GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 22 : AsaparaWhat?

  • Thread starter EDK

I FINALLY got some more time to play for this one.
I do see a couple spots where I can make up some more time.
I took the hairpin a little bit wider than I wish I would've.
This track just doesn't want me to make up the time though.:lol:

Hopefully I can improve some more.

T1: 20.666
T2: 31.304
Hundredth of a second in it Kev :sly: How solid is solid, as I think mine's solid as well :lol:

Not my very best, but one of them.

In the end, I was really just shooting for my best lap time, not worried about the splits. I ran some on Saturday, and was hitting .6 T1's with consistency, and could not tie them to anything of value.

Yesterday, I was doing great 3rd sectors, but was really inconsistent at T1 in particular. If I was going to take my pick, I would take the 3rd sector every time. As others have said, so much to gain or lose there.

Just hope it's enough. :nervous:

BTW - For anyone using my tune, I added the chassis rigidity, which seemed to help my consistency. And play around with the rear toe to see if another number suits your style. I found that making the toe more negative (I went as high as -0.25) adds throttle off oversteer but adds more throttle on understeer. I think I was using -0.12 on this particular run.

I also changed the LSD initial torque to 8, which seemed to give me a little more balance.
Initial splits getting worse but going faster and faster in Sector 3...


Up 0.05 at the line. :crazy:
Once again it will be interesting to see the results. I've submitted and now I'm just going to sit back and wait for the results, hopefully I can hang on for a Div 3 podium.
Yeah - drove the whole sector in a straight line :dopey:


Did you not read our rules about corner cutting? :sly:

Amazing that you managed the same exact T1 in your next session. ;)
Give this one more try and simply forgot how to drive so giving up :ouch:
Great week and think i learn a lot from it.

Submiting with

T1: 20.784
T2: 30.933

(diference x.001 from what i already got, but with a better T3 :dunce:)
Yeah - drove the whole sector in a straight line :dopey:


Ooooh, keep doing that! I much prefer the instant gratification of behind ahead on the leaderboard now, than possibly finishing ahead at the line tomorrow. :sly:

Slower is the new faster. Pretty awful T1 considering I'm getting 5/10 under .700 - made up for it with a great T2 though.

Better T3 than before for definite but watching the replay...crikey it looks sloppy. Wondering now if even this will be enough. I'm still running so watch out :P

Slower is the new faster. Pretty awful T1 considering I'm getting 5/10 under .700 - made up for it with a great T2 though.

Better T3 than before for definite but watching the replay...crikey it looks sloppy. Wondering now if even this will be enough. I'm still running so watch out :P
You're freaking me out, man. :odd::eek::confused::bowdown:
Just accidentally saved over my fastest lap replay :dunce: so looks like i will be running this one to the line to try and get a similar time :grumpy:
OK Men - I finally worked out where I was going wrong with the help of a few of you, so thank you. However, I only managed 15 minutes of seat time. I did see a 51.68 and a 51.7 flat at T2 but managed to throw it away with sloppy T3's and then I just ran out of time. Ultimately, this is my best clean lap. My T3 is OK and not as good as previous, but the lap is still a shade faster so it's what I'll be submitting :cheers:


...Sorry, wrote those down wrong. Should be

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Ok, I'm done with this now - submitting when I finish posting this.

Four times tonight I dipped into 20.58x territory but the more I raced, the worse I got at T2 - I set 6 PBs tonight though all in all and although I think I'm going to get jumped by a handful of people, I'm pretty pleased with the time. Fastest I ever reached T2 was a .414 but I think I had it in me to get a split in the .3xx range - just tooooo tricky to hook up.

I don't really know why I have done well this week - I kept having to check my car to make sure it didn't have a turbo attached or super-soft tyres.....

Anyway - good luck guys, I pray that you didn't set blistering T3s :scared:
Little.. more... time... left...

T1: 20.983
T2: 31.076

Where did my .7 T1s go?
So I'm getting different times...
My replay shows "" but when watching the replay, at the top right hand corner, as soon as the lap finishes, it flashes "" which is .010 lower than the lap is labeled.

Note this is not the same as when people have "different lap times" and then see that the sectors and time get overwritten, this flashes up in a 1.5 second window from finish line to replay being off.
It is supposed to be the lap time, anyway, I submitted the time you read on the replay in replay theater, assuming that's considered the correct time of the two.?
Note this is not the same as when people have "different lap times" and then see that the sectors and time get overwritten, this flashes up in a 1.5 second window from finish line to replay being off.
It is supposed to be the lap time, anyway, I submitted the time you read on the replay in replay theater, assuming that's considered the correct time of the two.?

Yes, please go with that time.

We had some issues like this on Prologue as well. Slightly different, but conflicting lap times, nonetheless.

The replay theater time is the "official" time.
Submitted with splits om the board.

Gave it another try tonight but it was not how i planned it :lol:

Had an car length better T1 and a 1.5 car length better T2 with an good chicane. But in heard a noise in my wheel ät turn 13 and that broke my concentration and that was the end of the lap. Also the rest of the night by the way :banghead:

Even worsed i think my wheel is broken. The force feed back doesn't feel the same anymore. :gumpy: Hope it's just the emotion of the disapointment.

With the less time i could spend on this one, i enjoyed it alot.

Kev, thanks for the awesome tune.

Good luck everybody with the results. Another aweful night of sleep :lol:
Did you not read our rules about corner cutting? :sly:

I was nowhere near the corners Kev. :P

Amazing that you managed the same exact T1 in your next session. ;)

Mr Consistency, that's me 👍

Ooooh, keep doing that! I much prefer the instant gratification of behind ahead on the leaderboard now, than possibly finishing ahead at the line tomorrow. :sly:

Heh, its a dash to the line anyway matey. Best of luck to you :cheers: (as long as I'm faster :sly:)

...the more I raced, the worse I got at T2...

Amen to that. :) My T2 has gone haywire and I think the damage is done at turn 2... But your pants are on fire this week Matt. Good luck with Sector 3 fella 👍

Nice T1 Jon 👍 And JH - nice job all round. 👍

Submitted with these:


Slight improvement in 1st and 3rd sectors and carried it to the line for another 0.15

I think I'm about done.... early night tonight - gotta be up at 4.30am tomorrow so can't run until the deadline unfortunately. In theory I can still see another 0.2 on the lap but I'm at that point where stringing it all together is, well... a bit tricky.
Yes, please go with that time.

We had some issues like this on Prologue as well. Slightly different, but conflicting lap times, nonetheless.

The replay theater time is the "official" time.
Got it.
First time I've ever seen a lap time flash up, it usually quits early. :odd:

1.004 seconds, between 1st, and 25th. :eek:
Pretty neat.
Nice T1, was it the "hold on for dear life" tip that did it? ;)

Yes it was, so thank you Yanaran. Seems I was driving like my Mum and trying to be uber-smooth. Even got into the .5's a couple of times, but I just plain ran out of time to string it into a competitive lap.

Thanks Chris
Hi guys. Sorry for coming late to this weeks combo. It was a busy week with the Open Championship & other things so I only got this evening to pump in the laps. I couldn't of got up to speed though without the setups you guys posted so thanks for them.

T1: 20.604
T2: 30.774

I think I've left .2 out there but I'm out off puff!

Good luck:tup:
1.004 seconds, between 1st, and 25th. :eek:
Pretty neat.

Betting it's not gonna be that way once T3 enters into the equation.

Yes it was, so thank you Yanaran. Seems I was driving like my Mum and trying to be uber-smooth. Even got into the .5's a couple of times, but I just plain ran out of time to string it into a competitive lap.

Thanks Chris

I found that sliding into the slowest corners while still releasing the brakes induced some oversteer and made me a bit quicker. Namely, turn 1, Hairpin (Or whatever you want to call the left after 100R) and the chicane.

Did not translate to the T1 in this last session, but still a technique that gave me faster laps.
Yeah I was doing that, but between my LSD settings and my BB I was losing too much time under braking. I tightened my diff on 'initial' and 'brake' a shade and then took my BB to 6/10 and gained 30m under braking for T1 and could also get on power earlier out of the turn. All of a sudden I was running .6's every lap!!!!

Any chance you can slip the deadline by a day :sly:
really struggled with the 100R section never did nail that section flat out...will be interesting to watch some replays of that... oh a quick noob question while im here,, how do you get your division and controller to show up on your posts at the bottom..
Couldn't improve on Thursday's time despite regularly being .3 or more up at T2. Submitted with the splits on the board.
Improved my T3 slightly but at the cost of some time in earlier sections. Couldn't string it all together so I'll have to hope that my current time will hold up well enough that I won't fall too far. :scared: I don't think I've ever been this nervous and excited to see the final results. :cheers:

On to HSR!