GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 22 : AsaparaWhat?

  • Thread starter EDK
I've got no clue how you guys are getting below 51.5 :confused:

I don't want to move onto the HSR until I've got this sorted
I've only dipped below .5 once, but I'd say there are a few specific things that got me from ~52 to my current splits...

In turn 1, I try to be really gentle on entry and completely reckless on exit. It helps if you can manage to gradually ease off the brakes to help the car rotate a little better (I'm still trying to learn this technique). I drop to about 75 kph then back on throttle in 2nd as hard as I can and just hold on for dear life and hope I don't spin or push wide (probably 50/50 :crazy:).

The second important part for me was the transition 100R - hairpin. I found that if I try to approach the uphill just before the exit at about 180, slightly decelerating (~50% throttle), I can turn the wheel a little bit harder and floor it while still managing to stay pretty tight. That really helps with the hairpin also, where I typically brake in a straight line then coast to just over 100 before the apex and then full throttle through and out.

CSL's gearing actually helped me a bit in T1 and T2 but my old 2nd gear was too long so it might not help you as much if yours was closer to the default one...
I specifically designed second gear to cater to the kink beginning T3, as any longer was taking to long to hit the powerband.
What this did though was make second to short for a few corners, which meant I needed a quicker third, so I adjusted third to where it worked well for each of those corners.
I lengthened fourth for the triple right, and quickened fifth, and it seems to pull fine in either, though fifth can obviously go faster on exit.

The main plus is third can now easily pull through the left "hairpin" I believe it's named, towards the end of T2.
I might quicken third .010 - .020 yet, we'll see how it works with fourth, etc.
Excellent advice...

More excellent advice!

Thanks guys - appreciate you taking the time out to pass on your thoughts. It seems that everyone has taken a step forward and where I was 12th or so I am now I'm 18th. Everyone's putting in some fantastic times, and I'm enjoying the car and the track (yes, even the Tilke section), but the time just isn't falling out for me

Will try all that has been suggested tonight - won't be moving to HSR until the deadline for this event. I'm determined to get a good lap out of this combo :banghead:

Go Matt for the D2 Win :D (sorry Phillip :sly:) and Brinkley's on a flyer as well in D3 👍
I think with the small differences in T2, and the length of T3, and more so the amount turns and the difficulty of those turns means to beware anyone within half a second of you, in either direction.
My final splits. A little slower than the last ones, but the last sector is solid. :)

Pulled third up point 030 clicks, pulled forth up 015 clicks, raised rear camber to 1.2, lowered rear downforce to 35. A little loose.


I can't nail T1 anymore, but if I can I think I've run 30.6xx T2 a few times now.
Just ran a lower OT by 1.8 tenths altho I went basically 4 tenths faster thru T1 and T2 than my pevious best OT. I knew I was doing good and I havent run a lower OT in a few days of trying so I was amped and tried my best to just keep it clean thru T3. Ive went 7 tenths faster thru T3 before than on my best OT.

my new splits.
T1: 20.659
T2: 31.265

I really have no clue how to take T2 6 tenths faster. The best so far Ive done is a 31.1.

My tune I feel is perfect on the throttle side of it but the brakes are critical and i cant yet find a good balance for turn 1 the T2s and the second corner in T3.

My tune is now much more consistent at least im getting within 1 second of my best lap time on average now. before it was 2 seconds.

This is a tough track to not lose time...even tougher to know why.
Finito - good luck.👍


Saw a 20.568 T1, and 51.4xx t2, but t3's a tough cookie. What he said ^.

gears, top speed to 149 then final drive to 3688
Doesn't hit the rev limiter either.;)

14 / 10 / 12

10 / -10
16.8 / 10.4
8 / 4
6 / 2
5 / 2

2.7 / 1.1
0.00 / 0.00

BB 7/4
ABS: 3
Set a new best with active steering on strong, then changed to mild, then none and sure enough in rolled a new best. :)
Switched to Chris' tune for grins (from EDK's, after 700miles), and gained 2 tenths. Pretty sure I would have eventually done as well with EDK's, given enough time:


Thanks for sharing tunes and approaches to sectors, guys! 👍 Much less seat time this week than last week...
Saw a 20.568 T1, and 51.4xx t2, but t3's a tough cookie. What he said ^.
I saw one 51.43 at T2 then proceeded to have my biggest wipeout all week in dunlop. I really think it's evil of PD to put splits just before a hard braking zone like that, I had the same problem at Monza. :)
I saw one 51.43 at T2 then proceeded to have my biggest wipeout all week in dunlop. I really think it's evil of PD to put splits just before a hard braking zone like that, I had the same problem at Monza. :)
You know how they say, "curiosity killed the cat"? It really does.:D
I saw one 51.43 at T2 then proceeded to have my biggest wipeout all week in dunlop. I really think it's evil of PD to put splits just before a hard braking zone like that, I had the same problem at Monza. :)

:lol: done that x1000!!!
Don't look! don't look! don't look!
It's bluuuueee!!!!!!
ooops :guilty:

^ majority of my good laps
Had some Millross envy, so switched to DS3:


EDIT: As usual, "Hello, Poolhaas". :)
I had a feeling you weren't going to stay down there.
It's starting to creep me out to see you're always within a tenth of my time :scared:

Anyway, submitting with splits on the board, had a better time with an alright T3 but it turned out dirty :yuck:
Well I just ran my lowest time I have so far thru T3 and set a new OT by 2.5 tenths...but I lost time thru T1 and T2, about 4.5 tenths. Did turn one ok not great totally screwed up the hairpin so I figure I totally blew this lap and just cruise thru T3 so I can start another lap and set a new best time. hahaha

Well I still have about 5 1/2 tenths I know I could potentially get adding up all my best sectors together and Im still hoping T2s secret reveals itself to me. Still at least 1.1 seconds behind.
Go Matt for the D2 Win :D

It's not likely - Phillip will beat me I'm sure. I'll be happy to hang on for a podium, anything better will just be a bonus.

...there's still time for you too, Jon. I know your game :P
Was hoping for one final run. Sadly not to be.
Submitted with splits on board.

Good Luck all. 👍

Cheers Shaun.
It's not likely - Phillip will beat me I'm sure. I'll be happy to hang on for a podium, anything better will just be a bonus.

...there's still time for you too, Jon. I know your game :P

Yeah right :sly: Let's hope there's still time for me, but I'm only going to get a 30min session tonight, and given my current position I doubt that'll be enough, unless I have some sort of Eureka moment 💡
First and only splits this week
Fun combo 👍
Wish I had more time to put in :grumpy:
Time submitted
:cheers: and good luck all
Managed to get a faster lap. Will be the lap I submit.

T1: 20.953
T2: 31.375

Same T1, slightly slower T2, but faster overall. Interesting.
Don't look! don't look! don't look!
It's bluuuueee!!!!!!
ooops :guilty:

^ majority of my good laps

This so many times, but also with a 51.51x where i made the worst t3 of all times :ouch:

Insane combo this, it keeps calling me for more and then it just slaps in my face how bad driver i´m :crazy:
It's this track... I've always hated Fuji. :P

Great turn 1, off in the sand at turn 2.

Great turn 1 and 2, slide too wide at turn 3 etc... and the third sector is the worst of the bunch with such crucial traction zones, Its quite possible to lose up to a full second in T3 just by trying to keep it clean.

Got my banker lap in anyway with these splits:


Bit off the pace in sector 2 but the best 3rd sector I've had so far... and up 0.15 at the line. Chasing the usual 0.2 on the lap, probably to the deadline.

Good luck chaps. :cheers: Maybe see you at HSR, ploughing into the barrier at turn 2. :)