---GTP_ChunkiMonkey==Chunkee_Monkey==Div.1 Gold
Requested replay =![]()
Congrats 👍
Awesome job Chunkee, very well done mate 👍
Congratulations mate, brilliant quali lap!
All the best
Congratulations Chunky
That's a really great qualifier time. Not only are you quick on the track, but you're also a great tuner as well. That's a deadly combination
Great to have you on the registry 👍
I told you you were D1 standard! Congratulations chunkee, awesome result, at least I have an excuse for being so far behind you now! Hope you'll still race with us D.4 mere mortals!![]()
Congratulations Chunky, very nice Qualli lap time. 👍
Look foward to seeing you on the track.![]()
Excellent time Chunky!
Thankyou, now the playing it safe is over if time allows i may go back to try and move up the board not sure i can match your time, amazing and looks like your another fast guy in the wrong division
32 Chunkee_Monkey 1'54.496 S2 / S2 Manuelle OFF OFF 2009/07/12 09:38
Well done Chunkee! Brilliant division result! 👍
Now you can see what's awaiting you in the Registry thread.![]()
Awesome time Chunkee! Congrats on getting into Div 1 Gold!![]()
Nice going Chunkee!
Thankyou, now the playing it safe is over if time allows i may go back to try and move up the board not sure i can match your time, amazing and looks like your another fast guy in the wrong division
Hehehe... If I invested as much time in every time trial as I did in the RX7 at Fuji (which I'd need to do to maintain that level of performance) my wife would divorce me pronto.
I'm quite happy in D1 Silver - too many aliens in D1 gold.
Nice work Chunkee, I may not be able to match you on the track, but I'm not known as much for my driving as another aspect of racing.Good work.👍
Cheers Paulie and i have said you deserve congratulations for the effort you put in churning out all those cars for masses for such a long time, sometimes with no comeback from those that try and use the set ups, may it long continue and here's hoping that i can just have a small amount of the success you have had 👍
pardon my ignorance, by why is the clutch prohibited?
and what's hybrid as per the "no hybrids" rule?
pardon my ignorance, by why is the clutch prohibited?
and what's hybrid as per the "no hybrids" rule?
---GTP_JazzVanWolfe===JazzNine==Div.4 Gold
---GTP_p360eter===Peterram430==Div.4 Silver
---GTP_Diffuk===Diffuk==Div.4 Gold
---GTP_Asmoday===Asmoday==Div.2 Silver
---GTP_takethewall===takethewall==Div.4 Silver
---GTP_Ingram===pippin4652==Div.2 Gold
---GTP_bluedot===bellybox==Div.4 bronze
---GTP_Stig===Stiggie==Div.2 Gold
---GTP_~Boss429~===~Boss429~==Div.2 Silver