GTP_WRS/3D3 GT6 Career Championship

  • Thread starter hasslemoff
Forgot that a paint job costs more money than I can afford. I re-sent a submission without reading the "Do not re-submit" text at the bottom :dunce:. What will I do?
Value of the car only. You don't have to worry about any other costs of customizing the car.
Forgot that a paint job costs more money than I can afford. I re-sent a submission without reading the "Do not re-submit" text at the bottom :dunce:. What will I do?

I deleted your second Entry, so you should see the correct amount in the table in around an hour 👍.

Im also going to reset the credit table and delete the example's that were on there, so it should only show the people who have already bought there cars.
What car are you guys thinking about running? I'm leaning eunos roadster but that seems like a bland choice.
What car are you guys thinking about running? I'm leaning eunos roadster but that seems like a bland choice.

I tested that car off line it works pretty well. Reading above may go for something in the 400 pp range and limit power, then I can use one car for the first 2 events. The GT, FRs or Brz are nice, but are about 30,000. Maybe with event bonus's before the start of the races, I might have enough. We get 20,000 to start, 2,500 for this weeks TT, and a bonus for some event next week. Have to wait and see how much I can accumulate. I did try one of the Daihatsu's , I could get close to target time at Autumn Ring, but was about 3 seconds off the pace at Grand Valley. I did all testing off line, so my times on line will be slightly slower.

If you don't want to search through the dealerships, here is a nice database with every car , pp, and purchase price.
I still have some more math and tests to plow through before deciding what car to use (and whether to get a multi-stage car now). With the championship based on how much money we have at the end, there is a bit of strategy involved.

Speaking of that, a word to the wise - if you're already at or above the PP limit, you might want to wait to change the oil. I've found that changing the oil forces me to cut an additional 1-2 horsepower on average versus not changing the oil.
Calculate on, man. 👍 I like to see people getting into this, WAAAAY more than they did for the offline career. :cheers:
I still have some more math and tests to plow through before deciding what car to use (and whether to get a multi-stage car now). With the championship based on how much money we have at the end, there is a bit of strategy involved.

Speaking of that, a word to the wise - if you're already at or above the PP limit, you might want to wait to change the oil. I've found that changing the oil forces me to cut an additional 1-2 horsepower on average versus not changing the oil.

It also knocks some cars out of the 350 pp range. I was looking at a Silvia, changed oil then could not detune back to 350. Lots of strategy in this one. If you plan on doing all of the bonus events, you may be able to use a better car than you are thinking of now with just $20,000 available.
What car are you guys thinking about running? I'm leaning eunos roadster but that seems like a bland choice.

I was leaning towards a cappuccino, really nice to drive and stayed under the time cap, I tried it on Autumn Ring, worked great! Took it to Silverstone, and that was when the problems appeared.

The car was fine at Autumn Ring because it has good handling and the track has short straights, Stowe cicuit however, is a fast track, for cars with good straight line speed, this meant that the cappuccino was about 5 seconds off the pace of the other contenders.

This meant that for 14,000 ish, the cappuccino would only suit me for 1 race. I have therefore picked a car that can last me at least 2 of the 3 races, if not all. Although it is quite cliched, it gets the job done and is a good compromise between speed and handling.

I haven't named it because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to. :)
Yep, having the same problems with finding a car that can get close to the target time at GVE. The Mazda Miatas works for GVE, still trying to find a cheap car that has enough HP for the straights at GVE. I like this event, trying cars now that I would probably never purchase.
I'm just coming back from launching a project that monopolized my time for the last 3 weeks and wondered to myself, "What event will I do to re-familiarize myself with GTP?"

This was a fine answer! :gtpflag:
(...this, and the F3 race) 👍

I'm leaning toward the Mazda MX5. So far, it's the only one that I can even get close to the target on GVE
Registration is now open for Bonus Event No 2

Bonus Event Details

Bonus Event No 2: GTP_WRS-Online : Special VII - 2014 WRS F3[D3] Japanese Grand Prix - Oct 4-5

Compete in the 7th Special event in the GTP_WRS-Online : Special VII - 2014 WRS F3[D3] Japanese and receive a nice credit Bonus of 5000 cr.
This car is a blast around this track so if you have not tried it give it a go :).

And don't forget to register.

  • Bonus Credit: 5000 cr
I've heard others lean towards the MX5, including me. I think there's gonna be a lot of them :lol:

I was tempted with a cheap Horrible looking Korean Motor, it was a bit quicker than the lap time but I could use the Power Limiter to slow it down a bit.
Can we change cars at will before events. Meaning I test one...I love it...then I find another that is better...can I replace it and up until when. Madly testing. :crazy:
Can we change cars at will before events. Meaning I test one...I love it...then I find another that is better...can I replace it and up until when. Madly testing. :crazy:
Yes, of course. 👍 Just wait to submit the cost of whatever car you settle on until after the race.

This is one of the rules in the credit tracker post:

You have 48 hours after the event to enter the value of the car (penalty acquired if not)
Yes, of course. 👍 Just wait to submit the cost of whatever car you settle on until after the race.

This is one of the rules in the credit tracker post:

You have 48 hours after the event to enter the value of the car (penalty acquired if not)
Ok...its that...let the testing continue.
Ok...its that...let the testing continue.
Just don't make the mistake I made - I forgot Tuning Prohibited will be on, so if a car was just a bit too slow I would add a few parts to nudge it into the zone. :dunce:
Thinking about signing up for this. Can we use the power limiter or no?

from the Rules on the 1st post:

Tuning Prohibited races, the power limiter is available to use