Great work to you Sjaak for dealing with this in Sphinx's absence, and well done to all for applying to the registry.
Please do have patience and all those good things will come your way. There is a very detailed way the staff go about arranging the divisions, placements and registered members here to maintain the quality and the experience for all involved. These thingstake time to do absolutely correctly and with real life limitations sometimes the wait is longer than we would ideally like, but you have to accept that and just enjoy the place for the time being while the nitty gritty gets seen to.
Some things to remember:
- You can check if any of your PMs have been received by going to your sent list and seeing if there is a receipt confirmation. If not, patience 👍
- Nobody at GTP has any reason to delay prospective entrants or their divisional placements
- The staff take their responsibilities very seriously and do them well, when you spend more time here you will see just how much work people like Sphink, Sjaak and EDK put into the OLR organisation and events. You are going to love being a part of this

All the best