time] Split: [Time 1] Split: [Time 2]
User: EDK PSN: GTP_EDK Country: USA Time: 6'30.153 Split: 2'58.388 Split: 3'31.765
Please name the PM subject title "GTP_Registry Qualifier (Submission)". Any ambiguous subject titles can easily be lost.

Except of course, wait to see what division you end up in.
Can anyone advise on whether this is clean or not? I'm not sure whether the bricks are classed as part of the usable track or not, if not it's extremely marginal :/

Any comments appreciated, this is from my best run on sector 3 so i'm anxious to know if it's admissable or not.:nervous:


Apologies about the massive image, cba to resize it.
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phew, I take it the brick section is classed as part of the track then?

No problem with the barrier, this is as far wide as I got and I was heading back in at this stage. I know I could get a better time as this is the result of a poor previous corner, so i'm not going to submit just yet, but this is the best (clean) run i've managed so far by a few tenths.
phew, I take it the brick section is classed as part of the track then?

It is.

Edit: And even if it wasn't the example you showed would be clear by quite a good margin anyway. About 255 mm or so.
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Submitted and I have a funny feeling that I'll be .2 away from D1 Bronze :ouch:. But I'd rather finish leveling to 40 so I can spend more time on the WRS later 👍

Time submitted, I'm not planning for a big division ranking. Just want to improve my skills, so we'll see where I place with my times :D
It is.

Edit: And even if it wasn't the example you showed would be clear by quite a good margin anyway. About 255 mm or so.

Does this mean you have the width of the tyres to play with as well? i.e it would still be clean as long as the outside edge of the tyres are on a surface considered track?

This is academic really, it's not like i've got the finesse to use the extra width anyway! :)
Does this mean you have the width of the tyres to play with as well? i.e it would still be clean as long as the outside edge of the tyres are on a surface considered track?

This is academic really, it's not like i've got the finesse to use the extra width anyway! :)

As long as some part of the tyre is on what is considered track you're clean.

But in WRS the guidline is always: If you're not 100 % sure that your lap is clean then consider it dirty.
Does this mean you have the width of the tyres to play with as well? i.e it would still be clean as long as the outside edge of the tyres are on a surface considered track?

This is academic really, it's not like i've got the finesse to use the extra width anyway! :)
Yes, you're totally right.

EDIT: tree'd by Thomas.
Arrrg !

My big problem is because my save is in my another PSN > Faria0808

And i need to restart the game in another accont just to be in GTP competitions
Arrrg !

My big problem is because my save is in my another PSN > Faria0808

And i need to restart the game in another accont just to be in GTP competitions
That's not a really big problem as you can do the seaonal events. If you gift the cars you need for the seasonal events from your main account to your GTP account, you'll be at level 12 in no time.

So if i get this right,if i dont submit a time i'm off the list?👍

Thanks in advance.
If you don't submit a time you're not on the list. You have to save the replays from your best sector times to in order to provide a replay too if asked for.
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Totally agree that one should dedicate the time you are able to manage on regular WRS. I am planning to give it 45-60 minutes a day on sector 2 this week and the same goes for sector 3 next week.
Just yesterday I improved my time in about 1.4 secs, but I think there is still room for some improvement...another 0.2xx or 0.3xx would be ideal.
As long as some part of the tyre is on what is considered track you're clean.

wahoooo! An excuse to run massive amounts of camber, Sidewall's touching the track :)

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